
Wild Explosions

Since his past, Cawn never found anything exciting. He lost everything and he wasted himself.

When the door of death showed itself, he remembered his daughter's dying words: to live happily and find another wife. Just like Drake remembered a memory, Cawn had remembered something.

With mix feelings, he wanted to say something. However, as if popped out like a bubble, Drake was no longer, he disappeared completely.


The truth was he cloaked his presence. He detested to reveal himself to the people who tried to kill him. His emotion was boiling, and his healing HP only reminded him of his impending death.

(+37 HP)

[74/670 HP] (Bloodred)

(-2 HP)

[72/670 HP] (Bloodred)

He began walking slowly towards the Grass Blockade, his heals continuously popped out with simultaneous bleeding. The gory at his right elbow and the crack on his head began to be restored completely.

When the healing finally ticked to the last ten seconds, Drake was now ten meters away from the group. His famished blood had regained more and he was now filled with vitality. The negative buff, Bleeding, vanished but wounds still remained at his being.

However, his HP recovery began to start healing him.

(+168 HP)

[335/670 HP] (Orange)

While the heals was going on, soft voices of terror kept pouring out.

"Who is he? A Transcendent Deva?! Did we offend a Deva?"

"Where is he? Where he is hiding at?!"

"Are we going to die?"

Drake's footsteps was drowned by the increasing volume of voices. However, Cawn had high perception and hearing such peculiar footsteps without no one walking, with the recent disappearance of Drake, he connected it to him. He never moved nor he tried to block him. Even if he tried to confront him, that person was already extremely vigilant towards him.

Within him was mix of emotions; he tried to kill him and was now repenting in guilt, wanted to at least apologize. As the footsteps' sounds increased, Cawn let it passed through. Within a short while, behind him; the tall grasses, half an adult's height, shook and an outline of a person formed, trying to enter.

Cawn at this moment, spoke, "I'm sorry."

A simple phrase, easy to say but difficult to accept. However, the grasses stop shaking as if the person stopped. After a very short while, it continued, shoving the grasses and finally slipped inside the Dark's Forest outer area.

On the other hand, Drake fully heard it, truly hard to accept a sorry of a person who almost killed him. It was a part of his ignorance, believing people still had what it was to be human. Never he thought, they were ruthless to smash him in the tree.

He manage to catch the scene previously, which that person, Cawn Bulkwart, showed his disdainful expression looking at him, mashed at the tree. To hear a sudden apology, his hatred worsen even more. He etched that name in his mind.

"Never I'll trust humans again. I'll be in stealth permanently." Drake made a strong conviction.

Grasses danced as Drake drew further and further away from Cawn's group. He was still trapped by the tall grasses. As he regained his mental faculties, he asked the system amidst his confusion, "System, why my HP recovery was not healing me, when I'm in the brink of death?"

"HP recovery was permanently activated to heal host. It was healing and stopping more further damage, which is the reason, host was only damaged by 2 during negative buff, Bleeding. During the body had restored its faculties, specifically 20% at Maximum HP, HP recovery can focus on regaining HP points." The system replied.

"Okay, this is my weakness, a great disadvantage." Drake spoke somberly. He asked again, "Then during I have negative buffs, I'm constantly at battle mode, which means, HP recovery could not attain its maximum ability to heal me?"

"Yes. Negative buff, such as Bleeding, will be naturally formed when host's HP at below 20% maximum HP. Until your HP regained back its 20% HP, it will constantly keep you in battle mode. HP recovery was unable to heal you at its maximum."

Drake frowned, knowing more of his weakness.

During the time Drake was speaking to the system, the HP recovery had already restored him fully.

[667/667 HP] (Green)

Looking at his full HP, Drake somehow remembered his dying state, he almost died. He himself had explosive damage that could easily obliterate Cawn's Group. And also, he was also someone that could be easily obliterated.

With just a swing by Cawn, he couldn't even react and was sent flying into a tree. Not to think, he was only blown off by the residue force, the wind that was produced by Cawn's pike. If he was hit physically, he was all remains now.

Through this experience, he must not understimate anyone. He was only at the door step of the mortal realm, one hit and he will be dead.

As such, he must permanently activate both stealth and shadow cloak, be the one to initiate first. He must not let his opponent lay a hand on him, otherwise, his 670 HP would be reduced to nothing in a flash.

