
(RE:volt!) Chapter 1: Betrayal

Lunacrypt, Capital of the Grell Empire

(RE:volt!) Chapter 1: Betrayal

"FORWARD! NOT ONE STEP BACK! THEY'RE ON THE DEFENSIVE!" Ark yelled, his voice hoarse as he raised Bellrog, the draconic black blade howling its bloodlust with white flames that illuminated the darkness of the spacious treasury room for his companions to see.

All around him were corpses of gold clad soldiers, dragonoids, dragons, and piles of valuable metals that ranged from celestial jewels to solurus spheres, items that could be sold to feed millions for lifetimes.

Ark grit his teeth and gripped his blade in his muscular and scarred hands, slashing Bellrog and releasing a brilliant wave of fire that shattered the purple barrier of the Royal Guards, setting the soldiers alight. 

Their screams plastered against the gilded walls, melting away the piles of valuable gems as even their bones burned to ash, leaving nothing behind.

In response Ireliex roared, the Ancient white dragon spewing cold blighted flames that mingled with his incinerating fire, creating an explosion that forced the two parties to momentarily retreat from one another as walls of dense mana were conjured to halt the spread of the explosion.

"Tough bastard. Why won't you just DIE already!" Ark hissed, blood pouring from his mouth as he stabbed Bellrog into the golden floor, stabilizing himself against the vibrations that shook the treasury.

"Ark!" Liana called out, his joy and flower, the brunette woman sliding beside Ark with her once ornate robes now scuffed with grime, blood, and soot from hours of prolonged battle. "Don't worry! I'll heal you! I, The Divine, give thee Grace of health! Heal that which is harmed!"

Immediately Ark felt better, his breathing stabilized, his ribs hurt less, and his mind was clearer. Sadly however, it did nothing to stem the ache and pains of his mana circuits firing at their absolute extreme for so many hours

"How many are left?" Ark huffed, with Liana nearly on the verge of tears as she shook her head.

"Just our party."

Ark glanced around, taking in the sight of his dead comrades and subordinates, humans who had come together to fight for freedom and had laid their lives down for the idea of tomorrow.

"Liana! Is Ark ok?! My barrier won't last long!" Jasper, the yellow-coated magician with long brown hear yelled as he approached the pair with the rest of their party.

Prince Roland, Knight Xon, Stya, and Aem, his friends and companions. Those Ark had bled with, cried with, and shared nearly every waking moment with in their fight for mankind's freedom against the oppressive dragons.

"No! No he's not! His mana circuits are crumbling!" Liana cried, placing a tender hand over Ark's rapidly beating heart as her arm began to glow, activating another healing spell.

"I'M FINE!" Ark barked, forcing himself to stand as Jasper's barrier faded away and a crisp heat washed over him and the others. 

The Empress of Dragons snorted, purple flames leaving her nostrils as her golden eyes blazed with unfathomable power.

Suddenly she began to glow, transforming into a much smaller form, that of a humanoid woman with white dragon horns and matching wings.

"Her form shifted!" Ark barked. "Prepare our contingency!"

"But-" Liana began but Ark cut her off, uncorking and downing several vials concocted by Jasper.


Jasper grit his teeth as Aem ran forward, the eight-foot-tall silver-clad titan raising his matching silver shield to block the torrent of purple flames that spewed from Ireliex's onyx clawed hand.

"MY FRIENDS! HURRY!" Aem bellowed, the half giant's shield already melting from the intensity of magic flames.

Ark turned to Liliana as Roland got in position to circulate Ark's mana. "In case we don't survive. I love you Lil."

"I love you too!"

The two kissed passionately, Liliana channeling the remnants of her mana through their embrace to heal Ark as Jasper and Stya stacked buffs on him while Roland helped to guide and channel mana through Ark's core and circuits.



Immediately Ark's eyes began to bleed with blood pouring from every orifice of his body with the taste of metal staining his mouth.


Liliana hugged him tighter. "Just hang on!"

"Come on you phebian. Where is your commoner tenacity?!" Roland barked as Xon ran forward, leaping off of Aem to throw Gae Bulg at the approaching Dragon.

The cursed spear arced forward, a streak of red energy following behind the spear aimed for Ireliex's dragon core.

