

2 weeks passed by. Kaya and Ayumi still hangs out without Sanyu, however, their friendship grew stronger. He continues to be under the oak tree on the bench eating his food during lunch. "Kimura, would you like to become my friend?" Mae asked politely. Sanyu looked up at her, "Out of the blue?" She smiles, "I.. would like to be friends and get to know you better." "You've been hanging out with me lately these past two weeks," Sanyu replied. "Well, yes, but I don't really know anything about you, either than your name," she laughs gently. He doesn't speak and just stares at his food.

After school, the classroom students packed up their stuff to leave. Sona came up to Ayumi, "Ah~ Mr. Kageyama wants me to tell you to clean up the classroom after school." "Really? He never asked me to before though," puzzled Ayumi. Kaya rushes to Ayumi, "I have to go home, my relatives are over!" She looks at Kaya, "Oh, alright then. I'll see you tomorrow." Kaya hugs Ayumi then leaves. Sanyu looks at Sona and Ayumi then leaves the classroom.

"I can clean the classroom though, you should go clean the science laboratory," smiled Sona. Ayumi pauses for a moment, then raised one eyebrow, "Okay?" She leaves the classroom to go clean the science laboratory. As Sona watches Ayumi leaves, she smirks. Ayumi walks in the science laboratory room, "It's not even that messy." She starts cleaning to tidy the room up.

At this time, most of the school teachers were leaving to go home. After all, they are busy grading student's works. Sona secretly comes up on Ayumi, she slams the door and locks it, leaving her alone. Startled, Ayumi runs to open the door. "Hey!! Open the door!! I'm still in here!!" She cried out loud. Walking through the halls, Sona goes to the power room and shuts off all the lights. The laboratory room became pitch black. It gave her flashbacks: the room was dark, she was unable to see. Though at the corner, she can see a really dark figure just standing there, probably staring at her.

The cold wind blows into the room, she looks up and noticed her house has been broken into! Afraid, she tries to slowly move without making any sound, and tries to grab anything that'll work as a weapon. The dark figure ran towards her and pins her down onto the bed. "You will be mine," he smiled widely. Ayumi tries to shake him off, but her strength was no where compared to the man. Because she had move around trying to escape too much, the man was angered, he started hitting her brutally.

Scared because of the flashback she just had, Ayumi starts crying, "Hello?!!! Anyone!!! Im in the classroom still!! Please open the door for me!!" She bangs on the door loudly. No one hears. Sona then leaves the school. It was late 7 p.m. Ayumi continues banging on the door. While going on a walk, Sanyu sees Sona leaving the school. He goes up to Sona, "You just left school?" She looks at him and smiles innocently, "Yeah, I just finished cleaning." He looks over at the school's direction, "Why's the school so dark?" She too, looks back, "I don't know? Before I left the school the lights were still on. It's never been so dark, really." "Did Ayumi already go home?" He asked. "I didn't see anyone else in the building when I left, I think she finished cleaning before I did," she replied. "Alright," He leaves Sona and continues with his walk.

She smiles at his back as he walks off. Sanyu thinks to himself, 'Should I go check the school out? It's odd to hear that the school is never really so dark.' Ayumi is still banging the classroom door while shouting, "Someone please! Open the door for me! I'm scared!" Out of curiosity, Sanyu walks towards the school to take a look. 'The school is pitch black, something's not right' he tells himself and walks in the school building. He turns on his phone flashlight to guide himself through. 'Is no one really here??' He speaks in his mind. Ayumi is no longer banging the door, she curls into a ball and cries quietly.

He walks into the classroom, "That's Ayumi's bag.." he picks up her bag and looks around, "She never went home! She's in the school building still!" Sanyu runs out the classroom to look for her throughout the building. Slowly, in the dark room, her past begins taunting her. She grits her teeth and cries it out. "AYUMI!!" She hears her name being called. Her eyes widens and runs to the door, "I'm over here!!" She begins banging the door loudly again. "Come help me! Please open the door for me!! I don't like the dark!!" She cries.

He hears the loud banging and runs towards it. "Hold on! I'm coming!" He shouts as he runs. When he arrives where the banging was coming from, he quickly unlocks the laboratory door and Ayumi falls onto him. His eyes widens. Ayumi was still crying. "What happened?? Are you alright??" Sanyu asked her. "I don't like the dark! I'm so scared! Someone shut the door and locked me in while I was cleaning!" She continues crying.

Sanyu thinks to himself, 'Could it have been Sona? Did she lock the door on Ayumi and turned off the school power??' He helps Ayumi up and walks her out the school building. They sat down on a bench at a park. He gives her a drink, "Here, drink it. It might make you feel better." She accepts the drink, "Why does everything always have to be on me.." She sadly asks. He looks at her.

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