
Studying For The Final Exam!

While on their way back, Yuuto pretends his back his killing him just to walk with Ayumi instead of carrying Kaya. "You're gonna break my damn back fatass!" He starts walking slower. "I don't care if I break your back or not~ just carry me home," Kaya replies. Sanyu doesn't care about Yuuto's back, he's happy that he gets to be the one to walk besides Ayumi.

Kaya closes her eyes and tries to fall asleep, all that eating had made her really tired. "I'm really going to drop you," Yuuto tells her. "Drop me and I'll pull all your hair out," she says. "Damn you're crazy.." he sighs as he walks slow. Ayumi shivers a bit, the night is cold and she had brought no jacket with her whatsoever. Sanyu looks over at her, "Is it cold?" She nods her head lightly, "Just a bit, but I can handle it, don't worry about me." He takes off his suit jacket and places it over her bare shoulders, "Use this to keep you warm until you get home, I wouldn't want you to be sick again." The scent of his jacket was clean and fresh, it was not cologne, just that clean and fresh laundry scent.

She blushes and speaks nervously, "Then..thank you.. I guess.." Yuuto catches up with them. He sees that Sanyu had lent his suit jacket to Ayumi and is jealous. "My jacket is warmer," he tells Ayumi . "Then give me your jacket, I'm cold too!" Kaya says to Yuuto. Sanyu resists on laughing, he continues walking with Ayumi. He sighs, "I can't because I'm carrying you, but.. shouldn't my back be warming you?! Why would YOU need my jacket for?" She pulls his hair. He yelps.

The two group splits up to go to each other's house to drop one off. Sanyu stays by until Ayumi enters her house then leaves. Yuuto walks by Kaya's house and drops her off at her front door.

After the party, Ayumi goes straight into her room to study hard for the upcoming final exams next week. Kaya sighs as she lies down on the bed, "Should I even study? I already know everything.." She gets up as takes out her practice sheets and began working on it to study. Yuuto watches games on his phone, he doesn't bother to even study, he'll just wing it when the day comes. Sanyu is studying hard, his concentration is deep and the pencil in his hand had never stopped moving, it was constantly writing.

Ayumi starts to stress out, she doesn't understand how to do some of the calculus problems. She starts to miss her Pochi. He would have always sat beside her, tried to encourage her, that she can do it. By that, he only wagged his tail as he looked at her. Shusei would have always slid secret notes underneath her door saying that she can pass tests and to not stress out so much. That she can do it. To never give up.

Mother knocks on the door, "Are you doing alright sweetie?" "Yeah, just.. kind of stressing out on some problems..." she deeply sighs. Her mother comes in the room, "What problems? Maybe I can try to help you out." Ayumi shows her the calculus problems, "All of these." Mother raises an eyebrow, "They sure are quite difficult.. have you tried calling Kaya? Perhaps she may know. If not then try Sanyu, maybe he might know." Ayumi turns her chair back to facing her desk and scribbles a bit on the sheet, "I'll see about that.."

Mother smiles, "You can do this! I believe in you! Don't be too hard to yourself on this Alright?" She hugs Ayumi then leaves the room. Ayumi picks up her phone, she contacts Kaya. "Wassup girl, " She answers the call from Ayumi. "Kaya do you know how to solve number 27 on page 5? I really don't understand it.." Ayumi tells Kaya. On the other side of the phone, pages were flipping, "Oh hell no, I don't think I understand that either. Graphing -eX to the power of x-4??" Kaya replies.

"Then what about number 29?" Ayumi asked. Kaya lets out a little laugh, "You know damn well I suck at doing word problems." Ayumi inhales then exhales, "I'll try to see if Sanyu will know then." "Yeah let me know if he understands so I can call him too!" Kaya laughs.

She looks at Sanyu's contact number and her heart races a bit. She hesitates to press on it. Suddenly, the line began ringing. Shocked, she becomes nervous, "Ah! What do I do?!" Sanyu stops writing, he picks up his phone to see who it was. His eyes widens st the sight of Ayumi's name appearing on his phone. 'Why is she calling me? What should I do? How should i answer back?' He begins to worry a bit. Sanyu answers the call, "Yes?"

She doesn't speak back, she is too nervous to speak. "Hello? Ayumi are you there?" He questions confusingly as he thought it might've just been an accident. Right when he was about to hang up on the call, she speaks. "Sanyu?" He places his phone back to his ear, "Yeah it's me. Did you need something?"

"Sorry to bother you, but I need help on the practice exam sheet, I don't understand the calculus problems. Do you know anything about it?" she asks. "I finished the math section already, I'm on the English section, so yeah I'll help you out a bit. What number are you stuck on?" He tells her.

"Number 27 on page 5," she says. He finds the problem, "Ah~ this is super easy, don't work yourself up on it too much. So, we know that e is equal to about 2.718. You should plot that first on the y axis of the graph. The x-4, basically, just shift down 4. If it was a negative x, then it would be a reflection, however it is not so don't reflect it." She follows his directions and the math clicks in her mind, "Oh~ okay I get it now!"

He laughs gently over the phone, "See? Easy right?" She smiles, "Yeah! It is!" "Do you need help on anything else?" He questions her. "Yes please," she says then points out every problem she needed help with on. Sanyu continues to help her out throughout the night.

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