
Divine Fruit

Status View

Name - [Jie Jun]

Age - [15] [Life Span 15/111]

Body Rank - [None]

Body Level - [0] [Exp - 0/100] {Exp - 100(-100)/100}

Body Stats - [0] Talent Stats - [0]

Vitality - [11] {1(+10)}

Stamina - [0] {1(-10)}

Strength - [1]

Agility - [1]

Spirit - [11] {1(+10)}

Perception - [2]

Physical Resistance - [1]

Spirit Resistance - [2]

Techniques - [1]

[Basic Refine Breathing]

Skills - [2]

[Identify] - [3]

[Sprint] - [1]

Talents - [7]

[Fatal Body Exp] [Divine Vit Stat]

[Fatal Sta Stat] [Divine Spi Stat]

[Status View] [Talent Learn]

[Body Motion]

Looking at the status of his information, Jie Jun could not help but be surprised by the 2 Divine talents he had besides the Fatal talents.

The 2 Divine talents after checking the details, came from him dying and having a stronger soul than normal. The Vitality stat helped out with healing faster and living longer, so that made sense for it to get strengthen by him still being alive after death.

The Spirit stat dealt with soul, energy, and element like kind of attacks. Having merged together with his predecessor's soul was the cause for the Divine Spi Stat, going by the talent description.

Sadly no skill came from either talent. Without a skill then there was no way to level up the talent unless he got the talent again to make them stack benefits. One could still have a skill without the matching talent but only the skill will level after using the Talent Stat. Getting talent traits were considered rare like the Fatal and Divine traits.

"The average human has 10 points before the first level up and maybe 15 points if they got good talents. If I can just get rid of the 2 Fatal traits, I can get a stat and exp increase instead. Hopefully, father really has a way to solve this problem or making the name Jie Jun a legend will be a fantasy."

Jie Jun got up to head to his father's study room since he was usually there in the late evenings. Passing by the martial courtyard he saw the young generation of the Jie Clan practicing skills and techniques of the clan. Having always been weak in body and going out to try adventures, he never got taught any skills or techniques. Later after begging his Second Uncle a few years ago, he got to learn the Basic Refine Breathing technique out of sympathy.

In the past, he was considered a genius when born because he had a level 3 Status View and his Body Motion talent already had the Sprint skill. Sprint was a very basic skill everyone learned after being able to run. Him on the other hand, already had it the moment he was born. Then came news of his body, that it's too weak to exercise, so his father and mother decided to use a Status Orb check, to see the cause. This is when everybody found out he had a Frozen Level.

"Yo, zero Sitter did you come to join in the fun or are you going to run away again? Everybody knows you leave early and come back late because you're scared of a little training. If I was a zero Sitter like you I would run myself dead or something to avoid the shame. Ah hahaha!"

Jie Jun didn't spare his cousin Jie Zhengfeng a single glance as he continued making his way to his father's study room. Though he was mad about the comments because going by the last memories he saw, that was exactly what happened to his body yesterday. The former Jie Jun didn't mean to die but was trying to overcome his Fatal talents.

"Hmph! I will see how long you can continue to be stuck up and shame my Jie Clan. Once I level up, I will soon be recognized as the number one genius in the Clan instead of your older brother. Not only will I be able to take your place in the promise, I will be able to take your share of the resources the Clan Leader been saving for you."

Jie Zhengfeng sneered, speaking low enough that he was the only one to hear his last words. He was his father Jie Feng's pride. There were many things he resented about Jie Jun. The most being the promise, such a person is that blessed, had to be a sin.

Jie Jun arrive at his father's study room before knocking on the door to signal he was there. Thinking farther about his cousin, Jie Zhengfeng was the same age as himself with his father being his Fourth Uncle, but because he was born a little earlier, he had to call him Third Brother. Jie Jun felt that Jie Zhengfeng having to acknowledge him as his Senior left a bad taste in his mouth. The weak should be crushed ruthlessly was Jie Zhengfeng's model. Jie Jun guessed he would have to deal with him soon enough.

"Jun'er I see you have calmed down. Since you are feeling better I want you to take a look at this fruit your old man manage to get. It was dirt cheap for it being what it is."

"Father must be jesting, father and mother are still young. Both have plenty of years left to lead our clan to greatness."

