

"Wonder what novel I should read…"

I sigh after seeing that my favorite fan-fictions are not updated yet. I just hoped the author won't suddenly drop the novel.

"It's my free time too, guess I'll just play some games before studying again."

I minimized the tab before thinking about what game I should play. Dead Cells is good to pass some time or should I play Undertale again?

Hmmm, decisions…decisions. I moved and made myself comfortable by leaning my back against the wall while looking at the games I'm thinking of playing.

Minecraft, dead cell, undertale, the last sovereign, crush crush (nah), oh! Right, I remember that I still have these games.

Princess & conquest, tale of immortal, monster girl 1,000 …treasure of Nadia…and summer memories too.

Right…princess & conquest should do. Never really finished the game, so I double-clicked the icon and opened the game.

I only installed these 18+ games because my childhood friend recommended it to me and the game turned out quite fun. But really, I think I should hide these games in some folder in case my brothers opened these games.

And if they tell mom about this…

Man, I shuddered at the thought.

Luckily I'm home alone right now, it's still 7 am and I'll have to pick up my brothers at 11:30 am. Which means no one to disturb me from playing a 'one hand' game.

Not that I'll be nutting though.

Really, I hate that they're right about it.

Like: "Kris, if you have eaten the mythical fruit called 'sex' then nothing else will bring you pleasure as much as the fruit… not even your hand."

Dammit, I can imagine the smug grin on his face right now and it's more irritating because he's right.

I sighed at the thought before I saw that the disclaimer of the game showed up and pressed enter.

The disclaimer then disappeared before the main screen of the game showed up.

Princess & conquest v0.19

With a picture of a knight holding a sword up to his chest with one hand and behind him are the kobold princess and dragon princess( I think).

I selected continue and chose my save file before entering the game. The screen turns black before my character appears in the desert region.

I already forgot what I was doing here but I think I was here to complete the desert princess's quest. I decided to check out the sphinx's pyramid to see if I already completed the quest or not.

Entering the pyramid I quickly evaded the mobs as I reached the second floor and saw the Sphinx princess chilling there. A memory hit me, I already completed the quest. I remember the invite, segs cg…so I have nothing else to do here.


After thinking for some time I decide to farm cogs in the ancient battlefield, I head to the Golem princess's territory, and looking at her castle I also remember that her castle is conquered by the mermaids and she is currently jailed in her own castle.

I ignored it by entering the ancient battlefield and quickly killing all the golem using my dragon progeny.

But as I was killing the golem, I noticed something tiny moving on my screen. After looking at the thing carefully, I noticed that it was an ant.

I sneered, this ant is really courting death by crawling on my laptop screen.

"Let this young master show you the importance of having eyes and seeing mount tai." I chuckled before moving my finger to crush the ant.

Only for the ant to move and let my finger pass through the laptop screen.


Never have I pulled my hand as fast as I have pulled it now.


And receive the consequences of my action as fast too.

"Fuuuuuuuuuu…" I breathe out trying to pass the anger and pain through the air.

It worked for the anger but not the pain. I will kill that fucking ant.

I glared at my laptop screen, then remembered that my finger just passed through the screen.

It didn't ripple or anything it just phased through 'inside'.

I saw the ant chilling on the upper side of my laptop. It stopped there and turn its head to me while moving it's antenna before moving again.

I don't know but I felt like stomping that fucking ant and burning it with a lighter before yetting him outside the house.

"Is this what happens when you don't drink coffee in the morning?"

My eyes focused on the laptop on my lap, on the screen the character idling and the theme song of the area is still playing.

In the end, I decided to pause the game and put away the laptop on my bed for a moment before going to the bathroom.

A few splash of cold water on my face and then I walked to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. While waiting for the water to boil, my face adopted a thoughtful look as I made myself comfortable on the chair.

My mind keeps repeating what happened earlier in my room. When my finger passed the laptop screen…in the end, I can only conclude that I…have a superpower.

That's great! It's awesome even. A part of me wanted no more than to grab my laptop and yeeted my hand inside the laptop screen and then see what it would do.

But…a part of me hesitates. Telling me that I'm not paid enough for this shit and telling me to drink some coffee before trying to yeet my hand inside my laptop. Also tells me to use my left hand in case something unexpected happens and I lose my hand.

