
Supreme palace

(Where am I) I thought to myself as I was suddenly hit with a burst of memories.

Ahhhh!!!! I screamed in a low pitch voice *inhale* *exhale*..... what was that I said as I was looking at my surroundings surprised.

I then started to remember what exactly happened to me then I started laughing manically as I remembered my name was Tian long your ordinary otaku who died of depression because of my girlfriend breaking up with me for another man who had money and that's how I ended up here.

(A/N Tian long in Chinese mean's holy dragon or heavenly dragon).

Knock knock knock!!! (Ying Tao: master are you okay.)this is Tian long's maid servant and the reason he know's is because he got the previous body's memories.

I'm fine ying ying I said then I recalled that there are twelve stages in cultivation such as.

Mortal realm:

Impurities stage

Body refining stage

Qi establishment stage

Core formation stage


Supreme realm:

King stage

Tribulation stage

Abyss stage

Primordial stage

Immortal stage

Rebirth stage

Saint stage

God stage


And when you're at God stage you're at god realm your body and soul are immortal and can never age or die but this is a stage that will never be achievable even if they have great talent.

But me being your average otaku thought that I would get a plug-in system and shouted inside my mind.

(system activate, status etc.) but as it seemed that nothing worked I decided that I would stroll through my memories of this life and found out the place i was living in was in star kingdom of the supreme realm as the fourth young prince of the supreme palace.

and is also a trash but my older brother's watch out for me but I also have people secretly trying to assassinate me but we found two culprits which is Lin fan of a high noble family but I like to call him unko from the Japanese culture and the other one is a girl named lan ying from a middle ranking noble family.

(A/N unko mean's shit while lan ying mean's blue quarts.)

I the went and opened the door and the first one to greet me was Ying Tao ( Ying Tao:young master good morning you should go down stares to eat or your food will get cold)I then replied with okay Ying ying you know you should get some rest you must have been sitting there all day.

I then proceeded down stares and went to the table then greeted everyone from father to mother and my siblings.

(A/N eldest sibling name is Xiao yun which mean's little cloud/ second eldest sibling's name is Xiao lin which mean's Kobayashi/the first youngest sibling name is Xiao yao which mean's happy)

Munch! Munch! Munch! after I finished my greetings I ate like I never did before (mom: Xiao long you shouldn't eat to fast or you will choke)

but about the time she had finished her sentence I was already finished eating my food.

(Father: Xiao long before you go here) than father threw something at me which I caught and than began to inspect it after I finished looking the appearance looked like a flower that smelled sweet but than I recognize it according to my memory this is a golden yang spring flower.

(Golden yang spring flower's are super rare they could let a family of 20 live a luxurious life for 10 years) I thought to myself.

But then remember the drawbacks on getting one there will be a one king level beast guarding it but if it's a powerful variety there might be two.

But for an ordinary Golden yang spring flower it will take you to be a strong cultivator or have a party of 10 stage 5 tribulation for bare minimum.

Thank you much father!! I said as proceeded up stares then into my room and sat in a lotus position.

But then all of a sudden the golden yang spring flower glowed and disappeared and then I fell unconscious.