Boosting his father's ego up a little, Jie Jun step forward and took the fruit out of the box on the desk. The fruit looks were hard to describe. Its color was a rainbowish color that seemed to darken to make it look like it was fading to black. The stem of it was no different than an ordinary tree branch with it being about 10 centimeters long. For each rainbow color, there was a small pin like needle 1 centimeter long sticking out of it, making it look like a 7 point star shape. The fruit itself was big as an adult's fist.

"This... " He mumbled.

"Haha... enough about me! This is one of those rare special fruits that can change the status screen information. The one your holding right now is called the Divine Fruit and what it does is, it takes all talents with a trait a person has, regardless of the talent level, and erase them off the status screen. The bad thing about this fruit other than destroying talents is, it will give 1 random talent in exchange for all the trait talents.

I got this cheap because it's rumored that it only gives out a Fatal trait but with your situation, all you need to do is get rid of the Fatal Body Exp talent an then you will have the chance to level up. With enough level ups, the Fatal talent you get shouldn't be too bad unless your unlucky and get the Fatal Body Exp talent again."

Erase all Trait talents? Wouldn't that mean he was exchanging a Divine trait talent, said to be the best-known trait talent there are, for a Fatal trait? Not just 1 but 2 Divine talents for a Fatal talent? Have there ever been such a waste of good talents? Would anybody be okay with such a deal?

Life was way too unfair and cruel. His predecessor died trying to change his situation of being born with a Frozen Level, him his self, died and revived just to get the best talent trait, but all of it had to be wasted and destroyed just to get a chance to really start over.

The real question now was should he gamble with his divine talents and have a chance at another Fatal Body Exp talent? The other choice was to wait for another opportunity to get rid of this shameless talent and hope it happens soon before his potential was spent.

Giving how life been going so far, the choice to wait for some fortuitous encounter was hopeful wishing. If one wanted to be able to move forward and reap big benefits, one had to take risks. Though his Divine talents might disappear, there should still be a chance for a good talent since it was said to be a random hand out.

Wait! Why was the fruit called Divine fruit? Did it give Divine talent traits?


"Hmm...?" Clan Leader Jie Hao took a closer look at his son to see what he had to say.

"Father, why can't I see the name after using my Identify skill? Is this really the right fruit and not a scam, after all, it was cheap no?"

"Huh? Oh, that! Don't worry about it. The Divine Fruit is a name given to it because the very first person to try one, got a Divine trait. That fruit was a hot topic among the big shots and famous sects. Not too long after so many people tried it, it was said not one person got a Divine trait. In fact every single one of them beside the guy who tried it first, all got Fatal trait talents."

All Fatal trait talents? Wasn't that the same as saying it was a 99.9% chance of getting a Fatal talent?

Unfair! Unfair! This fruit was completely a trashy fruit. Big benefits? Where are the big benefits? There were only risks to take.

Jie Jun sighed. For him, the risk no longer matter. This fruit would help him have a fresh start, so the problems would have to be fixed once he could get stronger. At that point, even if he had a Fatal talent, there would still be more opportunities than right now.

"Let me tell you one more thing Jun'er. When you take this fruit you need to use the breathing technique to help you digest it. Don't eat it like a normal fruit."


Going the long way around to avoid distractions, since he wanted to consume the Divine Fruit as soon as possible, Jie Jun wasted no time getting to his courtyard and sitting down in the middle of it. Following the technique used to perform the Basic Refine Breathing technique could be done in 2 ways.

The first one was to use the mind and give it a command to execute the technique, and just like a real game, it would then be executed with the person following along. Doing this would, however, use up the spirit energy, which was a waste since the technique didn't need spirit energy to use and there would be a second delay. This method was usually for those still trying to get the basics of the technique.

The second method was to perform the technique yourself and also saving the spirit energy. The biggest difference being no delay while depending on the user's skill and speed at using it. Jie Jun obviously chose the second method.

Taking a few bites to chew and eat it, Jie Jun set with his legs crossed while following the Basic Refine Breathing technique steps. Surprising, instead of a painful sensation like he was expecting, the whole process was more of a warmth filling the whole body up. The more he refined the fruit in his body, the more it felt like he was being held by a parent trying to comfort him and make all the negatives things go away like fear, depression, sadness, and anything else that dealt with negative emotions.

Four hours later, he suddenly felt something like a lock, unlock in his mind and the rest of the warmth, and comfort slowly fade away. Nobody needed to tell him what was going on. He knew exactly what this was, it was the moment he been waiting for since he decided to reach the top.

"Status View" was what he said next.

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