
Do You Like Her?

The next day, Ayumi arrives to school early. She sits in her desk and lays her head down to get some extra sleep. Couple minutes later, Yuuto arrives and sees Ayumi sleeping. He smiles and walks over to her. Yuuto sits in the desk in front of her and turns his chair towards Ayumi.

He gets a text message, "Thanks to you I got suspended. -Sona" Yuuto ignores the next and lays his head down next to Ayumi and sleeps. Kaya and Sanyu arrives minutes later after many students are in the classroom. She walks over to Yuuto and kicks the chair. The loud thump of the chair awakens Ayumi and Yuuto. Ayumi looks over and sees Yuuto, startled she falls off her chair. He smiles as he looks at her, "Good morning beautiful~"

Sanyu interrupts Yuuto, "That's not where you sit." Kaya agrees, "That's MY seat, you Delinquent. Move out." Yuuto rolls his eyes, "You two are so damn annoying.." he walks to his desk and lays his head down. Sanyu helps Ayumi get back up, "Are you alright?" She blankly nods her head, 'yes.' Sanyu wants to make a move first, he wants Yuuto to be jealous. "Come to think of it, we're friends but I don't have your phone number, do you mind?" He asks Ayumi. Yuuto immediately raises his head up and looks over at them.

"That's right! Friends should have each other's numbers! Sanyu has mine already," Kaya says. "Oh~ alright then," she gives her phone number to Sanyu. Yuuto walks over, "Then I should get your number too!" Sanyu looks at him, "Whoa Whoa hold up, but you're not even her friend yet? You can't have her phone number, sorry." Kaya laughs, "Too bad Delinquent. You're not our friend."

Yuuto is jealous, he too, wants Ayumi's contact. "Let's become friends then Ayumi," he says to her. She tilts her head in confusion, "Aren't we already fri-" Sanyu cuts her off. "AAAH~! Don't you have to finish yesterday's homework?!! Finish it before class starts!" He makes her sit down in her desk. Kaya laughs, "This is too funny!" She knows what's up. Yuuto looks at Sanyu, "Why did you just interrupt her like that?? I need to hear what she was going to say, move out the way." Sanyu blocks Yuuto, "She's busy right now, maybe next time."

Ayumi awkwardly sits while doing nothing. 'But I don't even have unfinished homework from yesterday.. I finished them all,' She thinks to herself. Kaya sits in her desk, "Alright go your own paths boys, class is about to start." The two boys sits in their own desks and looks at each other as if a predator and prey are looking at each other before an attack occurs.

After class it was time for lunch. "I didn't bring my bento today, I'll have to go to the snack shop to buy some bread to eat," Sanyu sighs. Kaya pouts, "And I wanted to eat your delicious bento~~" Ayumi eats her food. "I'll get going then, see you after I buy my bread," Sanyu leaves. After he was gone, Yuuto goes over to Ayumi and Kaya. "What were you going to say this morning? Finish your sentence," he tells Ayumi. "Arghhh Delinquent go away~" Kaya says. "Shut up Child," he replies to her. Kaya backs up, "I'm 'CHILD?!' What the-!" He looks at her, "If I'm 'Delinquent' then you're 'Child.'" Ayumi laughs at them, "You two gave each other nicknames?" They both look at Ayumi, "NO!"

She was startled by their yell, "I'm sorry.." Kaya hugs her, "Wait don't act all down and apologize for nothing. It's true that's he's a delinquent that's why I call him that. He's no gentle like his name is that's why." Yuuto also points out, "And Kaya always acts like a little kid!"

When Sanyu arrives at the snack shop, he meets Mae. She walks over to him and smiles brightly, "Kimura! Hi!" He bows to greet her, "Hi." "It's been awhile..," she says. He nods his head, "yeah kind of." She looks down, "I see you've been hanging out with Nakamoto lately." "Ahh~ well yeah, we became closer friends with each other, I mean- friends should hang out together is that not it?" He scratches his head.

"Haven't you been hanging out with her a bit too..much though? You haven't been hanging out by the oak tree a lot lately," Mae tells Sanyu. "Are you trying to tell me that you want to hang out with me?" He questions her. She tucks her hair behind her ear, "Well.. you're a really nice person, who wouldn't want to hang out with you?" He orders his bread then looks at Mae, "Can we do this next time? I told them I'd come back to hang out with them after buying my bread."

She softly grabs onto his uniform shirt and looks at the ground, "Kimura.. do you...like Ayumi?" Startled, he immediately replies, "Aah no! Don't get me wrong! Haha... we're just friends!" She brightens up, "Okay then, next time, let's hang out!" He nods his head. "Emiko! Let's go!" Her friend Kaoru calls for her. "Bye Kimura," she says as she walks to her friend.

Sanyu places his hand over his heart, it was beating fast. "A question like that makes me feel all weird.." he sighs then walks back to Ayumi them.

Kaya and Yuuto starts calling each other names to confuse Ayumi.

K: "You freaking monkey!"

Y: "Hippo."

K: "You damn chicken!"

Y: "Frog."

K: "Arghh!! You look like a BLOB!!"

Y: "You look like a man."


Y: "Duck."

Ayumi is dazed and confused. Sanyu sits down next to Ayumi and laughs, "Whats up with the racket going on here?" She shrugs her shoulders, "I asked them one question and they began yelling at each other, I don't know what's happening." He laughs again, "How silly of them."

After school, Kaya and Sanyu walks Ayumi to her apartment. "This is our daily routine now," Kaya smiles at Ayumi. "We're concerned about your safety that's why," Sanyu says. Ayumi shyly smiles, "Thank you two."

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