
Please Help Me


Of course, her mother was meeting with Tanaka. "Ayumi! Tanaka will be staying with us tonight for dinner, you don't mind right?" Her mother smiles. Ayumi sighs, "I don't care." She walks into her room. When Sanyu arrives at his apartment, he goes into the bathroom and takes a shower. 'Ayumi seemed...annoyed today..' he thought to himself as the water hits his skin and drenches his hair.

After he took a shower, he started on his homework. When he finished, he cooked dinner for himself. "It's hard living alone.. but I'm used to it," he says as he cuts some beef.

It was late 7pm, Sanyu was in the living room, just chilling, watching the television. Kaya reads her brother's journal that has little words in. Her heart aches. Yuuto is in his room playing video games instead of doing his homework. "Procrastination at its finest," he tells himself.

"Ayumi, I will be going to the store to buy some groceries to cook for dinner. Please stay here with Tanaka for awhile, I will be back quick," Her mother tells her. Ayumi nods her head, "Alright then." "Tanaka, I'll be back," Her mother smiles at him. "Sure thing," he smiles back. 20 minutes passed. Ayumi messages Sanyu.


His phone dings and he reads the message notification to see who it was from. His eyes widens, it was Ayumi who messaged him. He texts back, "Yeah?" Tanaka looks at Ayumi, she doesn't feel comfortable. "What are you doing?" He asks while looking at her from head to toe. She walks over to the front door and secretly unlocks it while going over to the kitchen. "Nothing," she tells him.

He smiles, "You're really beautiful." "Well, okay," She walks into her room to text Sanyu.

"The door to my apartment is unlock."

He raises an eyebrow, and texts back. "What? Why is it unlocked?"

She doesn't texts back. Sanyu gets worried and calls her. She picks up, "Sanyu.." She seemed scared. "Are you okay?? What's happening?! Why's the door to your apartment unlocked?" He worriedly asks her. "I don't trust the man in my apartment.." she tells him. Shocked he responds back, "What?!! Why's there a man in your house?!!" "He's my mother's co worker..but he keeps giving me looks and keeps telling weird things.. I unlocked the door, he doesn't know, please come over I'm scared." The call ends.

Sanyu immediately wears his shoes and runs out his apartment to go to Ayumi as fast as possible. Tanaka knocks on her door, "Beauty? May I come in?" "Leave me alone," Ayumi tells him to go away. He picklocks the door open and sees Ayumi. "We're alone in this little apartment. What do you think will happen?" He smiles at her. Her past begins taunting her, she becomes afraid. She does not want to get cruelly hit again.

He shuts the door and walks over to Ayumi. "What are you doing... go away. Leave me alone!" Ayumi yells at him. "I've always thought you were more beautiful than your silly mother," he tells her. Her heart trembles in fear, "What are you going to do to me?" "It'll be really quick," he smiles as he observes her body.

She tries to move away, to grab onto anything that'll work as a weapon to protect herself. Sanyu runs nonstop at a fast pace. He wants to be there for Ayumi before anything bad happens to her. 'Please be safe, please be alright!' He tells himself as he runs.

Tanaka makes a move and grabs Ayumi. He gropes her breasts and tries to kiss her but she moves her head away from him. She screams for help and hits him. His hands slowly moves down her thighs. Aggressively he tears her shirt open whereas he can see her bra and kisses her chest area. "SANYU!!!!! Please help me!!!" She desperately cries. "Shh~ if you be too loud I'll go hard on you. It's your first time isn't it?" He laughs and he holds her down. "It'll be quick, don't worry," he continues.

She tries to jerk away to escape but she cannot with her strength. His rough and cold hands on her body, kissing every inch of her. Sanyu finally arrives at her apartment and bursts in. "AYUMI!!" She hears him and cries loudly, "SANYU PLEASE HELP ME!!" The man covers her mouth, "You're a naughty girl, you called for someone?" He takes out a pocket knife.

Sanyu grab a pan and runs to the room. He bursts opens the door and smacks Tanaka with the pan. Tanaka falls onto the floor and Sanyu grabs a blanket and covers Ayumi. "Come on! Let's go!" He helps Ayumi get up. Tanaka stands up and cuts Sanyu's arm. He yells in pain and tries to fight off Tanaka. Ayumi sees Sanyu hurt, she cries even more and grabs her phone to call the police.

Sanyu grips into the pan and uses his strength to hit Tanaka with it. He takes a few steps back and puts his hands on his head and yells as his head throbs in pain. Quickly, Sanyu takes Ayumi and together to run outside the apartment. Her mother returns back from the stores and gasps. She runs towards them, "What in the world happen?! Sanyu! You're bleeding! Ayumi!! What happened to you?!"

"Mother.. Tanaka.. he.. he tried to..." she couldn't speak anymore, instead she just broke down and cried in Sanyu's arms. Her mother was pissed off, she goes into the apartment and sees Tanaka, still throbbing in pain. The police arrives. They put Ayumi and Sanyu into the ambulance car. Yuki grabs Tanaka by his T-shirt collar, "How could you?! I trusted you! Why would you do such thing to my daughter!!?? You're disgusting and sick!!!!" She slaps him hard across his face.

The police officer pulls Yuki back and arrests Tanaka. "She was beautiful and my body was yearning for her," He laughs. "Quit the talk, get in the car," the officer tells him. The ambulance crew helps disinfect Sanyu's wound and told him, "It's just a little cut. Not that deep to be getting stitches. You'll be fine." They wrap a bandage around his arm.

Ayumi's mother gives her clothes to wear, "I'm so sorry this happened..." she cries. While Ayumi wears her clothes inside the apartment, Yuki goes over to Sanyu. "Thank you for saving my daughter once again.." she hugs him. He sighs, "You're welcome."

"Without you, I wouldn't know what would've happened to my daughter," she cries. "I'm glad I got there in time," he tells her.

Ayumi comes out and walks to her mother and Sanyu. She looks at him, "You..got hurt because you tried to protect me.." He smiles at the sight of her, "I will always protect you, even if it costs my life."

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