
Realmshift Unity

It was a normal winter day for one young man by the name of Issac. That was until unfortunately he got sucked into some kind of portal, popping up out of absolutely nowhere, grabbing him whole on his walk to his dorm after his first day back to college.

At first it was dark, Issac couldn't see a thing, his own hand completely gone from his vision. A cold unbearable shiver encased his entire body. He floated through an empty void for some time, until finally he felt a rising pressure all around him, Issac was terrified as he couldn't fight off the increasing weight as it was crushing, almost tearing him apart but just as fast as it happened it faded away.

Issac not able to feel his body anymore with his mind slowly drifting away, the fear of death being the only thing keeping him together trying once more to move, trying to reach out and grab onto something anything his arms were unresponsive.

Focusing hard on trying to feel his body, his soul, something to anchor him and after enough time the feeling of cold returned to Issac, he focused hard onto the feeling, because he knew if he let go he'd disappear for good. The feeling of cold continued to grow, almost hurting him until the mysterious feeling was placed where his chest should be, then a voice came to him.

It sounded feminine but he couldn't be sure ,the voice then asked "Who do you choose to be your champion?" At first he didn't know how to respond, then thoughts of his childhood best friend came flooding into his mind.

"So your champion has been chosen, now you must find them and fulfill your goal," said the feminine voice, "Wait!! Hold on a second, where am I, what goal are you talking about and how the hell do I find someone who's dead!?" Silence was all that answered him then a new feeling surrounded him. He was able to move again. He could feel the ground he was laying down on and then the sound of birds chirping and a dark feeling welling up within him so… he opened his eyes … 

(Issac, Sacred Forest)

'Interesting the spirit known as Galen lives,' Issac awakes to an old man staring at him, as if he's some mysterious object. Looking at his surrounding Issac surmised that he was not on his college campus anymore or anywhere he recognized at that. It looked like a forest but with bright fauna dotted around almost like makeshift light sources, then looking down Issac eyes widened as his body had changed from a tall slightly chubby 18 year old to that of a toddler.

'Well well a curious little one ain't he' said the old man staring quizzically at him. 'Hmm your body is making adjustments as your form begins to materialize though of course because of my help breaking away some of the Ice that was surrounding your core' Issac felt within himself a cold hurting feeling surrounding what he thinks is his heart. 'Though you're not in the clear, almost all of it is covered. I only saved your life by putting my own magic into you, though it seems to have done more than just save you, you've absorbed the element almost completely making it your own.'

Issac looked at the shadows under the trees and for a second he almost thought they looked back. Issac looked at the old man and it only just hit him but "Why am I here?" Issac understood everything the old man said but noticed something was odd.

"I thought he was speaking English but none of the words or phrases he's spoken match, what is this place? He said something about me being a spirit. Is that why I'm a toddler and can understand him?" Issac was trying to make sense of his new surroundings when he felt an odd sensation, something or someone was headed this way and fast.

Barreling of nowhere a tall figure appears before the old man. 'Get out of our forest Leech we don't want your cursed magic tainting our land' Issac looked at this new person closely, though shocked by what he saw, the figure was not just a man but one with animalistic features, covered in what appeared to be leather armor.

Issac couldn't tell what animal he was fused with but he did feel the pressure exuded from him. "I was only giving a helping hand to a spirit in need" the old man hissed. The man-beast then turned to me, eyes widening as if he's seen a ghost. The old man turned and jumped into the shadows.

The man beast attempted to follow but with no idea on how gave up on instead changing focus to Issac, deciding there was no way to give chase he then walked over to Issac picking him up."Let's get you to the village, what say you…Galen''

(Galen's Champion, The City of Cinder)

In a kingdom East of the sacred forest awakes a small newborn, in a crib covered in something reminiscent of gold with a plate that reads "Kaida".

The baby awakes, memories of Issac start flooding into his mind. Confused: It took some time for him to adjust and get through them all. Only one thing he knew for sure, he had to find Issac as he is the answer to why he's here. The only problem is his new body, he seems to have been reborn as a toddler, just like Issac or Galen as he seems to be called now. Just where was he? Moments earlier he was in his hospital bed waiting for release.

Just then a loud boom echoes through the room startling Kaida a small very well dressed women walks up to his crib 'You shouldn't be awake at this time little one, there is much to do tomorrow for you shall be inaugurated as the firstborn of a long line of Nobles. The house Draco and to be born with a Guardians mark, makes you special case even amongst your peers' The women says calmly.

