
Realm of Eternity: Quest of Heroes

In the mystical realm of Ethoria, darkness threatens to engulf the world, as the malevolent force known as the Shadowbane rises from the depths of the forbidden realm. Amidst this looming peril, a young and unassuming swordsman named Aiden finds himself drawn into a destiny far beyond his wildest imaginings.

Kulturee · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Who Am I?

The sun rose and set on the fringes on the village of White Rock. The villagers, humans and Elven alike would go about their day's in peaceful harmony and tranquil. The newly formed trio would take solace in the bright smiles and joy expressed by the people, their enthusiasm and optimistic tendencies were naturally contagious, for all but one. Selene understood the good they had done, although for a price but good nonetheless but she thought to herself, the price paid in return was too great...a price which could have been avoided.

"Alright, we set foot for the next village at dawn. I'd like to make it to Ebonreach by the next month at least" Isadora said while packing up her belongings. Although very little in quantity and fragile, The fierce warrior treated them as though they were gold.

"I heard you loud and clear the first time you said it this morning Isadora...sheesh" Aiden said to Isadora. He had a calm and stern expression on his face.

Despite Aiden being so young and still inexperienced in combat, he manages to stay calm in grave situations. It's almost as if he's been doing this his entire life. Isadora silently thought to herself while she watched him walk towards Selene.

"Hey, how are you feeling Selene?" Aiden said. His expression swayed like the summer sky, he was more empathetic and would try to offer comfort to Selene. He realised he couldn't relate to her loss, up until now he had not really cared much about anyone who wasn't Owen or the villagers in the small town he grew up in. Despite all of that, he was still kind hearted and wanted to help whenever he could. It was his defining trait.

"I'll be fine. I'm more interested in who exactly you two are right now. Despite your names, I know nothing else about you two or why you were able to take down a Coilcrest on your own" said Selene.

"uh it's a little bit complicated"

"We aren't in a hurry are we? I'm listening" Selene said.

"Right. I never knew my parents, up until almost two months ago, I was a very normal guy living in a very normal village"

Aiden explained to Selene how he had been approached by a mysterious man named Thane, who revealed to him secrets of past forgotten. He had the mark of the Lightbringer, it was a primordial force which was used to shape the world. Pure of light and enemy of darkness. Aiden continued his story, explaining what the Shadowbane was and how he was the only one who could stop it for good.

"That would explain how you could kill a Legendary beast such as the Coilcrest on your own, but what about her?"

"Oh she's an Eternal Wonder"

Selene remained still and speechless for what felt like hour's, her eyes fixated on Isadora as if tearing into her very soul. "You are an Eternal Wonder?"

"Well I'm not so upbeat about it either if that's what you're asking" Isadora said

"No I'm sorry, you just look a bit too attractive to be an Eternal Wonder. I always imagined they'd be more..."

"More what?" Isadora said while walking towards Selene. Isadora suddenly pinned the young mage to the wall. Isadora's attention was briefly drawn to the amulet around Selene's neck. Aiden stood and watched, unsure whether or not Isadora's intentions were hostile or not. His natural instincts kicked in and he immediately gripped his Aegis blade. Isadora let out a mischievous smirk, like she always would and said:

"You're not so bad yourself love, maybe I can show you my scars sometime"

Aiden felt a rush of comfort and relief, but at the same time wished his mentor wouldn't flirt with people like that. Aiden had always been secretly attracted to Isadora but ignored his desires due to a sense of responsibility and professionalism, a desire which he now had for Selene as well. To Aiden's surprise, Selene flirted back.

"Maybe you should" Selene said with a smirk on her face as well.

An overwhelming sensation of sexual tension could be felt from both Isadora and Selene.

"We should really get going" Aiden said, breaking up the tension and silence in the room.

"Yes of course" Selene said while walking out of Isadora's cornering.

