
Chapter Five

Hyperion Hub was the bustling central trading area and meeting point in Elysium Quest. Located in a gleaming futuristic city, it served as a commerce hub and safe zone where no combat was allowed.

Flying vehicles zoomed between towering skyscrapers of chrome and glass. Neon signs advertised shops, taverns, inns, and services from every galactic sector. The sidewalks were constantly crowded with avatars of every shape, size, and species browsing wares from around the virtual universe.

In Hyperion's massive open-air market, merchants hawked rare loot and artifacts collected from dangerous quests. One could find exotic weapons, armors, potions, pets, and mounts that granted special abilities. The items available were only limited by players' imaginations and skills.

Those seeking adventures could meet potential party members or check the quest boards overflowing with opportunities ranging from local errands to epic intergalactic missions. The hub contained portals leading to countless realms waiting to be explored.

For weary travelers, inns offered places to rest and taverns to gather over Starian ale. No matter your interests in Elysium Quest, your journey inevitably led through the thriving streets of Hyperion Hub. It was the central point connecting players across the sprawling virtual universe.

Alex followed Zane's tall armored avatar into a private room where they could speak freely. Zane materialized on the opposite side of a sleek metal table.

"Thanks for meeting me. Let's get right to business," Zane said, his voice distorted through the chat. "I'm a programmer contracted by certain...third parties to modify this game. Although I create the cracked updates I don't always know what they actually do. That's where you come in."

Alex nodded hesitantly. "So what exactly do you need me to do?"

"Install this update on your account," Zane explained. "My employers will monitor the effects it has on gameplay, assets, etc. If it works as intended and avoids detection, you'll be paid well."

"How well are we talking?" Alex asked.

"The contract guarantees $300,000 total, dispersed in batches," said Zane. "First hundred thousand just for installing it successfully. Another hundred upon activation. The rest depends on them acquiring all the data they need from it."

Alex's eyes went wide under his visor. "That kind of money could change everything for any person...what happens if I get caught though?"

"You take the fall alone, no backup or support whosoever but you would receive the first payment for just installation alone and all contact would be broken off." Zane replied coldly. "I provide the tools and every other thing you would need but take no responsibility for the results that would pop out now and then. Those are the terms."

Alex contemplated the risk. It could solve all his problems if it worked flawlessly. But the danger was undeniable if Elysium's developers noticed the hacked update. Still, with his mom's life hanging in the balance, the reward outweighed the risks.

"Alright," Alex finally said. "You have a deal. I'll install the update. When will I get it?"

"There is a physical drop point within the city, this is the address. When you get to the location you don't need to be told when you see it. You pick it up tomorrow afternoon after the courier has delivered it. Time would be 12 noon."

The timing falls within the timeframe that he was having his deliveries so it would not interrupt his day job nor eat into the time for his evening lectures.

"Alright, I will go for the update tomorrow, what does it look like or how do I contact you that I have installed it?"

"No need to worry about that, when you see the device you will know, and for the update, once it's installed on your account, it will ping the interested parties".

" Well, then I would do as agreed".

Zane nodded in satisfaction, transferring over the hacked files. "Install these prep files on your system. Pleasure doing business with you."

Alex steeled his nerves, hoping he wouldn't come to regret this decision as he initiated the illicit update.

It was a gloomy, overcast afternoon as Alex pulled up to the quiet alleyway on the outskirts of downtown. Zane had given him the coordinates for this discreet drop point to retrieve the hacked update drive.

Stepping off his scooter, Alex scanned the narrow passage between two old brick warehouses. Cracked windows were boarded up haphazardly and graffiti tagged the walls. The whole area had an aura of abandonment. Which sent chills down Alex's spine.

Moving cautiously, Alex made his way down the alley. Trying his best to be as quiet as possible. About halfway down, he noticed a small cardboard box tucked discreetly in an alcove. The box was unmarked and fastened with plain duct tape. He crouched down, carefully prying it open.

Inside was a small external hard drive with a cryptic serial number scribbled on the side. This had to be the update drive from Zane containing the controversial hacked files. Alex turned it over slowly in his hands - such an unassuming device for something potentially so destructive.

Slipping the hard drive into his jacket pocket, Alex looked around warily as he headed back to his scooter. The alleyway remained silent and still. Once the update was in his possession, the risk felt tangibly real. But soon, if all went well, the payoff would make it all worthwhile.

Stashing the drive securely in his backpack, Alex took off down the street. He had 30 minutes to get across town for his next delivery shift. As he wove through traffic, Alex patted his bag occasionally to reassure himself the precious cargo was still there.

Soon it would be installed on his gaming system, for better or worse. The die was cast - with his mother's life at stake, Alex was fully committed to seeing this mysterious deal through, no matter what the cost. The contents of that innocuous hard drive offered hope. Now he just had to wait and see if its promises would prove true.

Throughout the day, he kept checking the drive to be sure it was still safe and he could not wait till he finished for the day and returned home.

Lectures that day had little impact on him and Emma was also absent from classes too.

Lectures ended quite early, as soon as lectures ended, he zapped off got on his scooter, and rode straight to the hospital to pay a visit to his mother.

Next chapter