
Do Your Job Properly

After some weeks, the rumors slowly gets worse. Ayumi hesitates if she should even go to school or not, however she goes for the sake of her attendance. When Ayumi arrived at school, she was walking slow with her head down. Yuuto comes over to her, "What's up? Are you alright?" She nods her head, "Yeah, I'm fine." He precisely looks at her face, "Have you been sleeping at all?? You have bags under your eyes!" She looks up at him and sarcastically speaks, "Oh I do? I didn't noticed." He sighs then puts his hand on top of her head, "I know you're being bothered, let me take care of this." She looks down and holds her tears back, she doesn't want a single tear to drop. He clenches his fists angrily, "I'm going to show this person they're messing with the wrong person."

"Please don't start anything, it'll make things worse," Ayumi replies. "They're hurting you! They should know how it feels to be hurt as well!" he scoffs. She hangs her head down and closes her eyes. He hugs her, "Don't worry about me, worry about yourself, you're the one hurt here. I'm here to comfort and protect you. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

Kaya and Sanyu arrives to school together (since they live nearby each other). As they walk through the school gate, they can see Yuuto hugging Ayumi. Sanyu stops walking as he sees them. Kaya looks over at Sanyu then back at Ayumi them, "The delinquent is hugging her?? That's strange. He's not the type to do that, he hates everyone." "Lets go to class," Sanyu feels somewhat jealous over at the scenery of Yuuto and Ayumi. "We're not going to wait for Ayumi?" Kaya follows Sanyu. "She can come to class with Yuuto, he answers her question.

She raises an eyebrow and thinks to herself, 'Usually he would wait for her regardless of who she's with.. why's he..acting so strange all of a sudden??' As they walked in the classroom, Sanyu immediately went to his seat and slept. Kaya tried to wake him, "Hey, get up before the teacher comes to teach! I think he's going to teach us a very important lesson today." He turned his head away from Kaya, "Whatever we learn today, I can easily learn tonight or tomorrow." 'Is he mad or something?' Kaya questions herself.

Seconds later, Yuuto walks in the classroom with Ayumi. As he walks her to her desk, he sees that people have written on her desk. "Ugly b**** leave the school" "I hope you *** yourself!" "You're disgusting." He looks at Ayumi, "You can sit in my desk, I'll sit in yours." "There's no need to, this is my desk so I'll just have to deal with it. I can still sit here, don't worry," she replies to Yuuto. "That's right! Ayumi is a strong girl, and she's got me! So don't worry too much about her, Delinquent," Kaya tells Yuuto. He looks at her, "YOU look more like the Delinquent though." The class laughs at Kaya. She doesn't care, "Good to know I look like one."

"If you're her friend, then why aren't you taking care of her?? You're just going to leave her hanging around look like this?? She's depressed!" He yelled at Kaya. "I know there's rumors about her, I have tried my best to keep her away from all the toxic people who's spreading the rumors throughout the school. I tried to keep her happy and unbothered. As her 'best friend' it is MY duty to look over her, not YOU. I would do anything for her, literally. But what can I do when she won't tell me her side of the story? I can't clear things up if I don't know of it?" Kaya speaks out. The whole class is watching Kaya and Yuuto.

Sanyu hears it all, yet he pretends to be asleep. He too, feels like he wants to keep Ayumi safe and happy. "Leave ugly Dirty Digger alone you two, she's not worth helpin', " someone laughs. Yuuto turns around and walks over to the guy that said that. He balls up his fist and punches the guy across his face. The guy fell off his chair and landed on the ground. Angered, he too, tries to throw a punch. Yuuto quickly dodges his punch and lands another punch on the guy leaving him a busted lip. The class is screaming and runs out the classroom to look for any teacher to stop the fight.

Ayumi runs over to try to stop the fight, "Guys please!! Stop fighting!!" Sanyu lifts his head back and leans back on his chair. He looks at Ayumi. She holds onto Yuuto's arm to stop his punches. He tugs her off and she falls down, hitting her back the corner of the desk. Shocked, Sanyu runs over to Ayumi, "Are you okay?!!" Kaya too, runs to Ayumi, "Oh my god!! Ayumi!! Are you hurt anywhere?! If so, where?!! WHERE?!!" Sanyu looks up at Yuuto and grabs him by the collar of his uniform, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU HURT AYUMI!!" Yuuto also grabs Sanyu's uniform shirt, "Oh, and you didn't?? You have never ONCE hurt Ayumi?? Me?? I didn't hurt her, I was trying to protect her."

Sanyu angrily looks at Yuuto and grits his teeth, "YOU didn't PROTECT her. She tried to stop you from making things worse, but you pushed her away, leaving her to be PHYSICALLY HURT!" "She should know well to not interfere a fight!! She hurt herself!!" He angrily yells back at Sanyu. He calms down and looks at Yuuto, "If you can't do your job properly, I'd be more than happy to take it away from you." He shoves Yuuto's arm away from him and walks over to Ayumi. The teacher comes running in the classroom, "ENOUGH WITH THE FIGHT!!" The four of them looked at her.

"Yuuto! He punched me out of nowhere teacher!!" The guy ran towards the teacher. "Quit wussin Out, you were the one who started this fight," Yuuto talks back. "Stop the talking. Hiroshima, Yamamoto, come to my office this instant," the teacher says. As they leave, Kaya tells Sanyu, "We need to take Ayumi to the infirmary room right now!" He picks her up and carries her to the infirmary room. The nurse examines her, "Hm, it's just a little wound on her lower back. She'll be fine with some medicine on it." Sanyu looks over at Ayumi and crosses his arms. Kaya puts her hand on his shoulder, "These weeks..isn't just getting any better huh.."

He nods his head, "Yeah."

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