

The air tensed.

Zeris's back was glued to the wall.

After his mind was freed from that prison, he remembered everything that had occurred while he lost control.

He charged into the pack of wolves like a madman and slaughtered them all. But the price he had to pay was also heavy.

Every inch of his body was covered in crimson stains, some from his own and others from the wolves.

'It hurts like hell.'

'At least in that prison, the pain was lessened..'

Zeris was somewhat regretful.

He could barely move his body. It would burn painfully each time he tried.

But this wasn't the reason why he was so tense.

"Are you finished?"

"Almost, so stop moving."

The ash-white hair girl, Azura, was bandaging his wounds.

It was so sudden even Zeris was confused.

The room was dimly-lit with a few torches left, so he couldn't see her facial feature well. Aside from her hair, her bright violet eye shone beautifully.

Zeris couldn't tell if she was a foe or an ally.

'That piece of fragment is most likely the cause of this situation. From the start, ever since I was back in the cave, I was already being influenced by it.'

'Is it because I overused 'The Fool's Paradise' so my mental strength was weakened? It's quite possible. After all, Rey and Laia would've been the first ones to be inflicted.'

'Wait, didn't Laia mention an ash-white hair friend of hers?'

He broke out of his thought and looked at her.

'The strongest among all apprentices.'

This was what Laia told him. If this was true, then his situation couldn't have been worse.

In any other circumstances, he would've happily greeted her, but this was different.

They were both in a secret chamber.

She was diligently patching up his wounds, but would she turn out like him? A chance that she would lose her sanity just like he did?

Zeris wasn't sure.

No, he had no choice but to hope that she wouldn't turn out that way.

At this thought, his mind traced back to where she first came into the room. He was still in a frenzy-mad state and attacked her on sight.

She easily side-stepped Zeris's attack and gently tapped on his wrist.

He dropped the dagger.

Each spot she tapped, he would lose feelings of that part, and lastly, instead of tapping, she gave him a good flick on the forehead.

Immediately, his mind was released from the prison. His madness was also more bearable as he slowly regained his control.

Remembering this scene, there was no way he could even escape her if she had any malicious plan.

"It's done. Don't try to move around too much for now." Azura said softly and went on to the main problem. "Did you absorb the Fragment of Resentment?"

Zeris cleared his throat.

'How should I answer this? There's no way she will believe me if I say no, and even if I say yes, what would happen then?'

Seeing how Zeris hesitated to answer, she asked another question.

"Nevermind that for now. How's Laia?"

"She should be fine right now. There's no need to worry." Zeris realized his mistake and replied honestly.

Azura slowly sat down beside him.

"I'm surprised you realized."

He smiled.

"Was I staring that intensely?"

"I wouldn't say so, but it was weird how you suddenly looked at me, but I guess it isn't so weird when you have an uncontrollable friend like that. Laia probably badmouthed me, right?"

"The opposite, to be exact; she praised you as if you were a goddess."

Azura suddenly wore a worried expression.

"And you say that she's fine?" She bit her finger. "Laia must've eaten something bad… Are you sure she didn't get hit in the head by some beast?"