Kaida looks at his right hand and a mark resembling something like a bear cub with small wings attached, he wonders if it has something to do with Galen. He decides it would be best to play along with this new life of his until he learns more.

(Galen, Lumina Village)

The man-beast later known as Buck carries Galen into a small village full of other beast folk of varying types, some look familiar like the cat and bunny people but others look very strange and different, their animal parts not matching any animal he's ever seen.

He's brought into a building in the middle of town closely resembling Churches from his world although it's only made out of materials from around the forest such as the trees and stones looking far older and outdated then those around it. "Lord Lionel, I've returned from my scouting mission" Buck declared proudly. 'Good my son, did you take care of the disturbance? The priest looking man-beast known as Lionel said. Buck furrowed his brow 'The leech ran away at first sight of me and I was not able to chase him down.'

'It is understandable, that leech is crafty and the darkness gives him an advantage in most places of the forest but I sense a more pressing matter, which is the other that is with you, find something interesting?' Lionel said with a suspicious look on his face, Buck stood up straight and brought Galen before him 'He was with the leech, he's been tainted by its dark magic. I was hoping you would know what to do Lord.'

'Hand him over to me and I shall inspect him' Buck carefully brings Galen over to Lionel who then stares at Galen closely. Galen felt funny. It was like a part of Lionel's conscious was moving throughout his body. 'I see, he's a beast spirit with an Ice affinity, though the beast that he represents is unfamiliar to me. What's more is the beast is acting on its own as if it and Galen are two separate entities.' Lionel said puzzlingly.

What about the curse that the leech put on him, Buck asked worryingly. 'It's no curse, the darkness in his core is pure as if it was there when he was born and more than that, it's keeping him alive.' 'What!?!?' Buck said. 'I thought anything other than humans with the darkness affinity became a mindless monster, hell bent on its own survival destroying anything with magic to prolong its own lifespan.' 'Yes that is usually the case but this spirit was Frostborn, which is usually the case with most living things born with the ice affinity.

His core or heart as most would call it, is covered in ice. For most cases that would mean his end, killing him and turning him into a mindless golem. But now it's in a battle with the darkness for control, keeping it from consuming him thus vice versa removing the darkness would also prove fatal, as it's eating away at the ice.' 'So what do we do now?' Buck asked. 'We get rid of him', Lionel said back.

Galen's heart sank. 'Did he just say get rid of me? What the Hell!! Is he mad? My body isn't nearly old enough for me to fend for myself out in the wilderness! I should say something!!' But try as he might, words wouldn't come out of his infant body. 'Lord he wouldn't last a day out there!' Buck exclaimed. 'And he's a spirit who attained a physical form. Leaving him now would surely bring ruin to our village!' Buck looked pale, it made Galen feel better knowing that he at least has someone looking out for him.

'Keeping him here would only do the same, he's a bomb waiting to blow up, if you want to protect him then do so outside of our village's boundaries!' Lionel roared back. 'Fine! I'll bring him to the witch near the marsh and she'll know what to do.' Buck picks Galen up and puts him on his back heading out the door, leaving Lionel.

'*Sigh*…That boy will either cause destruction like no other or bring about great change. A spirit with a physical human body is rare and every time one is brought into this world it comes with a powerful ability referred to as "Volk" or word of power as the humans put it."

(Galen, Volcanic Marsh west of Lumina village)

Galen was amazed at the speed at which Buck was able to traverse the forest jumping through treetops easily, climbing tall mountains effortlessly. Upon arriving to the outskirts of an area known as the volcanic marsh we come up to a small cottage lined with dead animal carcasses and skins.

Upon closer inspection Galen noted that whoever lived here was an accomplished hunter as many of the animals appeared to be bigger than the average human. Buck proceeds to the front door *knock* *knock* *knock* Hey Lilian! Its me Buck, from Lumina Village I've brought you something. The wooden door opens and a muscular red headed women appears before the two.

'Y'know I though living out here would mean yall would come by less often, what is it you brought me?' said Lilian in an accent closely resembling the south from Issacs's world. Buck reaches around to the bag holding Galen, I know its kind of sudden but can you take care of him for me?

One comma signifies a character is talking too someone, two commas meaning internal dialogue. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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