"We'll need a horse and a cart. I'm sick and tired of walking"

The trio left the inn in which they had been staying in. The village was rich with trading of goods and services, not long after departing from the inn did they come across a horse stable. Isadora took charge of the newly formed party, her age and experience served quite well in leading the group through the trials that came with exploring the lands of Ethoria. They acquired a horse and a cart for 1 gold.

"We'll also need food for the trip, don't you think?" Isadora said

"I'll go buy somethings" Selene said lightly, before departing from the other two.

"The amulet on her neck, I remember it. it's powerful but also holds dark secrets. Be wary around her Aiden" Isadora said

"I'm pretty sure I can handle it. I'm much different now than I was a year ago Isadora" Aiden said with a confident smile on his face. Aiden's newfound ego made Isadora intrigued but equally worried. She feared his confidence might be misplaced.

"what were you guys talking about?" Selene asked while holding a bag of vegetables, meat and bread.

"Nothing. we were just about to leave" Aiden said in response

The newly formed adventurers set out for the next village. There they had planned to repeat the same process as before, seeking out jobs and opportunities to make money. The journey ahead would be long and rough, they'd need to make sure they had enough supplies to sustain themselves.

" It's late now, let's camp here for the night. Selene could you set up the tent? in the meantime, Aiden how about a little spar?" Isadora said.

A slow but certain grin grew on Aiden's face. "Nothing would make me happier"

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the forest clearing where Aiden and Isadora stood side by side. They had been training diligently, honing their skills and preparing for the inevitable confrontation with the encroaching darkness of Shadowbane. The air was charged with tension, the stillness broken only by the rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl.

Aiden's senses prickled with unease, a feeling of foreboding that tightened his grip on his Blade. Isadora, her blades at the ready, turned her head slightly, her eyes meeting his in silent communication. They were both acutely aware that danger lurked in the shadows, and they had little time to prepare.

Without warning, the tranquility of the night shattered as the forest erupted in chaos. Shadowspawns, their forms twisted and malevolent, materialized from the darkness. Their eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light as they lunged at Aiden and Isadora with savage intent.

Aiden and Isadora moved in perfect synchrony, a dance of blades and magic that had been honed through countless hours of practice. Their movements were fluid, a seamless blend of offense and defense as they faced the relentless onslaught of Shadowspawns. Aiden's Blade crackled with Lightbringer energy, sending bursts of light that seared through the air, while Isadora's blades sliced through the shadows with deadly precision.

As the battle raged on, Isadora's mind raced, searching for a way to turn the tide. She remembered an ancient spell she had uncovered in a dusty tome, a spell said to banish the darkness itself. With a quick glance at Aiden, they nodded in agreement, a silent plan passing between them.

Channeling their combined energy, Aiden and Isadora created a dazzling vortex of light at the center of the clearing. The brilliance of their magic pushed back the encroaching darkness, causing the Shadowspawns to recoil and falter. Sensing an opportunity, Isadora chanted the incantation she had memorized, her voice resonating with power.

The words seemed to carry weight, as if they held a force of their own. The vortex intensified, its radiance growing blindingly bright. The Shadowspawns wailed and shrieked, their forms unraveling as they were consumed by the brilliant light. One by one, they disintegrated into nothingness, leaving only echoes of their malevolent presence.

As the last echoes faded, Aiden and Isadora stood in the aftermath of the battle, their chests heaving and adrenaline coursing through their veins. The forest clearing was now bathed in a serene moonlight once more, the threat of the Shadowspawns extinguished for now. Suddenly a loud crackle of Thunder resonated from where they had made camp. Isadora immediately realised that the hoard of Shadowspawns which attacked them were merely a distraction from the one's sent after Selene.

"Aiden, go after Selene now!" Isadora said in a wary voice

With a nod of compliance, Aiden bolted towards the direction of the camp, leaving nothing but debris in his trail.

Aiden is now faster than Isadora in terms of reaction speed and travel speed.

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