His heart was wrapped in deep frustration. He strongly clenched his fists, wanting to vent up. As a result, he decided to wipe out all the creatures in this Dark Forest.

"I'll farm till I die." He spoke determinedly, as if uttering a vow.

In the labyrinth of grasses, he madly ran, searching for prey. Even if the grasses, from its length, were a large hindrance to one's vision; Drake, however, only needed to find HP bars.

Suddenly, he stopped as he heard the sounds of shaking grasses at his north-east. Swiveling at that direction, he saw two HP bars, with one chasing into the other.

[Elephant Lion] (Silver)

[6000/6000 HP]

[Grass Deer] (Silver)

[2900/2900 HP]

'Dash' Seeing two targets, Drake immediately activated the skill "Dash".

In a beat, he moved 25 meters away from the last spot, as if a teleport. He appeared at their side, during the time when the Lion, with two protruding tusks, pounced at the deer fully clad in green.

He flex his hands, and from it, suddenly, four colors burst out resplendently.

Its was four magic skills, homing towards the two creatures. Before the lion had captured the deer, the magic had already approached them. When it made contact at their skin, it was as if detonated, producing sounds the same as consecutive lightning strikes. The explosions lasted for about 3 seconds.

(669) (778) (679) (745) (710) (...)

{1609 {1624} {1728} {1767} {...}


*You've killed a Silver Level Creature - Grass Deer

*You've gained 421 experience points.

*You've killed a Silver Level Creature - Elephant Lion

*You've gained 467 experience points.

The two creatures and the grasses were incinerated in flames, turning into ashes. Although the area plunged into a large inferno, the burned grasses exuded out unique green gases, resulting for the fire to not spread far.

From the resounding explosions, Cawn's group had their faces extremely pale, looking at the mixed black and green smoke in the air, above the vast long grasses. The crackling sounds the flames produced, as if a laugh of devil, made everyone shudder.

"A Transcendent Deva!" The fearful person had uncontrollably urinated at his pants.

Bearing witness to the power of a Deva, had terrified them. If they likely remained, they may be harmed by the residual blasts.

Their fear was natural was because a Deva held immense power. For every million Asuras, there was only one Deva. That sentence had precisely proved how vast the differences of the two were, implying the unimaginable power it held.

They scrambled in a hectic fashion, frantically leaving away. Only Cawn remained, looking intensely where the smoke at. He was extremely baffled.

To him, he only need to conjure wind and he almost killed Drake. With such frail constitution, that explained he was only at a Mortal Realm. If that Deva, who was currently rampaging about, was likely that kid?...

'How he can wield power the same as a Deva?' Cawn pondered. That question would remain to haunt him.

Drake stood on charred earth, large amount of ashes were in plain sight. His frustration didn't decrease one bit.

"I need more!" His eyes gleamed savagely.

Turning around, he let his back faced the north, and then used "Retreat". After appearing 36 meters away; he again turned around and let his front faced the north, using "Dash". As he hunted, he kept running while continued to interchange both "Dash" and "Retreat".

Wherever he went, his invisible flickering being was followed by consistent explosions that piercingly rang out in the Dark Forest's outer area. Appearing here and there, beasts would be caught off guard, even by their strong smell.

Hearing the agonizing cries of the creatures, the explosions, and the green and black smoke at the skies; humans were terrified to step into the Grass Blockade.

Inside a particular "Fresh'n Bubbles Inn", a celebrity named James Freeze had drunk himself. His model-like face was plastered in red, hiccups occasionally popping out from his natural red lips. His pale white skin was adorned by silver white suit, leaving only his face exposed.

Top notch appearance, he attracted all women. However, his paramount status as the son of a Prime Minister and also the youngest Progressor in history, had stopped them from taking a move.

All Progressors here aged starting from 22 years old, whereas, James Freeze, was only at 18 years old! To enter Gene, one must be tested with complex and bizarre tests. Attaining the prerequisite with such a young age, he was proclaimed as a peerless genius.

At this moment, however, he was ungracefully drinking wines and drunk himself.

"Cawn Bulkwart!" James gritted his teeth. "Who is he to collect fee for someone like me?"

He gulped the entire wine of a whole flask before slamming it unto the table.