In response, multiple circular purple barriers formed, stacking on top of each other to catch the attack.

The legendary weapon smashed through the first six barriers, spiraling through them before it was caught by the seventh, creating a massive burst of energy as unbreakable shield met the all piercing spear.

"Shit... You gotta be kidding me! Guys hurry up!" Xon yelled, retreating as he raised his armored hand expecting his spear to return.

Yet it didn't, out of the smoke the Empress walked forward, her black dress unharmed with her head turned and the spear caught firmly in her jaw.

Her golden irises shifted to glare at them, fury in her slanted pupils as she bit down, snapping the legendary armament in half.

"N-n-no way…" Xon whispered, shaking his head in disbelief and falling to his knees.

"YOU CALL YOURSELF A KNIGHT?! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" Roland barked, attempting to split his focus to rally the knight only to widen his eyes as Ark coughed up blood.

"Ignore him! Focus on Ark's core!" Liliana yelled.

"I know wench!" Roland snapped, the pressure of the Dragon Empress weighing heavily on the defenders as she neared, causing everyone to simultaneously feel the same thing.


Aem screamed, everyone attempting to ignore his death throes as they went to work powering Ark.

Ark took a breath, every bit of his being bursting at the seams with power as he activated his soul core, riding the waves of augments and buffs that would allow him to activate his triumph card.

"BELLROG!" Ark screamed, activating his weapon and releasing a burst of violent energy that sent everyone flying. "HEED MY WILL! HONOR OUR COVENANT!"


You who desire the power of gods..

ARE YOU Strong Enough to imitate the Apex of all beings?


∆re ¥ou worthy?

"YES!" Ark roared, the weapon glittering away as darkened scales appeared across his body at his declaration.


His fingers turned to talons, his canines sharpened, and his irises shifted to gold as his body wafted black and white flames that morphed into wings.


"ARGGH!" Ark roared, the Empress halting her advance and going wide-eyed as the red-haired human transformed, releasing draconic mana and matching her white scales with his black.

"IRELIEX!" Ark charged, kicking up an explosion of white flames that shattered the golden floor.

"BELLROG!!" The Empress's face twisted with disbelief before it changed, warping into fury to meet Ark head on. 

The two clashed, Dragon to Dragon, claw to claw, neither backing down as blow after blow was exchanged.

"You MONKIES! YOU DARE IMITATE THE GRACE OF A DRAGON?!" Ireliex screamed, racking her onyx talons across Ark's face, gouging his left eye as he sent his uppercut, sending the empress flying.

"Haaaah..." Arc sagged, visibly wobbling with his vision beginning to pulse from his heart beating so widely.

He looked down, eyeing bits of himself crumbling away.

"ARK!" Liliana cried, racing forward only to be held back by Jasper.

Focus! Can't stop! Press on!

Suddenly a wave of immense mana was felt, snapping Ark out of his daze to spy the dragon's breath aimed at him.

Instincts took over.

Ark opened his mouth, collecting mana in his throat before he roared, spewing white flames that clashed against the purple tide, creating another massive burst of energy, this time, one that shook the entire chamber.

The smoke cleared, both figures staring at each other with Ark worse for wear than before their clash.

I don't have… much time. I have to end this now!

Ark grit his teeth and charged, putting everything he had in his next attack.

Ireliex charged as well, the dragon meeting him head on.

Draconic Supreme Art: SOUL DECAPITATION!

Ark's talons twisted, his mana circuits pumping everything he had into his hands as the Dragon neared.

Her eyes widened, recognition in her slit pupils of the danger Ark truly possessed. But it was too late, despite unfurling her white wings she couldn't stop her advance. Couldn't react in time as Ark's mana circuits were forcefully destroyed, drawing in mana, now that he'd emptied everything he had to his talons.

"How do-" Was all Ireliex could say as Ark's hands siphoned her mana, bypassing the barrier she attempted to put up and decapitated the Empress in one fell swoop.

An eerie silence played out as the dragon's corpse hit the floor with a loud thud.

Ark stumbled. His body wobbling only to be caught by Liliana who dove and hugged him as he fell to his knees.