*Sizzle* *Sizzle*

The sound of water boiling snapped me out of my mind. I quickly turned off the stove and poured the hot water over the coffee ground before stirring it with a spoon and then repeating it while letting the coffee drip through the filter slowly.

When it's done, I put aside the filter and pour the coffee into a cup. I sit down again, letting the coffee cool down a little while thinking about what my power could be.

Seeing that my finger can pass through a laptop screen, that means my power has something to do with technology. Maybe I can pass through the internet…travel through the internet over the world.

Damn, but if that's the case then my body should transform into code or something before I can pass through.

But I didn't feel anything like that, my finger didn't transform…so…hmm…but until I test my power, I can't rule out the possibility.

Traveling through the internet all over the world does sound cool.

Maybe it will work like mirror fruit in one piece?

"That would be cool." I couldn't help but grin at the thought, I carefully took a sip of my coffee as the most important question came into my mind.

"Am I the only one with power?" I asked out loud.

The answer to that question was... I don't know, but it's stupid to think that I'm the only one that has a superpower so it will be best for me to assume that I'm not the only one that has one.

But then another question comes to mind.

"How come I suddenly have a superpower?"

Really, I remember touching my laptop screen yesterday but this is the first time it passed through the screen. And I don't feel anything traumatic or highly emotional enough to awaken my superpower.

And the answer to that question is yet again, I don't know. The only thing I know is my head aches trying to think too hard of the answer to that question, I have powers and I don't want to think about it.

So I will let future me find the answer to that question.

For now, the present me can just drink this bitter coffee and guess what awesome powers I have while coming up with plans to train it.


After making up my mind and finishing the coffee. I went to clean my cup before calmly going to my room.

There, my laptop is on my bed and somehow it's looking more menacing the more I look at it.

If I were in the Jojo universe then the laptop would have text coming out to show how menacing it was.

"Fuuu…okay, first thing first."

I sit on the bed and put the laptop in front of me. The game is showing its menu. As I want to test my power, I go to settings and disable the fullscreen option before finally minimizing the game.

"Okay…let's do this."

Looking at the desktop of my laptop, I took a deep breath before slowly moving my left hand into the screen.

I can hear my heart beating faster as my hand slowly approaches the screen. I'm excited and maybe a little scared but I steeled myself as I finally touched the screen.

"Huh?" All that excitement and fear instantly turned into confusion as I touched the screen.

I took my hand back, thinking why didn't my finger pass through the screen this time. After a moment, I decide to close my eyes and imagine my hand passing into the screen. I tried to recreate the feeling when my finger passed into the screen the first time.

Slowly my hand went over the screen as I recreated the feeling when my finger passed through. Then my hand moved…only for my hand to be blocked by the glass of the screen.


When my hand was touching the screen again, I started to doubt myself.

Was I just hallucinating back then?

No, it felt too real to be a hallucination.

Then what changed? Why can't my hand pass through the screen?

It was then something clicked inside my head.

"I was playing a game…"

At first, I doubted it but in the end, I brought the game up in full screen and exited the menu. The character was still on the ancient battlefield.

This time I recreated the scene when my hand first passed through the screen.

"Okay, let's do this again."

I took a deep breath and moved my left hand to the screen.

If this works, does that mean my power has something to do with games? Can I travel into the game world? Or rather bring back people or items from the game to my world?


My hand froze when I felt my hand pass through the screen.


My heart was beating faster as I saw my finger swallowed by the screen. Slowly, I tried to insert my whole hand into the screen but before I could, I felt my hand was touching something.

It was cold and hard…round…has some gaps…a helmet? I took my hand back and looked at the place where my hand was entering. There stood my character, the hero.

I put my hand inside again, this time when I touched the helmet I tried to grab it and tried to pull it out but my hand won't budge as if the helmet was frozen in place.

After trying to pull the helmet a few times and failing, I took my hand out of the screen.

Looking at the screen gets me thinking if my power is only limited to a game. So I opened up the menu and minimized the game.

Then I went to the folder where I keep my movies and anime. I opened up the anime folder, there's little anime as I keep most of my precious anime on my USB drive.

After a while, I decided to open up [Jojo Stone Ocean] and play episode 1. Then skipped over to the part where a piece of the arrow was shown and went to put my hand into the screen.

Only to be disappointed when my finger touched the screen instead of passing through.

