
Realms within us

Updates every Sunday!! (On Hiatus) A long time ago, when Earth cracked open and released a crazy amount of mana mixed with toxic waste, the mana moved around the planet, evolved the wrong creatures, and turned them into beasts in different shapes and sizes, bringing more trouble to humans to fix that mistake. But the worst was waiting for them. Gates appeared and brought with them the worst enemies, and with that, this world's saviors were called to awaken and take an action to protect their homeland! When past and present meet, and victims call for evolution, the realms within us will open! [ System 0 is turning in, please wait a moment... ] [ Uploading data... ] [ Finalizing...] [ Welcome readers to Realms within Us ] [ Put on your seatbelts and be ready, because our ride will be filled with obsta- ] "Shhhh" a dark grey creature with no eyes and its face almost hidden appeared from nowhere and hushed System 0, "beware of what's within you" its smile grew wider, and scarier, "because when you stare into the abyss, the abyss will stare back at you..." Those were the words of the strange creature before the Dark Mana master destroyed the planet Earth and recreated everything according to her rules. What happened afterward? And what awaits everyone?

kittykat_02 · Games
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86 Chs

Warrior 01 Profile

[ Welcome, this is Warrior 01 profile.

Please choose what you would like to know about this warrior ]

[ Personal Information ] [ Fighter's Stats ]

[ Warrior's Abilities ] [ Weapons owned ]


[ Name: Cleo

Age: 18

Length: 170cm

Weight: 52kg

Origins: Egypt

Warrior Type: Fighter

Fighter Rank: Duchess

Level: 99 (XP: 145410 --------- 150000) ]

[ Rank up to Princess ]


[ Fighter's stats:

Strength: 40 (Level Maxed)

Intelligence: 40 (Level Maxed)

Vitality: 40 (Level Maxed)

Agility: 40 (Level Maxed)

Sense: 40 (Level Maxed) ]

[ Upgradeable, please upgrade any of your abilities' stages ]

[ Warrior 01 current statistics:

HP: 25000 +70000

Damage: 5000 +25000

Defense: 945 +1400

Speed: 100 +220 ]


[ Warrior's Abilities ]

[ Hymn of the Light:

Hymn of the light, owned by Horus, the ability has five stages, two of which are hidden, after unlocking them the owner needs to pay a certain amount of coins to upgrade them, and each one gives the owner an upgrade for his or her ability.

Stage one:

The fighter can cause extra damage up to 15%

Cooldown, none

Stage two:

The fighter can zap an enemy with Horus light, damage up to 30%

Cooldown 3 hours

Stage Three:

Half-healing the fighter or an ally and increasing their buff and speed up to 20%

Cooldown 5 hours

Stage Four: ???

Stage Five: ??? ]


[ Silence Wind:

[ Silence Wind, owned by Amun, the ability has five stages, two of which are hidden, after unlocking them the owner needs to pay a certain amount of coins to upgrade them, and each one gives the owner an upgrade for his or her ability.

Silence Wind, Amun's ability, gives its owner stealth and speed. When using this ability, the user can solo beasts up to level 35

Stage one:

The fighter's damage increased up to 15%

Cooldown, none

Stage two:

The fighter can stay invincible for 1 minute and cause critical damage up to 25%

Cooldown 5 hours

Stage Three:

Increase the speed and buff for a random ally for up to 30%

Cooldown 5 hours

Stage Four: ???

Stage Five: ??? ]


[ Seal of the Moon:

[ Seal of the Moon, owned by Bastet, the cat, and guard of the sun, moon, and Ra, increases the fighter's agility and sense to 40%

Stage One:

The fighter's stealth lasts for 3 minutes, and his/her speed and critical damage increase to 45%

Cooldown: 3 hours

Stage Two:

Fighter's magic and healing increase to 60% in a fight

Cooldown: 48 hours

Stage Three:

To enable this stage, the fighter needs to cast Ankh's destruction ability with it. Extra damage reaches 100%

Stage Four: ???

Cooldown: ???

Stage Five: ???

