
I’m Sorry

Sanyu returns to the classroom with Ayumi. Kaya looks at them, 'Why's she wearing his hoodie? What happened?' She thought to herself. "Kaya, take care of Ayumi, I have something to do," Sanyu tells her.

"Okay," she replies. Yuuto stays far away from Ayumi, he doesn't want to get near her until she is clear with her answer. However, the sight of her wearing his hoodie made him extremely jealous. Sanyu walks through the halls calmly. Mae sees him and goes up to him, "Ah~ now that you're not hanging out with Ayumi, can we hang out together and have some fun now?" She smiles as she asks him nicely.

He looks at her and pushes her away, "Don't talk to me right now, I'm not in the mood." His anger was pointed out towards Sona, he only focused on her. Mae somewhat feels afraid of him, his aura was terrifying. She watches him walk away from her with his hands clenched together in a ball.

Sona laughs as she talks with a student from another classroom. Sanyu sees her and quickly drags her away by pulling her hair. The students gasps and gossips about what's happening. Sanyu doesn't care if anyone sees how he is right now , if anything, he'd rather want everyone to see how much of a horrible person Sona is.

He throws her onto the ground, "What did you do to Ayumi?" His voice was calm yet there was call in his voice letting Sona know that he was angered to the max. Her eyes widens, the person who she least expect to confront her really just confronted her. She had thought that it'd be Yuuto who'd end up hitting her, and she was even ready for that to happen. As long as she can rid of Ayumi, she'd do anything.

Sona scoffs, "It's you who's confronting me? How funny?" He ignores her, "What did you do to my Ayumi?" "MY? Did you just said that word? Does that mean you actually like Ayumi?" She starts laughing. "Yeah, I just figured out myself that I like her. What's wrong with that? Is liking someone a sin?" He points out. She begins to think of Yuuto, who she once liked, "Liking someone..is definitely a sin."

"Your way of liking became a sin for yourself. You didn't know when to stop when there was a clear answer from him, and what did you try to do? Attack the one he liked just so you can get his attention?" He starts laughing at her. She becomes dumbfounded and doesn't say anything back to Sanyu. "You really are nothing more than a Attention Seeker," he gives her a disgusted look.

"How can you like someone like Ayumi? She's horrible and doesn't even compare to me! I'm rich and live a good life unlike hers!" Mae comes out of nowhere and shouts at Sanyu. She was heartbroken knowing that he lied to her about not liking Ayumi. Sanyu became annoyed, "So I'm guessing you were part of the plan too?" Her eyes widens, "What..no.. I wasn't.."

He steps away from Sona and walks up to Mae and tells her straight up, "You really just made a fool of yourself for trusting some wench like this one here." "I.." Mae hesitates to speak back. "You dare stabbed me in the back? I trusted you, I even accepted you as my friend! Yet you back stabbed me? How can you do this? Do you too, want to become an Attention Seeker?" He laughs it out.

She drops to the ground and cries, "Kimura! I like you though! I really like you!!" He looks at her, "I'm sorry, but the one I like isn't you. It's Ayumi." He tells her. Sona is reminded from the time where she confessed to Yuuto and was told that the one he liked wasn't her but Ayumi instead.

Kaya thinks for awhile after Ayumi told her everything that just happened. She throws Ayumi to Yuuto, "Please take care of her for awhile! I'll be back!" Yuuto catches her then watches Kaya run out the classroom. "That idiotic brat can be causing trouble right now!!" She yells as she runs to find Sanyu. Many students gathers around the scene and gossips around. Teachers begins to run to stop the scenery.

Kaya finally finds them, thinks of something, and then yells, "Kimura!! The person I liked had died and I'm going to kill you for it!!" He snaps out of his anger and looks at Kaya. His eyes widens as he sees her charging towards him, "Wa-Wait!!!" The teachers stops and looks at them confusingly, "What are they doing?" "Were they not fighting just a second ago?" "What's happening?"

She looks at them and laughs, "Ah! Teachers! Welcome to our drama play! It's a story where some girls bully the main guy's crush and he gets mad and tries to attack them! Then his friend comes running to him his friend's crush had died because of him! Nothing more than a complicating story!" The teacher then starts laughing at each other, "We came running for no reason!" "It was just a for show!" "How funny!" "What great actors you all are! I'm impressed!"

Kaya winks at Sanyu. He bows to thank her for saving him from getting in trouble. After the teachers left, Kaya looks at Mae and Sona. "Ew, cockroaches." Mae looks at Sona, "You did me wrong, I won't ever forgive you." She smiles back at Mae, "At least someone finally decides to trust me for the first time in my life. It feels good." "However you used that in a horrible way. You know better. And I too, won't forgive you. My anger and hatred will always be at YOU," Sanyu says.

"Okay calm down Pretty Boy, just leave these two discombobulated girls alone and lets just go back to our pretty Cosmology classroom," Kaya tries to calm him down. He gives them one final look then walks away with Kaya back to the classroom where Ayumi was.

Yuuto looks at her, "Have you..thought of your answer?" Ayumi looks up at him then steps a bit away, "I have just now after thinking it through." He doesn't say a word back. She bows to him, "I cannot accept you as the one I like, I can only accept you as a good friend of mine. The person I like...is Sanyu. I'm sorry."

He sighs then looks away, "I knew it'd turn out like this.. I already saw the two of you liking each other.. how fool of me to even confess to you.. however now that I have that weight off my chest.. I can try to forget it now." He was sad, he couldn't even look at Ayumi. His tears dropped secretly.

'I should confess my love now,' Ayumi and Sanyu both thought to theirselves.

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