We… we did it… Ark could hardly believe it. The Long Night. The Long Night was…

"Ark! Ark! It's ok! It's ok I've got you baby Oh my god your Mana circuits!!" Liliana cried, the priestess attempting to pry open his mouth to force a healing potion down now that she was out of mana.

Ark swallowed, his vision blurry as Jasper appeared and began uncorking vials.

"We… did it.. guys… we.." Ark muttered, the draconic scales on his body crumbling to ash as his borrowed power faded and his eyes glazed over.

"Ssssh. Save your strength." Jasper whispered, an odd look in his green eyes as he gestured to Liliana to coax Ark to ingest. "Here, here. Help me get it inside."

The fluids were poured down Ark's through, the odd taste of vanilla mixed with peanuts hitting his tongue.

"You're going to be ok baby! We did it! We did it!" Liliana cried, the priestess hugging Ark. "Please Lord! Please! I can't lose you too! I can't!"

How lucky am I to have someone like you… Ark shed a tear. It was quite the adventure.

Suddenly Ark began convulsing, his body going numb as his muscles went slack and unresponsive.

Something was wrong.

"Wha?! Why isn't he healing? Jasper! Why isn't he healing?!" Liliana panicked, turning her head to face Roland who placed the tip of his silver sword into her chest.


Ark blinked. His eyes snapping focused on Liliana's shocked expression as she hiccuped blood, spewing it on Ark.


"Sorry Lil. I can't risk Ark or you returning alive." Roland said, removing his holy sword as Jasper fell on his rear, eyes wide at the man's blood stained weapon.

"Y-You! That wasn't part of our deal! What have you done!" Jasper yelled as Liliana slumped onto Ark, her gasping breaths hitting his ears as she choked on her own blood.

Lili! Lili! LILIANA! Ark raged, his body refusing to respond and spasming from the poison fed to him by his best friend's hand. 

He could feel her panic, her body trembling with fear as she tried to stem the blood pouring out of her chest.

Stya appeared, blade of ice in hand that she pointed at Jasper, the mage unsure what to do as Xon also approached.

"We. Had. A. Deal!" Jasper shouted, despite being outnumbered.

LILY! LILIANA! PLEASE! PLEASE! Ark cried, his eyes watching as the woman he loved suddenly, hugged him, pressing her warm body onto him until she slumped over and finally died

"No… please.." Ark croaked, his eyes weeping and drawing Roland's eyes who nudged Liliana off Ark with his boot.

"And deals change. Be lucky I spared your children the pain of being orphans." Roland replied, crouching to grab Ark's chin with his armored gauntlet, the latter of which was twitching every other second, his body attempting to fight the poison in his veins.

I'LL KILL YOU! ILL KILL YOU ILL KILL YOU Ark's mind raced over and over again, his fury keeping him from succumbing to the black death coursing through his veins.

"Are you still in there? Can you hear me?" Roland prodded, his silver eyes peering into Ark's fading gold. "I want you to know you brought this on yourself. I told you the world didn't need more heroes, yet you insisted on being a symbol. You mean too much to the world above. For a slave though, you have my respect mongrel. Know that your death is necessary for the world I envisioned."

"You…" Ark whispered, his crimson dyed lips struggling to produce his words. Roland's expression warped with surprise before he leaned in to hear Ark's final words.

"I'll… kill. You.. I swear it."

Roland leaned back, his mouth shaping into a grin that warped into a smile. "Xon, Stya. Its time. Jasper, you've already dirtied your hands, so you can just watch."

"Sorry about this." Xon said, clutching his dagger as Stya snorted.

"I'm not, I've been looking forward to this." The woman spat with a wide grin on her sharp face.

You bastards. You goddamn bastards!!! A tear fell from Ark's eye from the betrayal, those he called friends turning on him with their weapons raised.

Why?WHY?WHYWHYWHYWHWYWHYWHYWHWYHWYWHYWHY?! ALL I WANTED WAS FREEDOM! Ark raged internally, his hands attempting to hug Liliana's body, to clutch her close with the last of his strength. Yet he failed, his body slumping over into his lover as Xon and Stya hacked their bodies into pieces.

I swear! I'll kill you all! I'LL KILL YOU ALL! Was Ark's last thought as his head fell from his shoulders, landing on the ground with the last thing he saw being the shocked dead eyes of Ireliex before everything went dark.

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