
To Your Apartment

The next day at school, during lunch, Ayumi didn't feel so well. Sanyu tries his best to keep her company. Kaya talks with Yuuto behind the school building. "What you heard yesterday..don't tell anyone about it. If you do I'll kill you," Kaya tells Yuuto. He puts his hands in his pocket and lean towards her, "Why would I tell people your business? Besides, I know that feeling, it happened to me before as well." He looks away.

She looks at him," It happened to you before..? What do you mean?" "I lost my older sister 4 years ago. So I know the feeling you have within," He looks at Kaya then at the ground. Curious she asks, "Do you mind if I ask how..she passed away..?" "Hit to death. My father was abusive," he answers her.

Sanyu looks at Ayumi, "Are you..okay?" She nods her head, "I think so.." He pats her shoulder, "Don't overthink it, you'll be fine. I promise." Mae sees the two and walks over to them, "May I join?" Sanyu looks at her, "Not today. I have to keep my friend in good company right now." Mae looks away, "You said you were going to hang out with me more last time.." Ayumi stands up an looks at Sanyu. She fakes a smile, "You two can hang out, I'll just be inside the classroom and rest a bit more." He looks up at her, "Are you sure about this?" She nods her head, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

She walks towards the classroom leaving Sanyu alone with Mae. He looks at Mae, "I think that was kind of rude, didn't you see we were talking?" She looks down, "Sorry, I didn't mean to kick her out, she could've stayed and we would've all talked together.." He sighs and closes his eyes. Mae sits down next to him, "My mother is in the hospital right now.."

Because Sanyu is such a kind and caring person, he asks, "Im sorry to hear that, are you alright?" She sadly nods her head, "It hurts a bit, but I'll be fine."

Ayumi enters the classroom, there were some students in there eating their lunch. She sits down in her desk and lays her head down. In her mind, she feels alone, 'Does Mae likes Sanyu? Does Sanyu like Mae? However, I don't like Mae. She's getting too close and comfy around Sanyu.. I don't like them being together..'

After a long talk with Yuuto, Kaya comes in the classroom and sees Ayumi. She sits in her desk and wakes her up, "Wakey wakey~ how are you?" "Good," Ayumi replies. Kaya knows nothing about Ayumi's incident last night. She smiles, "That's good to know you're doing well." Looking around, she doesn't see Sanyu, "He's not with you?" Ayumi shakes her head, "Talking to Mae."

Kaya raises an eyebrow, "Mae? Haven't they been.. getting too close with each other?" She looks at Ayumi having her head down. "Don't overthink it, they're just friends I mean, not even! Just acquaintances. They only socialize with each other here and there, yeah," Kaya tells Ayumi. "I don't like Mae," Ayumi says. Kaya looks at her weirdly then responds back, "Well if you don't like her, then I don't like her either. She's basically taking our friend away from us if you think about it like that."

After lunch Sanyu sits next to Ayumi, he looks over at her, "Let me know how you feel later on, I need to see if you're alright." He worries about her most. She nods her head, "Will do." Yuuto comes over to Ayumi, "Let me know too. I have to keep you happy as well." Sanyu looks at Yuuto, "It's not your job to do so." "I can do whatever I want, don't annoy me," Yuuto tells him. Kaya throws a workbook at Yuuto, "Leave them alone Delinquent. Go sit down in your seat, class is going to start." He looks at Kaya then sighs, "Fine."

When school ended, students packed up their stuff and left. Kaya goes over to Ayumi, "You'll have to walk alone with Sanyu again today. I have to go to my aunt's house today." "Oh, alright. Have fun," Ayumi tells her. "Happy Friday!!" Kaya laughs then walks off to her aunt's house. Yuuto looks at the two then leaves. He doesn't want to see them together, he dislikes that. Ayumi should be with him, by his side, he keeps telling himself.

Sanyu walks with Ayumi on their way back home. While walking, Ayumi grabs Sanyu's sleeve. "I...don't want to go to my apartment today..." she tells him with a shaky voice. He looks at her, "Are you still scared?" She nods her head, "I don't like that apartment.." He wanted to ask her if she wanted to go to her father's house where Shusei is, but he doesn't want to let her know that he knows her parents divorced. "Where..do you want to go to then?" She looks up at him, "To your apartment."

His eyes widens, he feels awkward and nervous, "Uhh..m-m-my ap-apar-apartment?!" She nods her head honestly. He scratches his head, "Well..I guess..??" His mind is filled with thoughts: 'This is weird! Ayumi's going to be staying over at my apartment?! The two of us only?! It's too weird! They both walked to Sanyu's apartment.

When they arrived, Ayumi looks around his apartment. "Do you live alone?" She asks him. Ayumi doesn't know that he has no parents whatsoever. "Yeah, I do," he answers her question. "Is it scary to live alone..?" She says to Sanyu. He puts his school bag down by the kitchen counter, "No, I've gotten used to it, so it's really not that scary."

She sits down on the couch, "But isn't it lonely..?" He thinks to himself, 'That's right, it's lonely, not scary.' "Kind of," he replies back. The sun began to set and the sky became dark. Sanyu takes out some ingredients from his fridge, "When are you going home?" "Not today, I don't want to go back. Is it okay if I sleep over here?" She asks him. He drops the carrots on the floor, surprised because of what she said.

"You?! You're going to sleep over here??!" He starts getting worried. "Argh.. But.. I only have one bed. I guess you can sleep in my room..and I'll sleep out here in the couch then if it's fine with you.." She looks over at the clock, it was 8:42pm ,"Are you going to be okay with that?" "Yeah, don't worry about me. I'll be fine sleeping on the couch," he tells her as she chops the carrots.

After he finishes cooking, they both eat. Ayumi looks at him after her first bite. He awkwardly looks back at her. "You cook well. It tastes really good," she smiles. Sanyu looks away to hide his blushed face, "Th-Thanks." When they finished eating, Ayumi helped with the dishes. Sanyu goes tidy up his room before Ayumi comes to sleep in there.

She walks in the room after doing the dishes. "Yeah, this is where I sleep, welcome in," he says. She looks around, "I think your room is cute." Sanyu lets out a awkward laugh, "You think so? It looks pretty boring to me." He walks over to his closet and kneels down to pull something out. She follows him and sits beside him, "What are you doing?" "I'm trying to find my stuffed gira-" the apartment lights blacked out. Traumatized and afraid, Ayumi jumps onto Sanyu and hugs him tightly, "I'm scared!!!"

He falls down on the ground. Her light body was halfway on top of his body. "Ayu- Ayumi! Don't be scared!" He tries to get up. She grips onto him tightly as she trembles in heavy fear. His heart races and he can feel his face heating up. Finally, he sits up straight then holds her in his arms, "I'm here, there's nothing to be scared of. It's okay."

She cries, "I don't like the dark! It's scary!" Sanyu pulls himself together, "Then.. let's stay like this until the light comes back on. That way you won't be so afraid." She hides her face in his chest, right underneath his chin. His heart beats even faster.

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