
It’s Alright

As the two sat on the bench, they talked. Ayumi stares at the ground and wipes the tears from her puffy eyes. Sanyu looked away and asks, "Are you hurt anywhere?" Ayumi shakes her head, "I'm fine." He thinks about those words, 'I'm fine' then looks at her again and straightforwardly asks, "You're not fine are you? You say you are, but deep inside you probably aren't doing so well." Ayumi lifts her eyes off the ground and looks at Sanyu.

"Thanks for your concern, but I'm really just fine. I don't like the dark..that's all," Ayumi quietly says as she remembers the her past. "Its alright to cry out the pain you're carrying, if it hurts, you can cry. No one will judge you," Sanyu replies. Her heart trembles at his words. "It isn't good to fake a smile everyday when you're dying inside you know," he continues.

A tear kisses her cheeks as if falls down from her eye. "Did something traumatized you? Is that why you're so afraid of the dark?" He asks. She speaks up, "On May 22nd year 2012, my house was broken into. My parents weren't home, they were working late, my brother was only 3 years old. I was sleeping, but was awakened by some kind of noise, I noticed that, in the dark, there was a dark figure standing by the corner of my room just staring at me. I was so scared, I tried to grab something to attack him with..." she starts crying again. "But he... he..pinned me down and tried to do something horrible to me. And because I kept trying to escape from him, he was angered and started hitting me..brutally," she stops talking and wipes her tears. He immediately hugs her to comfort the sadness she was having.

"You must've been living a sad and painful life this whole time..," he closes his eyes. He felt sorry for her. Ayumi sucks her tears up, "Can I tell you something?" He looks at her and gives her a warm smile, "Sure." She starts talking, "You know..when you first came here.. the reason why I shouted 'You're that one guy!' was because I actually had a dream about you." He raises a eyebrow, "You had a dream about me?" She nods her head, "And in that dream you said almost the same exact lines you said to me just now. You even gave me a drink to drink because I was sad in the dream." He looks away then smiles, "We were probably meant to meet." "You were also able to look through people's past. I guess you saw mine and that's why you came to comfort me," She continues. His eyes widens and he lets out a little laugh, "I can look through people's pasts?!" She nods her head and lets out a slight smile. Surprised, he points out, "Oh! You finally smiled!" Ayumi changes the subject to cover up her awkwardness feeling, "My parents are probably wondering where I am. I should go home now." "Yeah sure, I'll walk you there," he gets up.

After Sanyu walked her home, he went to his apartment. It was empty, no one was there except him. He lies down on his bed and sighs, "I'm fine..huh?" He starts to recalls all the bad times he's had then rolls over to his side on the bed. "I shouldn't think to much, I should sleep now," he shuts his eyes. 'It'll be alright Sanyu.. it's going to be just fine. Staying strong is all I need to do.' he thinks to himself as he falls asleep.

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