
Chapter 154- The Undercurrent

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Many people didn't know what the reason was but they could witness a brewing storm that quickly went out of control and became a full-blown massive storm.

The previously peaceful, busy, boisterous, and lively floor that had always been existing in harmony, was no longer what it had been in the past.

A gigantic storm suddenly appeared and swept away everything that got caught in the path.

Buildings were destroyed, people were killed, and chaos was spread like a fire in a dry forest. The eye of the storm was a grand and reputable building in the center of the floor that nobody would ever mess with, the floor administrator center, the place where the floor officials resided and did their job.

However, just like how sudden and quick the storm appeared, it also went away as fast as it had arrived, returning the situation into its original calmness as the Floor Ruler had taken action personally.

Yet, it was all merely on the surface as if anyone observed more closely, they could still see the remnant of the destruction the storm left behind.

. . . . .

While many people were still on the edge and alert due to the sudden storm that swept away the center of the 75th floor, far away on the outskirt of the floor, a gallant-looking young man with long black hair was sitting along with a charming young woman with long silver-white hair.

They were casually chatting while they were watching a yellow-haired young man exercise and practice some moves and movements with a sword in his hand.

"It seems your plan has worked marvelously, Adori. All of the Rankers on this floor must be in a panic right now." Liu Guanyi said with a smirk on his face.

Adori didn't say anything hearing him as her mouth curled upward slightly, becoming a slight smile that adorned her face.

Their plan was formed way before in the beginning.

The moment the test administrator forced them to take the test, they had immediately created a plan to resolve the problem. Liu Guanyi and Adori knew that the blond-haired Ranker would absolutely set up some surprises for them.

After all, why would he want to force them into taking the test if he didn't want to create trouble for them? Even if Adori was still a regular, she was still a princess of Zahard.

A princess of Zahard that was famed for her talent and potential.

Offending her without any purpose or just for the sake of it was insane, only crazy and reckless people would do it and most Rankers didn't successfully become Rankers because they were reckless idiots, nope.

They managed to become Rankers because they were smart.

Adori was easily the most talented princess of Zahard throughout the history of the establishment of the princesses of Zahard and everyone could see it easily.

She had led a team of three to climb the tower and managed to reach the 75th floor of the tower within just three decades!

If their pace continued the same, Adori would easily finish the journey of climbing the tower and become a Ranker in less than a hundred years! An incredible feat that was unparalleled and unheard of in the history of the tower!

Even if someone managed to become a Ranker in two hundred years, they would be regarded as a remarkable genius let alone when it was less than a hundred years.

It would practically and easily make her be considered as an illustrious and unmatched, monstrous prodigy!

There was only one reason why the Ranker wanted to set them up, it was to slow down her progress and thus, decrease the reputation that Adori would get, making the influence that she had on the Zahard family lessened and so did her importance to the family.

After all, if Adori were to continue to progress very smoothly like this, she would keep going on to score more and more perfect and amazing records in her profile.

This was extremely dangerous to other princesses of Zahard from her opposing factions.

Why it was dangerous for other princesses of Zahard?

Because of Adori's great reputation and her origin as a princess of Zahard that was directly adopted into the family without any prior background, it was extremely easy and likely for her to be assigned a high position in the Zahard empire after she became a Ranker.

This was due to king Zahard's preference and special treatment toward "Chosen princesses of Zahard", princesses that managed to successfully become Rankers, that had no ties with any of the ten great families or any clan, even the small and unremarkable ones.

Because since they had no ties with any forces and were mostly a blank slate, they were naturally more inclined toward the Zahard family itself and would be more loyal compared to those who were from the ten great families or other factions.

This could be easily seen from the distribution of the thirteen months.

Out of the thirteen legendary weapons, at the moment, only six were bestowed to six different chosen princesses of Zahard. And from the six of them, only two were given to princesses of Zahard from the ten great families and clans and the rest were for those with no connections.

Silver January, was given to An Zahard. Indigo July, was bestowed to Yuram Zahard. Blue August, was granted to Garam Zahard. Luminous June, was given to Alphid Zahard. None of these princesses were from the ten great families.

And only the two rest, Yellow May, was granted to Khun Maschenny Zahard. And the last one, White February was bestowed to other chosen princess of Zahard with some ties to the ten great families or any other clan.

However, when Adori and Liu Guanyi looked more into the information, they had found that it was actually more than four of the legendary weapons that were planned to be given to princesses with no ties. It was actually five of the thirteen months.

However, the chosen princess of Zahard, Heice Zahard, at that time had refused to accept the honor and glory of possessing one of the thirteen months, making there were only four of the thirteen months given to the princess of Zahard from the loyalist faction.

Considering that there were actually a greater number of princesses of Zahard from the ten great families than those from regular and nameless family, and those from the ten great families were generally much stronger than its contrary, it was easy to see that king Zahard played favoritism and gave special treatment to them.










Yes, that's right. It was quite easy to observe how weird the distribution of the thirteen months is. If we also count the future chosen princesses that get them, there will be Original Anak, Adori, Enne, Arie Hagipherione, and Yuri.

Adori goes without saying that she 100% deserves it without any special treatment. Enne and Hagipherione are also the same since they are extremely talented and also very important since they are direct descendants.

However, Anak's case was absolutely odd and fishy. How come an unimportant and not-talented princess like her obtained Green April while there were stronger princesses of Zahard from the ten great families out there that didn't receive one?

She had no major achievements like Adori who had defeated a Ranker when she was just a regular. Her bloodline is also nothing compared to Enne or Hagipherione and Yuri. She is a weak princess of Zahard just like Androsi.

This is where king Zahard's favoritism and preference come into play.

To Zahard, giving one of the thirteen months to any princess from the great families will just give the families more power and influence so it's better to give them to those who are from the loyalist faction.

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