
Have I Seen You Before?

During Lunch, Sanyu, Kaya, and Ayumi hung out together as usual. Kaya was screaming all over Ayumi, "You were so damn cool! I couldn't believe my eyes and ears!! Am I dreaming?!" Sanyu laughs, "You were very brave there." Ayumi looks back at them and smiles, "But..to be honest, I was very scared..I really thought that the classmates were going to yell back at me or that Sona was going to hit me.. you don't know how fast my heart was beating because I was so afraid of what was going to happen to me."

Kaya hugs Ayumi, "If they were to do anything to you, they'd have to get through me first." Ayumi looks down for a bit, "Kaya.. you will never leave me...right?" She smiles brightly at Ayumi, "Of course I won't!! I love you so much!! Thanks for being my best friend!!" Ayumi is flustered and smiles warmly.

Sanyu leans back, "Whelp! I'm glad this mess is finally over!" Kaya smacks Sanyu's back, "Yess!! Agreed!!" She then carefully looks at Sanyu, "But Pretty Boy.. what did you to do Ayumi to build up her confidence when she was trying to speak out to the class?" Surprised by the sudden question, "Wha? What are you talking about?? Ayumi just built up her confidence herself did she not?" Kaya raises an eyebrow, "I'm not so sure about that.. because before she built up her confidence, she looked over at you. I didn't see what you did but it really helped her out."

"He mouthed the words, 'Don't be scared, you can do this.' To me," Ayumi exposes him. Kaya laughs, "Aawe how cute! You really lift her up when you said that then! Pretty Boy you're a really good friend!!" He looks away to hide his blushed face, "Er- well.. yeah. Thanks.. I guess." Deep inside, Sanyu felt really happy.

After school, the three walked home together on the same path. Kaya smiles, "I guess you're going to be walking with us from now on huh?" She nods her head, "Well, yeah, since my apartment is this way now.." "Is your apartment near here?" Sanyu asks Ayumi. She shakes her head, "It's really far from here." "How far??" Kaya questions. "It's nearby Gin Academy.." Ayumi answers.

Shocked Kaya yells, "THAT FAR?!!" Sanyu doesn't know where Gin Academy is, so he can't say anything about it. Confusingly, he asks, "Umm..how far is that exactly?" "It's like 30 minutes away from here!" Kaya yells. He nods and speaks in his mind, 'It's not THAT far.. I thought Kaya meant it like as if it were to be 2 hours away or something..'

Ayumi blankly stares at them. Kaya looks at Ayumi, "That's no good! We're dropping you off!" Her eyes widens, "Uh..you guys don't need to.. I'll be fine.." Kaya shakes her head, "It's too far to be going home by yourself! Besides if we drop you off, we won't be alone on our way back, since we leave in the same neighborhood." Sanyu agrees, "Yeah.. I live like.. 5 houses away from Kaya." "He lives in a apartment," Kaya smiles.

Ayumi sighs, "Well, I guess you two can then.." Kaya looks at Sanyu and smiles big. He tries to not smile, however he felt extremely happy to walk her home.

When they arrived at Ayumi's apartment, she thanked them for walking her home. Her mother opened the door, she was going to throw the trash out. Sanyu sees her mother, his eyes widens, he thinks to himself, 'Who is she?? Why does she look so familiar?? Where have I seen her before??' Kaya smiles, "Good evening-ish Ayumi's Mother!" She looks at the three, "Oh my! You two walked Ayumi all the way over here? How kind of you."

"Yeah, they really wanted to walk me home because it's too 'far' away from school," Ayumi says. Kaya looks at Ayumi, "It really IS." Her mother laughs then looks over at Sanyu, "And who are you? You really looks familiar for some reason. Have I seen you before?"

"Miss, I think we've met before.. at least 2 years ago we did.." Sanyu tells her. Ayumi and Kaya looks at them surprised with their eyes widened. "Your name is...?" Mother tries to recall her memories. "Kimura Sanyu," he tells her. She gasped, "Oh my! The Kimura Sanyu from the hospital?!" He nods his head, "Nakamoto Yuki, right?" "Just Yuki," she replies. He remembers, 'Oh right, there was a divorce...'