Cooldown: ??? ]


[ Eye of Thoth:

[ Eye of Thoth, owned by Thoth, the eye of knowledge and magic gives its owner the ability to use certain magic spells and the best human creations

Stage one:

The fighter can cast a strong ball cage that disables most abilities, defense 400%

Cooldown: 3 hours

Stage two:

If the fighter was holding an enemy, this stage's magic consumes the enemy's mana to teleport them to a different place, the more enemies the more mana will be consumed and most of it will be given to the fighter if the fighter's mana is lower than half.

Cooldown: 5 hours

Stage three:

When the fighter calls for this stage and then calls for Awet Fertility, the space of saved dead lands increases to 30%, if it's used for badly injured allies, it'll be able to save extra 10 allies at the same time instead of an alley

Cooldown: 5 hours

Stage four:

This stage grants the fighter the ability to check other warriors' profiles and abilities

Cooldown: 1 hour

Stage five: ???

Cooldown: ??? ]


[ Eclipse Deity:

[ Eclipse Deity, owned by Seth, the ability has five stages, two of which are hidden, after unlocking them the owner needs to pay a certain amount of coins to upgrade them, and each one gives the owner an upgrade for his or her ability.

Eclipse Deity, Seth's ability, gives its owner speed. When using this ability, the user can solo beasts up to level 50

Stage one:

The fighter's damage increased up to 55%

Cooldown, none

Stage two:

The fighter's speed increases to 30% and can cause critical damage up to 65%. When the fighter changes form to the God of War Seth the numbers increase to double.

Cooldown 2 hours

Stage Three:

Increase the speed and buff for all allies for up to 40%

Cooldown 3 hours

Stage Four: ???

Cooldown: ???

Stage Five: ???

Cooldown: ??? ]


[ Weapons owned ]

[ Ankh:

The arm holding the sky and earth together, the source of life and destruction. Desires decide the choices, choose wisely, responsibility held by none, other than the one.

Ability 1:

Ankh of Death, Anubis's ability, the source of death and destruction, this ability gives its owner the ability to bring back the dead but not all deaths can be brought back, the God of Death, aka Anubis, needs to accept reviving them from the land of the dead.

Cooldown: 7 days

Ability 2:

Ankh's Life, Horu's light, the source of life, this ability gives its owner the ability to bring life into dead lands or an already alive one

Cooldown: 7 days

(This ability can't be upgraded)

Ability 3:

Ankh's Destruction, sealed to Bastet, Ra, moon, and sun eyes, this ability gives its owner the ability to destroy with damage up to 100%. This ability can't be used unless it's called with Seal of the Moon stage three.

Cooldown: 14 days ]


[ Crook:

Balance and guidance, after they named a kingdom, it's done or done for, either for friend or foe. Life or death? Choices chosen wisely, for responsibility will be held.

Ability 1:

Awet Destruction, this ability causes a single target to hit one enemy, with damage dealt at 50%

Cooldown: 5 hours

Ability 2:

Awet Fertility, this ability brings life to dead lands and badly injured allies

Cooldown: 48 hours

Ability 3:

Awet rule, the sword of rights, this ability gives the fighter extra buff in all stats up to 70%. This ability can be used when calling ...

Cooldown: 9 hours ]


[ Flail:

Punishment is a must, for those who lack trust, in a ruler that's wrong, show them who's you and how strong, and for who they belong.

Stage 1:

Nekhakha Wings, Amun's wings spread, and his speed increased making those weak feathers the most painful thing anyone or anything can come across. This ability can only be used when Silence Wings stage one is called, after calling for the first stage immediately call for Nekhakha Wings to make its speed in sync with Amun's Wings' strength.

Cooldown: 5 hours

Stage 2:

Nekhakha Guards, protect the Pharaoh at all costs! This ability gives the fighter the ability to cast a strong ball cage. This ability can be used when calling Eye of Thoth stage one

Cooldown: 24 hours

Stage 3:

Dance of Nekhakha, love swan dance with the peacock came with orders, this ability gives the fighter extra buff in all stats up to 150%. This ability can be used when calling for Bastet stage three when in dark mana mode.

Fighter gets extra 100% critical damage when in dark mana mode ]

Cooldown: 24 hours ]

Here it is! The first warrior's profile to make understanding her and her abilities better~

I guess now remembering her stats is easier, whenever you feel confused or you don't remember a certain part, you can come here and find full information here!!!

Please look forward to other warrior's profiles (when they're revealed)

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