
Live With Someone Else

After they all went back home, Ayumi's mom was packing her stuff. She enters the front door to the apartment and notices some things are missing. "Mom? Where will you be going?" Ayumi asks. "My dear, I have to overseas for my business work. I won't be back til 4 months later it seems," Her mother replies. "For 4 months?! Mother I cannot live by myself alone here in this scary apartment! Please take me with you!" Ayumi tells her mother.

She hugs Ayumi warmly, "I cannot take you with me since you are still in school my dear, however, I too do not want you to live here all alone as well. Moreover, I do not want you to go back to live with your Father just yet. You will live with someone else." "Who would I be living with?! I know no one here at all! It's scary mother!" Ayumi says. "Don't worry, tomorrow morning, that person will come pick you up first thing. Therefore, pack up all of your stuff and get ready," mother responds back to Ayumi.

"Are you leaving right now?!" Ayumi asks. "Yes, my flight is at 6pm, I have to get to the airport now," she kisses Ayumi's forehead then gets up to leave. "Mom..." Ayumi whines. "You needn't be afraid, you're in good hands. This person I can rely on and trust the most," mother smiles then leaves out the door.

The apartment feels cold and lonely. Ayumi goes in her room and packs up all her things then sleeps off the fear.

Next morning, it was bright and warm. Ayumi gets up and does her morning routine then cooks herself breakfast to eat. She then ties her hair up and goes wear her school uniform. "Today, I believe the final scores should be up," she tells herself. The apartment doorbell rings. Ayumi feels somewhat scared, she hesitates to open the door.

When it opened all the way, Sanyu smiled, "Good morning Ayumi." Her eyes widens, "S-Sanyu?!! What are you doing here?!!" He gently laughs, "Well..long story short. Yeah."

—Last Night— Mother picks up her phone and dials Sanyu's number. "Hello.....?" He answers the call. "Kimura, I have a request of you to do for me please, if you don't mind," mother tells him. Awkward he asks, "What kind of request is it...??" "I'm going overseas for some business for 4 months and I won't be able to take care of Ayumi. So I hope you can help take care of her in my place. Let her live with you since you live alone. I would have asked Kaya, but her uncles don't seem to like my dear Ayumi because of something that's happened before. Please do this for me just once.."

Sanyu is frozen for awhile on the other side of the phone. His heart races fast and he suddenly feels weirded out. "Yuki, uh.. well..er..umm.. don't you think it's weird to have a boy and a girl living together alone??" Mother shakes her head then smiles generously, "If it's you two, I don't think it's weird. I have my faith in you that you will protect her at all costs." Then she speaks in her mind, 'Besides, it looks like the two of you likes each other anyways.'

He sighs frustratedly, "I guess then.. I'll accept your request. I won't fail you." "Thank you my dear. I owe you lots!" Mother smiles. "So when does this start?" Sanyu asks. "Tomorrow morning dear!" Mother answers. Shocked his heart races out of control, "Wait- wha-!" "That's all! Thanks again my dear!" Mother hangs up the call. His jaws drops, "What am I going to do now.. Ayumi's going to be living with me for 4 WHOLE MONTHS!"

—Present— Ayumi looks at him, "Huh?? Then that means.. the one I'm going to be living with is..YOU?!" He awkwardly scratches his head and laughs, "looks like it~ but anyways let's forget about this now and just walk to school together before we're late~" Her mind is going places nervously now, "Please don't let anyone know about this then.." He smirks a bit at her, "No one will ever know, trust me."

They walk to school together. When they entered the classroom, Kaya stood up immediately. "Pretty Boy I waited 10 minutes for you but you never came?" He looks at her, "I had something to do first, then on my way here I met up with Ayumi. Sorry if I didn't informed you first." Kaya sighs, "That's alright. I thought you were kidnapped or something and I just started to overthink and worried myself." He laughs, "I'm sorry."

Yuuto enters the classroom and lies down on his desk. Ayumi then sits in her desk, "When are they going to put up the scores?" "During lunch I heard," Kaya answers. Sanyu sits in his desk and takes his supplies out, "I'm curious about the score I got too. I'll check it out with you all later."

After class ended, Ayumi and Sanyu rushes to go see the score board. All of the students were talking with each other about their scores. Ayumi stares at the board, "What...why am I..." "You're second place," Sanyu laughs. She turns around to look at him, "How dare you take my first place! I studied so hard just to get second place?!" He pats her head and laughs, "If you can beat me next year, I'll do anything you ask me to for a whole day." She pouts, "Bet."

"Hahhhh~ I'm fourth place?! That's so low of me!" Kaya says. "You just suck," Yuuto tells her. "Says the one who got 20th place," Kaya rolls her eyes. He laughs, "I didn't even study for this at all I'm surprised I'm in the top 20." "Cool," She boring replies back. "What place did you usually get?" Yuuto asks her. She lets out a loud laugh, "3rd place." He starts giggling at her like how a little kid would, "That's no difference at all!"

Near the end of the school, after the last class ended, the class president, Izumi announced to the class, " We will be starting our school festival! Please think of something we can do for our classroom! We can vote on it tomorrow after school then, we may start designing the features." The class cheered happily.

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