
Tell Me Everything

Sanyu leaves the school with Ayumi. "Wait- hold on! Why are we leaving school?" She asks him. "We're not going to school today," he says. "Wha- Why???" she questions. "Because I can't stand the fact that students are bullying you; spreading rumors about you. Framing you to make things go worse!" he answers her question.

"Where are we going then?" She questions him, once again. He doesn't care about her questioning him many times, as long as he can get to be with her, he'll answer all her questions no matter how many. "Somewhere quiet."

Together, they both walk until they reach their destination. Kaya sits alone in class, 'I am so lonely, I have nobody~' she sings inside her mind as she taps her pen back and forth on her paper. She glances over at Yuuto, who was sleeping during the teacher was teaching a lesson.

"Every Fall, I often come here and sit underneath this beautiful big Chinese Flame Tree," Sanyu tells Ayumi. Her eyes widens at the beauty of the tree. He sits down, "Come sit with me." She sits next to him, though she leaves quite a distance between them. He looks at her, "So.. I wanted to talk to clear up some things." She suddenly looks down, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Tell me everything Ayumi. I want to hear your side of the story to clear up the misunderstandings at school. I'm here for you," he says. "Well.." she hesitates to speak. "You told me a bit of your traumatization which led to you being afraid of the dark, now I want to hear from you about this Cheating Scandal problem." He tells Ayumi.

She speaks in her mind, 'He's willingly to listen to me? To try to understand who I am? How I feel? To help me? No one's ever done that for me before..' Her tear drops. "Are you scared? Don't be," he tells her. "I.." she tries her best to hold back the tears, yet they keep falling down.

He goes over and hugs her, "Don't be scared, I'm here to help you out. I understand how you feel. I know it's been really hard on you. Remember what I said to you back then? 'If it hurts, cry it all out. It's not good to carry all the pain by yourself like that. It's not good to fake a smile everyday. No one will judge you.' You can be yourself when you're with me. Go ahead and cry."

Her heart shakes in sadness and she breaks down crying loudly in his arms. He gently pats her back as she cries.

When with Sanyu, she feels safe and secure. She truly can be herself when with him. She feels confident and happy. It's as if all the pain she carries suddenly vanished away. She can finally have a friend, who can understand her pain.

Sanyu asks her, "Are you alright now?" She looks up at him. He smiles warmly at her then looks at the ground, "Is it bad if I say that I want to be there for you?" She shakes her head. He smiles even more and looks away, "Then.. I want to be there for you. At ALL times." Her heart lightens up at his words.

"I'll tell you..the whole story of this Cheating Scandal problem.." she suddenly says. He looks at her again, "Sure. I'm willing to listen to you," he replies.

She begins, "At Kiroshima Middle School, I was Class President. As you know, a Class President has many duties, like taking care of the students, school work, etc.. and there was always this one lonely girl who was getting bullied. So during lunch hour, I wanted to help her out, I told her bullies to stop picking on her, and if they want to pick on someone, they can pick on me. I wouldn't dare to care anyways. As long as I can keep my classmates safe and happy, then I'm happy. And obviously, the bullies picked on me, of course. As I said earlier, I didn't care about them picking on me. It wasn't long until this student was selling things for large amounts of money. She always wore a mask when selling these things, so the students wouldn't know how she looked like. I tried to stop her many times, I guess it annoyed her and she decided to set me up. The bullies helped her with it. During lunch, a girl asked me to give an item to someone by the gym's storage house. I met that person and gave the item to him. However, one of the bullies snapped a picture and it quickly spread throughout the school. I was framed for the one who was selling things for large amount of money. I was asked to talk to teachers and the principal. I was even suspended for awhile..It wasn't long until the girl transferred out and the students began noticing the items were fake. Things started getting very serious, the classmates whom I wanted to protect and keep happy, all turned their backs on me.. even my best friend I met since Kindergarten.. turned her back on me. I was really hurt, I had no choice but to leave the school before something worse happens to me. I didn't try to clear the situation up because all evidence were pointing directly at me, no one would've believed me. I was known as the Dirty Digger since then.."

Sanyu sighs, "It wasn't your fault, understand that. You played a good role at that school and some idiot decided she wants to drag you down." She speaks again, "And ever since I left that school.. I told myself I wanted to start anew again.. but THIS happens."

He looks up underneath the tree leaves, "The game that's playing right now, is coming to an end soon. I know who's behind all of this. Even you, know. Together, we will stop this crisis." She looks at the ground, "But..why do you want to do this..for me..?" she curiously asks. He leans back a bit and looks at her with a gentle smile, "Think of me as your past self, I want to try my best to keep you 'Safe and Happy' ."

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