
Terrifying Camper

Fire lit the ground as the flaming beast got near the stampede. Once it got to a certain distance, everything in what seemed like 45 meters, experienced a great feeling of suppression on them. Whether it was the wild beasts, the group of five, or Jie Jun, they fell to it.

A strong intense sense of fear and weight hit Jie Jun when the flaming beast was close. It took all his Perception, Resistances, and Stamina stats he had just to not fall down. His whole being felt like the cells in his body was producing more weight the greater he try to fight it. Then there was the intense fear as if by instinct telling him that if he even so much as blinked he would die.

From the view he could see without moving, every beast and the group of five seemed to express the same symptoms. He tried moving unceasing but nothing worked. Regardless of his determination in resisting, he still felt himself lose energy to continue fighting it as he fell down. Even after the fall, his body refused to move. This motion, also caused the group of five to notice him.

By this time, the flaming beast had truly gotten close to its targets. Roaring, it made a leap forward to close the distance faster.

What followed next, was nothing but a massacre. There were even a few beasts that manage to free themselves, but they didn't run anymore. What was crazy was the freed beasts showed their belly yet, the flaming beast didn't spare them a glance as it killed all of them without mercy. Just looking at the flaming beast, one could see only a burning glaze of hatred and the will to kill everything.

Jie Jun watched stun at not only the scene of the massacre but the group of five as well. He saw each of them slowly getting their bodies moving again. Seeing such a scene, Jie Jun couldn't help but ask himself if the distance between a level 4 and 10, really that big? Wasn't it only 11 stat points? He tried everything and even used up most of his energy if not all, resisting it.

Only now did he feel like he had taken this new world too likely. Even with two cheats, he would need to give his all to get to the top. Thinking about it more clearly, he had even struggled with a level 1 even though he was level 2. What was even more hard to believe was what he heard the group of five say.

"Shoot! It's a level 6 non-ranked Camper." These words left the mouth of one of the males in the group of five that gave the impression he was the team leader.

This flaming beast was only level 6? A Camper? The word camper wasn't something new to him when it came to games. In fact, since he got to this world, game related sayings was all over the place. This made him wonder if it was the same as his old world with sitter and camper being the same thing.

If the group of five were to hear this thought, they would look in disdain at him.

His thought also changed because one of them didn't know about campers, so it was explained to him as the team surrounded the flaming beast in a 'U' shape to create pressure on it, to try giving it the feeling it was being cornered.

A Camper was indeed similar to a Sitter. The difference was that a Camper was said to have no end to their talents. At birth, the number of talents one had would be at least 10 different kinds, each talent complementing each other. They were so blessed, that they would be able to pull out numerous talents each level up, as they leveled. Unfortunately, gaining talents from the body too fast wasn't always a good thing. The reason for this was that everybody had a hidden talent called Max Level.

All campers would usually gain this talent at an early level and cutting off their amazing potential. Sitters though could still level up, it was just hard too.

Hearing all these things, he could feel the worldview he had so far, grow smaller. Bullying City was too small. Way too small. It didn't even know Campers existed. He had to grow stronger so things like his current situation didn't happen again. If it was said before the reason he was going to get strong, it was to give respect to the real owner of his body. Now, he wanted to get stronger for himself as well. To avoid feeling this weak and powerless ever again.

The flaming beast, on the other hand, did not feel any pressure from their formation. How could it feel fear from an ant? No matter what an ant tried, it would still be useless.

Looking closer, this flaming beast actually looked like a lion with wings and gave the impression it was on fire. the size of its body was twice the size of a normal lion. Its claws were also long with a hook shape to them. The name for this beast was Hot Lion.

Thankfully, it could not fly yet because it was still young and the group of five for this reason also chose to fight it instead of running away. Out of the group of five, there were 2 level 10 G3-rankers including the team leader. The rest of the group were all level 10s.

The Hot Lion charged right at the nearest person, without any regard to the people on the sided. The leader of the group took this signal to have the four others limit its movement from both sides as he paddle stepped back to stall it.

The weapons of the four glowed as each used a different ability to hinder the Hot Lion. The Hot Lion made a move of its own by flapping both wings once which gave a light glow as flames shot out. Cutting off all their attacks unless they wanted to burn to death.