Ayumi couldn't believe what she was hearing, "Wait- you're telling me you've met him before mother??" "Yes! Yes I have! He was in some trouble in the hospital 2 years ago. I felt bad so I decided to help him out, then I drove him home!" She smiles. Kaya's jaw drops, "wow~" "Please come inside! I have many questions!" Mother invited Kaya and Sanyu in the apartment.

They all got inside the house and sat down on the couch. "Whoa~ it's really small in here, but it's cute and cozy. I like it," Kaya looks around. Mother gives them tea to drink and some snacks. She sits down and looks at Sanyu, "Remember when I told you I had a daughter around your age? And when I told you that i hoped you two would meet and become friends with each other??" Sanyu suddenly becomes awkward, "Um..yeah..?" Kaya smiles as she looks at them talk to each other. Ayumi listens to the conversation.

"You two really did meet and became friends! Oh it was fate that brought you two together! Tell me! How did you two meet each other?!" Mother was really happy. "Well.. we- it was a coincidence. I was walking around at night and-" he gets cut off by Ayumi. "We're classmates! CLASSMATES mother! That's how we became friends!" She doesn't to let her mother know that she was attacked from the man in the black hoodie and was saved by Sanyu. Kaya knows what's up and laughs at Ayumi.

"Is that right?" Mother looks at Sanyu. He looks over at Ayumi, he wanted to get her back for exposing him earlier to Kaya. "No," he answers. Ayumi is in shock, "It's true!" Kaya covers her mouth and laughs, "Let Pretty Boy talk geez!" Sanyu laughs at them. "Then how did you two really met?" Mother asks him.

He begins talks, "Well to begin with, yes we ARE classmates but we never really talked to each other. Until this one night where I was walking around looking at the city lights in Tokyo. It sure was different from Osaka. I happened to see Ayumi walking back from the convenience store, however there was someone else following her. I thought she might get hurt or something, so I decided to follow them. The man tried to hit on Ayumi, and she was scared. He ran after her and threw her onto the ground, I was shook. I didn't know what to do so I rolled a rock over to them while they were fighting. Eventually, she did use the rock and hit the man's head and took off running. That man held a knife and chased after Ayumi. I hid in the alleyways, waiting for her to run towards me, and when she did, I pulled her through so that the man wouldn't see Ayumi. Of course it was dark, so the man didn't see us and ran off. The next day she thanked me and we just became friends like that."

Her mother was shook, "What! Wow! Oh my god! You're a hero! You saved my daughter!! How can I thank you!?" She gives Sanyu a big hug. Kaya lets go of Ayumi and smiles, "He's a hero alright!" Sanyu looks over at Ayumi and smiles. Her face turns red and her heart skips a beat while looking at Sanyu. He sees her blushed face and it makes his heart beat fast nervously. 'How cute,' he thought to himself. She turns away and tries to change the subject, "Aahh~ I think I'm going to be really busy today! I have many homework~"

Kaya laughs and looks over to Sanyu, "Shall we get going home now? It's getting kinda late." He looks back at Kaya then nods his head, "Yeah, we should." "Already?? Alright then, please be safe on your way back home my loves," Mother tells them. They bow, "Please excuse us now. Have a good night." She smiles at them, "You two have a good night too." They then leave the house.

Mother looks at Ayumi, "Oh my! Are you sick or something?! Your face is red!" Ayumi immediately answers back, "Yeah! I'm sick! So don't come near me!" Her mother squints her eyes, "Or are you..blushing??" Ayumi yells, "ARGH! I'm not!" She thinks of something then smiles at Ayumi, "Do you... perhaps like Kimura?!" Ayumi's eyes widens and she runs to her room, "I don't like him mother! Leave me alone!" She laughs as Ayumi runs to her room, "My silly daughter, it looks like you do."

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