
Game Starts Now

During lunch Kaya asks Sanyu, "Do you want to hang out today?" He looks at her, "Yeah, sure." They both go eat lunch outside by the bleacher benches in front of the baseball field . Mae waits for Sanyu to come to the bench under the oak tree, "Is he not here today?" She lies her head down. One of Mae's friends, Rin, comes up to her, "Emiko, do you like Kimura or something? You're always hanging out with him." "I think you two look so cute together! A perfect match! The school's queen with the good looking new student Kimura!" Laughed Kaoru. Mae smiles at hearing their words.

"What is that you want," Yuuto crosses his arms, as if he had no patience for Sona. "You know that I like you, and I will not give up my love for you until you like me back. Therefore, I will do whatever I can just to be with you," she speaks. He gives her a look and isn't interested in the talk , "Is that all? I'm going to leave, what a waste of time." He starts to walks away from Sona. "I dug a little into Ayumi's past. She was bullied hard in Kiroshima Middle School because someone set her up and framed her in some kind of trouble. Do you want to know what kind of trouble?" she slowly smirks.

Irritated, he asks, "What the hell is it exactly that you want?" She ignores his question, "In middle school she was known as a-" her sentence was cut off by Yuuto. "SHUT UP!! Don't talk about it... I know all of this already." He clenches his fist and maliciously looks at her. "I won't do anything to her if you agree to be with me," Sona replies. "I'd rather die than to be with someone like you," he walks away angrily.

She watches him leave, "Someone like me.. will show you how it's like to win a game." Sanyu watches Kaya eat, "Whoa, you sure do eat a lot." She agrees, "Hell yeah I do!" He laughs, "Are you almost done eating?" She nods her head, "Yeah I'm done." She looks over at his bento box, "Are YOU done??" "No, I'm full." "Alright let me have your food then," she smiles happily over the food. He gives her his bento box, "You can have it all then." She does little claps then closes her eyes, "Thank you very much for the food!" Then begins eating.

Her eyes sparkles over his food, "DID YOU MAKE THIS OR DID YOUR MOTHER MAKE THIS?!! ITS FREAKING DELICIOUS!!" 'I..don't have a mother..please don't mention her..' he speaks in his mind. "I made it myself," he replies to Kaya. She gets closer to Sanyu, "IM ENVIOUS OF YOUR COOKING SKILLS PRETTY BOY." He lets out a little laugh, "I'm not THAT good at cooking.." "You are indeed THAT good at cookin, but I prefer Ayumi's cooking better, shes a goddess at cooking!'" she continues eating the food. He doesn't say anything back rather than to smile.

After school, Kaya goes visit Ayumi. While sleeping in her bed, she hears the door bell ring twice. Tiredly, Ayumi wakes up and opens the door. "Wassup girl!" Kaya walks in the house as if it was hers. She takes a better look at Ayumi and gasps, "OH MY GOD YOU'RE PALE!" Ayumi randomly blinks at Kaya for some seconds, "Yeah, I'm going back to sleep." "No girl, stay here," Kaya makes Ayumi sit on the sofa. "Have you eaten yet?" "No, I slept all day..I don't have the strength to cook," Ayumi replies. "One of the best cookers, DOWN. I would cook for you, but sadly I can't cook well." Kaya looks away, "my mother prepares my bento box for me all the time." Ayumi shuts her heavy eyes. Kaya thinks of something, "Wait a second...Sanyu can cook really freaking good food, I shall call him over! Yes!" She takes her phone out and contacts Sanyu.

While working on his assignments, his phone rings. He picks up the call, "Hello?" "Pretty Boy!! I need you over at 1234 Midori Ave! It's urgent!!" Kaya yells through the phone. He has his phone away from his ear until the yelling was over, "For..what??" "Just come now!! I'll see you there!!" She hangs up the call. Again, his phone is away from his ear, "Alright then, I'll come over.."

When Sanyu arrives at the place, he notices it's Ayumi's house. He turns away, 'Should I even be here?? At a girl's house??' Kaya looks at the window sees Sanyu hesitating to go inside the house, she goes outside, "Come on in Pretty Boy!!" Dragged inside the house, he cannot go back out now. He sees Ayumi sleeping on the sofa, "How's she doing?" "She's doing alright, slowly healing," Kaya answers. "So why did you call me over for? You said it was urgent?" He questions Kaya.

"Right, it IS urgent. Ayumi hasn't ate this whole day and she's starving to death! I can't cook well, unlike the both of you, so I decided to call you over to cook some light food for her to eat, like soup or something," Kaya crosses her arms and looks at him. "Is it okay for me to cook here? In her kitchen..?" He asks. Kaya smacks his back, "Of course it is!! Now hurry! I'm hungry too!" He mumbles, "You finished your bento AND finished mine..you're still hungry??" "What did you say? I couldn't hear well, you were mumbling something," Kaya laughs. "It's nothing," he heads over into the kitchen and looks through the refrigerator for some cabbage and carrots.

He grabs a pot and fills it with water half way and places it on the stove. Kaya precisely watches him cook. He cuts the cabbage into bite size pieces then dices the carrots. "I wasn't lying when I said you're a good cook, oh my god your cooking skills are amazing," she continues watching him. He smiles as he hears those words then cracks open some eggs into the pot.

After Sanyu finishes cooking, he gives some to Kaya to eat. Her eyes sparkles and is like a happy dog wagging her tail in excitement. He looks at Kaya eat then laughs, "You're a really funny friend." She nods her head, "AGREED!" He walks over to wake Ayumi up, "I made some light soup for you to eat so you'll feel better." She opens her eyes and weakly speaks, "Oh..thanks for the food.." Kaya looks over, "I can feed Ayumi so don't worry about her, if you're busy you can go home, but if you would like to stay here a bit more and hang out with us, you can." Sanyu bows, "I'll be taking my leave then, I have many assignments to finish on." Kaya bows her head, "Sure thing! I'll see you tomorrow at school!" He smiles then leaves the house.

Sona messages to some of the classmates. She lets out a evil little smirk as she sends the message. "Let's see how you do tomorrow.. the game starts now."

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