Then I tried again with a movie called [Ghostbusters: Afterlife], skipping to the scene where Podcast and Phoebe mess around with the ghost trap in class. I paused and was left disappointed when my hand was blocked by the screen.

Closing the movie, I opened up Woogle and went to NoUtube.

I want to try my luck with gameplay videos, so I search up [Jojo eyes of Heaven all cutscenes]. Looking at the video that is 4 hours long I clicked it and waited for the video to load while silently thanking the guy who made this video.

After the video load, I skipped to the part where Speedwagon pulls out the [Saint Corpse (body)] and paused the video before moving my hand to the screen.

Which left me disappointed as my finger touched the screen again.

"Okay, so a video is a nono."

I concluded while closing the tabs and bringing up Princess and Conquest in full screen.

"So it's time for the moment of truth."

This was my last and best guess after I tried to pull out the hero's helmet. My eyes locked on the item section in the menu.

I pressed enter and enter again before I was revealed into four choices [Usable] [Food] [Dairy] [Key]. I looked at the [Death Not] in the useable section, yeah…maybe later, I gave it a last look before going to the food section.

Looking over the item I have and reading the description, I moved to view the [Cat buns]. It says it recovers 1600 hp and increases a random stat by 1.

I moved my left hand to the screen, seeing that it passed through. It didn't take long until I felt my finger touch something. It was soft and warm, I didn't even put my whole hand in there and I already touched the item.

When I had my fingers around the [Cat buns] I slowly took it out.


I let out as I have the [Cat buns] between my fingers. I quickly put it on my right palm and silently observed the item.

It feels soft and warm, I can even smell its sweet smell yet it was still a pixel–


I watched with amazement as the bread rapidly expanded to fit my palm then turned into shock as the pixel instantly disappeared.

It became a REAL BREAD.

I poked the bread with my finger and it surprisingly felt like…bread. After poking the bread for a full minute, I decided that it was time for the real test.

"Taste test."

Even though the bread looks cute, I have to steel my heart and eat it.

With a heavy heart, I put the bread in front of my mouth.

I breathe in the sweet smell.

Opened my mouth.


Then bite again until I finished the whole bread.

"Delicious." That was all I can say. It was definitely the second-best bread I have ever eaten, the first being from my local bakery.

Suddenly I felt my body become warm, then I felt like I was in heaven, it felt like every cell in my body was full of energy. Was that the healing property of the bread?

I was feeling stronger somehow.

I might get addicted to this.

The item description said it will increase a random stat by 1 but this is the real world so how many stat do I have?

Since it was an item from the game, so for now, I will assume that it increased one of my stats while following the game rules.

There are four stat in the game the first is [Strength] which mainly boosts attack followed by defense and magic defense.

The second is [Endurance] which mainly boosts defense and magic defense then followed by agility.

The third is[Intellect] which mainly boosts magic attacks then followed by magic defense and luck.

And lastly [Dexterity] which mainly boosts agility then followed by luck and defense.

Since I was feeling stronger and following game logic, I became stronger, tougher, and more resistant to magic?

I'll take three more to test before finding a suitable game to take items from. It will be even better if it has strengthening consumables.


As I was about to take more [Cat buns] I noticed that the [Cat buns] inside the game has decreased by 1. Originally, I had 70 of them but now it has become 69.

"So taking game items into real life also reduces the number of items I have in the game."

New facts about my power learned I guess, I wonder what would happen if I bring out an item from the game cg…sigh, but then another question comes to my mind.

What about the limit?

Whether it's the number of things I can bring out…or more importantly the amount of stat points being added to me.

What's the limit??

If I remember correctly and if the cat buns I bring out follow the increased stat rules of the game, then after I reach 10 points in all stat the [Cat buns] will no longer work on me besides recovering me.


I really should check it again.

The same should apply to any other stat-increasing items from the game.

But the true question is…DO I want to test and reach the limits of it?

The answer is nope, I don't, at least not yet.

And what about the items, how much and how strong can I bring out before my power tells me this is the limit?

Can I just bring out a planet-destroying weapon then…I don't know, destroy the world?

Man, I'm not good at this. I should leave that thinking to future me.

Anyways, I have a few hours to spend alone and do a few more tests with my power before the time to pick up my brothers from school comes.

I wonder what should I test first.

Hey, author here. After a while, I decided to post this story here rather than letting it die as a draft in my google drive.

English is not my main language so don't expect much.

Peckcreators' thoughts
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