The fact that even the G3-ranked female of the four had to dodge showed that one of the Hot Lion's abilities, were already G3-ranked if not all of them. The ease in which the four others, were dealt with, the team leader could not help but frown.

The leader took out a glowing sword while assuming a weird stance. His stance had his sword point up while he held the handle with both hands next to the side of his face. With a loud cry, the team leader made a horizontal chop toward the Hot Lion while halfway rotating his body.

It could be seen just how strong of the strike because the flaming beast did not continue charging. It wobbled before its body followed the strike's direction as if it was a leaf getting blown away by the wind, and arrived behind the group leader. Fear clenched his heart when he realized this.

The good thing was, the other four had already recovered and was finally able to get in strike distance. Four attacks at once hit it on one side. The flaming beast was thrown a few feet away as the group leader got his breather back. He then wasted no time to jump at the down Hot Lion with another strong slash.

The eyes on the flaming beast grew colder as it opened its mouth and roared. The leader stopped the slash and put the sword in front of him as he felt a crisis overcome him. He was soon blasted away by the Hot Lion's tail with a big gash seen across his chest.

At this moment, the flaming beast did not go at the leader anymore. As if learning that getting rid of the weakest link first, was the best way to fight against groups, it burst toward one of the female group members.

Realizing that she was about to be single out, that female member turned around to run away. She had given up on getting its death orb at that moment.

"No! Don't show your back to it!" the other female member said, trying to give out a warning but it was too late.

Like it was a dying man seeing water in a desert, the pace of it hasten. Soon there was a scream as the group of five had its first victim. By the look on the faces of the four left, they had seemed to have grasped the position theirs in. This Camper was terrifying.

One had to remember that its body wasn't ranked and yet it was creating pressure on two G3-rankers and a few level 10s. All of which was higher than itself. In fact, until this point, besides the surprise attack from the side, it didn't have any damage or been hit by a direct attack.

They had bitten more than they could chew. None had the intentions to stay any longer. Agreeing without any words, their way of facing the flaming beast changed. They were now taking actions that would stall time and distance so they could run.

Regardless how they tried the Hot Lion had also changed the way it fought. It didn't attack either G3-ranked Ranker in the group, the only targets in its mind was the weaker ones. After a few more exchanges between both sides, the flaming beast finally received a wound from one of the G3-rank level 10. The once, group of five also now became the group of three. They had just gotten their second victim.

Jie Jun watched all this with his body still unmoving. Being forced to stay lying down on the ground as if to say he was lower than them, was a great humiliation. He didn't know the reason for the Hot Lion's great hatred, but he did know two things.

The winner between the two sides fighting would definitely, be the flaming beast's side. The other thing was that he would kill this Hot Lion in the future. Just seeing its hatred was enough to know it wouldn't let him go after it finished them off. So there was no point being polite either.

As the exchanges got longer, Jie Jun could feel his body twitch. He was gaining his mobility back. Whether because it got hurt too much or its focus was on the group members that was left, Jie Jun knew soon he would be able to move again.

First was his fingers than his arms. Next came his torso and head. Before long, he was able to move his whole body. While getting off the ground, he saw that the group was now only one person, the group leader. There was blood dripping all over him. The blood was his own. Then he looked Jie Jun's way.

"Hey, you! Yes, you peasant! Come over here and give me a hand. Stall it so I can have time to give it my best shot while it's greatly injured." He spoke up hastily.

Jie Jun could not help but think this guy was an idiot. His leadership seemed okay at first with the only problem being the greed of wanting a Camper's death orb. But for him, to say the words he just said, only a fool would not understand the meaning behind his words.

Jie Jun took one more look at the injured Hot Lion, trying to determine if the injuries it had, were great of enough, to escape from it. The conclusion he got was, with his weakened state and its ability, there was no way running from it was possible.

Looking at both sides of the forest, Jie Jun decided to harden his heart. He would live through this. With that, he shot toward a direction different from the leader and the flaming beast.

"YOU!" screamed the leader not even guarding against the killing strike of the Hot Lion out of sheer anger.

The direction he chose was to go deeper into the Wild Forest.

Yo, here's the next chapter. I will also try to give you all 2 chapters tomorrow.

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