"Haaa" He exhaled a breath of comfort, his vision swirling in a dizzying fashion.

Suddenly, the inn's door was opened and a bald man with a mustache, named Richard, approached James.

"Young Master, we've assembled a group of seventy rougue Progressors." He spoke seriously, in contrast to his indifferent pair of eyes.

"THAT'S WHAT I'M WAITING FOR!" James shouted ardently.

At this moment, the bartender and also the inn owner, stared at James with a piercing gaze; a red aura eclipsed him with an oppressive pressure like a mountain.

If James was weak, he would have puked out blood and fainted. He held strong and his eyes bear hatred towards the owner, however, sweats streaked down from all over his body.

"Owner Kaz, I'm sorry for my young master's actions. We will now leave." Richard apologized in James' behalf.

"Okay, go out!" Kaz spoke with a dark expression.

After Richard put the payment in the desk; he pulled James and covered his mouth, leaving outside.

Outside, there stood 70 fierce people who were rowdy, chatting with each other. But they formed themselves 7 lines with a proper order with no faults. Although they were rogue Progressors, they initially graduated in Progressors' Universities. They knew how to be upright during one's work.

Seeing their true client pulled by someone outside the inn, they felt amused watching. More importantly, it was the famous James Freeze. What a spectacular sight.

"Uncle, what are you doing? Can you just blast this inn out?" Upon his mouth was finally freed, James blared.

"Young master, this is not the place where you can do anything as you wish. Remember, this is a shelter. Everything had rules. More importantly, that person in that inn was a Transcender Asura." Richard spoke seriously with the same indifferent eyes.

"Its the same as that Cawn Bulkwart. They dare to be audacious in front of me. Who do they think they are?!" James exploded in anger.

At this moment, looking at how James behave himself, the group of seventy laughed themselves off.

"Haha, is that the peerless genius James Freeze? The people must be blind."

"This is Gene, not Earth. It must be who does he think he is. Hahaha"

James was embarrassed. People would come and pass by here. As all of the people here were progressors, they had one thing they were same. That was to be immediately attracted by an amusing event or news. Such as this, the famous James Freeze, being humiliated.

Many Progressors flocked, and James was beet-red in shame. He stared at his uncle and squeezed out his words,

"Uncle, what do you mean about these assembled men? They dare to laugh at their client?"

"Young Master, as I said, this place is different. You can't do anything as you wished." Richard replied.

"Damn. You all, follow me. I'll reward you handsomely if you properly do your job." James pointed at the group of seventy Progressors.

"Okay, boss, we'll do our job very well. Right guys?"


"Come on let's go."

Seeing the group was easily ordered, James was surprised. But he regained his mental faculties, and moved towards the Grass Blockade. The numbers of entourage he had, caught the eyes of the many people.

Being in the center of attraction, James became exuberant. He loudly shouted, "To the Grass Blockade!"

"Ohhhhh." The group followed as they shouted in agreement.

At the Grass Blockade.

"Where is the Money Grabber Group?! I'm here to take back the humiliation they gave to me!" James shouted.

There was a large crowd amounted to three hundred at this area, with terrified eyes looking at the skies above the long grasses. At the skies, it was fully covered with green and black smokes.

When James' shout travelled to them, everyone only glanced at him for a moment before looking back to the skies.

"Hey, I'm talking to all of you! What happened to the group who was collecting fees here?" James shouted again.

"Shut up brat. Can't you see what's going on? There was a Deva rampaging at the outer area of this Dark Forest." A man's voice came out from the large crowd.

"A Deva?!" The group of seventy had their expressions twisted in fear. Whereas Richard was still indifferent and James was incensed at being called a brat.

'So the Money Grabber Group fled out after a Deva arrived here.' James thought. Then he looked at Richard.

"Uncle, why a Deva came here? Most should have stayed at that domain." James was confused.

At this moment, continuous explosions resounded out.


Everyone was terrified while the two were indifferent. Richard apathetically answered, "Young Master, I don't know. Being a transcendent deva, he couldn't kill mortal realm creatures. The only plausible explanation was he was searching for something."

Suddenly, an old granny's voice echoed out, "The land of grasses had become the land of ashes. Beware the Devil, eye perceives nothing. Follow the explosion, that's where you find it."