

The assessment continued as Jie Jun walked up to the identification booth. "Your name?" the booth adviser asked. "Jie Jun." Jie Jun answered. The booth adviser who had his head down until now looked up. "The born sitter Jie Jun?" he asked again in surprise.

The name Jie Jun could be said to be infamous in Bullying City because he was the only known person to be born with a Frozen level since the city's history. No one could claim to have the same achievements in the past.

Jie Jun frowned while taking in the man's features. He wasn't sure if this elder was closed minded or just shocked that someone like him would be here attempting the assessment with his known status. "Yes, I was a Frozen Level at birth is there a problem with this?" He replied neither rude or polite.

The booth adviser seemed to come back from his shock as he said, "Ah! No, nothing is wrong here. This old man is just astonished how vast the world is. Truly one is never too old to see wonders in the world."

Jie Jun was stun inside by the quick apology in a roundabout way of speaking. Most elders would feel offended to apologize to anyone of the younger generation even if they were in the wrong. Clearly, he had been unconsciously looking down on this elder.

The booth adviser then proceeded to have him leave enough proof behind for evidence before letting him step away from the booth. Then another commotion was heard. "Look it's some of the other top ten geniuses. All three of them, are about to go up and try now!" Voices in the crowd shouted.

Jie Jun also took a look, wanting to see just how talented these rare geniuses were. Until now, he didn't have a comparison to how others in the same age group measured to himself. The only ones he could compare himself to was the group in the Wild Forest.

Not a single one of them was weaker than him. This made him wonder if all those with the title top genius was gifted in some way as well. "I say the best one out of the three will be Jiang Dong. It's said that he is the current number one genius of the top ten geniuses and has already leveled up to level 8. The rest can't compare to him."

While others wanted to refute this, nobody gave any serious argument against it. He was indeed the acknowledged number one genius not part of the Big Bully sect. Jiang Dong wore a smug look on his face as he glanced at the other two said to be his peers.

He didn't consider any of them on the same level as him. The only people who could be said to be his rivals were Xiu Xueling and Liu Yuehua. He even heard that when both of them took the assessment, Liu Yuehua was 11 years old and Xiu Xueling was 10 years old.

What followed after that was something that left every Big Bully sect supervisor in incredulity. Not only were they both level 5 at that time, their grade rating was a 2. Just getting a grade 3 would have left the people speechless let along a grade 2.

Jiang Dong had also been 10 years old at that time and wanted to amaze the Big Bully sect. But after trying to compete with those two monsters and being born in a smaller clan, with fewer resources, he could only blame his level 4 on the unfairness in the world.

Following that, it took him 2 years to become level 5. A whole year later than Liu Yuehua. As for talking about Xiu Xueling, the distance was even greater. Seeing his pace and knowing that the resources in the Big Bully sect were even greater than the top 3 clans, he left to improve himself.

It was only now that he was able to return to the city. If the assessment was open at the time he leveled, he wouldn't have been so hasty to leave to get stronger. Placing his hand on the orb checking potential, he waited for the three seconds to pass.

A grade 7 was his first attempt. Seeing the first results could be said to be a slap to the face. He had already determined that those who try on the first attempt could make an improvement of 3 more grades. This was to say, his potential was only a grade 4.

A grade 4 was too shameful. It didn't compare even close to grade 2. Not only was his not a grade 2, there was still a grade 3 in between his determined grade. No longer looking smug, he placed his hand on the orb again while inserting spirit energy into it.

This was when he heard, the expected results. "Wow, I can't believe he scored a grade 4. That's the highest rating yet." Jiang Dong looked up to see that his grade was a 6. A grade 6? Wasn't it grade 4 a second ago?

Looking to the side, he saw exactly what the people were talking about. One of the other geniuses got a grade 4. "You all pass, you may step down now so the choice takers can have their turn."

When Jiang Dong heard this he was unwilling. "I want a retry. I don't believe my potential is worse than theirs."

Qin Ping looked his way before waving his hand. "Step to the side or your qualification in passing and joining the sect will be revoked." A supervisor came up and said. Though he was still unwilling, Jiang Dong left the stage.

Jie Jun could not help but shake his head. To let a mere guessing orb shake his confidence in himself, his potential definitely could not be high. While having a strong heart wouldn't determine if one could reach the top, it still motivated people to never give up.

"Even a strong heart and will don't matter in the face of the rules of this world." Jie Jun mumbled to himself. He could see the cruelness compare to if there was no game like system. The Hot Lion was proof that determination meant little to the frightfulness of the Max Level talent.

Once everything was set up for the choice takers, Qin Ping began calling out names to test their potential.

"Fail! Step down for now."

"Fail! Next examinee come up!"


A list of fails started straight out of the choice takers. "Whoa! You can see the difference in ability from those who met the requirements." Someone said.

Jie Jun knew that the current people being called up was just having wishful thinking. They were only here to try their luck. "Will examinee Jie Jun come up for the testing." Qin Ping spoke out.

This named once again created a stir in the audience. "No way! Even somebody like the Zero Sitter can join the assessment? How can the world be so unjust?"

Jie Jun ignored all this as he walked up to the stage. His name was so discredited that there was no point in trying to change these people's mind in Bullying City. Qin Ping also gave a pause after realizing the name he called. He looked over to the choice booth, only to get a head nod in return.

"You all know what to do so you can begin." Qin Ping said. Jie Jun this time decided to put all his stats in spirit to get the best results. He wanted to know just how accurate could the potential checking orbs be.

He didn't have too much faith in it because the grading would always change depending on how much spirit energy the orb had a chance to analyze. Placing his hand on the orb, Jie Jun channeled spirit energy into the potential checking orb.

His first attempt came out as a grade 10. Following the results, there was loud laughter as people in the crowd watching began laughing. "Please just step down before you embarrass yourself even more." A loud voice commented.

"What are you talking about? He already embarrassed himself by being born. This right here is only shaming the Jie Clan."

"I would never accept such a disgrace as part of my clan if I was the Jie Clan."

Hearing the jabs at his person, Jie Jun's heart was not moved in the slightest. The majority of the people couldn't leave their frog at the bottom of a well, mindset. So how could they be able to understand that most things in the world could, in turn, be made possible?

Jie Jun once again channeled spirit energy into the orb. Three seconds later, another grade came out at the top end of the monument. It was a grade 1 this time. The first to shout out wasn't the people mocking Jie Jun earlier. It was the main supervisor of the assessment event Qin Ping "Impossible!"

One had to know that until now and the time of its foundering, only one person has ever had a grade 1 potential rating. Including Jie Jun, it could be said that he was the second person to get such a rating. This was simply a peerless potential in the current younger generation.

Don't forget to check out my new novel Reaching God Body Talent

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