
Lord Frederick Collins

Daniel got out of the bed he was laying in, looking down he was... Different, Instead of his Brown hair, and green eyes, it had adopted a blonde color, with blue eyes that neigh sparkled in the already bright room. he had grown to about the height of six feet and two inches (1.93 Meters). but of course, that didn't matter to him, what mattered most was the fact that he was nude, and swinging in the wind. Seeing his distaste for being Nude, the Maid bowed, with the Laundry she carried still in hand. "I-I am sorry my lord! The doctor said you would be out for a few days, so I stripped you of your clothes to wash them! Please forgive this humble servant!" Startled by this, Daniel sat on the bed yet again as another Piercing Headache as memories flooded his head, although, they were not of his own.

Some of the Memories were Happy, children playing in the mud, splashing in the river, general Happy moments. But, those were few out of the thousands. Most were Harsh, of the Man this body belongs to, Fredrick Collins, Fredrick was a rather Dull man. Not really smart enough to even consider going to higher education. when he was a child, he learned the cruel and ignorant ideals of his father, Andreas Collins. Andreas was born in England to an English father and a Swedish mother. he enlisted at a young age and rose through the ranks during the French and Indian war, winning 2560 acres of land (Roughly 4 Miles, or ten kilometers). On it, a small town sat. the town of Højholm was a town filled with Nordic Americans. His father started the town, and they kept a more Fuedal lifestyle predominantly. the Economy was more Traditional than anything, but yet, that was what the times were anyways. Recently, Andreas was Shot by a Revolutionary while on a stroll with Fredrick. Fredrick Shot the Revolutionary in the head, killing him. but alas, the revolutionary also pulled a gun out and shot Fredrick in the head, leading to a scar that ran across his temple. Due to the death of Andreas, Frederick Collins is now the Lord of Højholm.

Getting up off the bed, Daniel Swore to himself, that his life as Fredrick Collins would bring New life to the world...one of his own Style. soon, he will call Parabellum to the American Colonies, and form his own...American Empire. "M-My lord! What punishment do you desire?! Do you wish for me to run Naked in Højholm? Or do you wish to use me for your pent up frustration?!" but first...he needs to deal with the squealing Maid... he walked over to her with Cloth around his waist and put his hand on her head as she flinched and shivered with fear, the original Frederick Collins would had done one of the things she had listed off beforehand, but Daniel shant not sully his name, as he spoke in a calm voice " Go, and Fetch the City guards. I wish to speak to them. Also, while the meeting between I and the Guards runs on, I wish for you to Summon all 273 Slaves to the front of the Manor. Do this quickly." the Maid looked up at Frederick, and nodded as tears strolled down her face. "D-do you wish for me to dress you, my lord? I-I know that you prefer to be dressed by Maids i-in t-the n-n-nude..." Frederick looked down at her and sighed "No, and from now on, I shant force you to do so. Now please, go and fetch the guard."

the Maid hurried out of the room as Frederick sighed. It seems he would have to get used to bossing people around each and every day. But, if he were to confirm his goals, then he would need to tell everyone as they should, without sparking the eyes of the British. As Frederick opened his closet, he saw a wide variety of French clothing. As it would turn out, Frederick had an unusual obsession with french clothes, not that it mattered, the 'new' Frederick did not care, so he skillfully put on some clothes that he found. after putting it all on, he looked at himself in the mirror. He wore a white jacket with gold and blue accents. on the inside, stood another jacket, which was Blue and White, with buttons that were made of pure 24k gold. his shirt was a dress shirt with a golden accent to it, Black pants and black buckle shoes were all that remained below with white socks that reached his knees. For a moment, Frederick played with the idea of wearing the white wig, but he shoved that thought to the side. he needed to get rid of such a horrid trend.

when he was done, Frederick stepped out of his room and began to roam the house as quickly as possible, not in a sprint, but a slight jog. when he turned the corner he heard a loud "oof" as something hit his chest. looking down he saw a 15-year-old girl in a green dress stood in front of him. This was Frederick's sister, Anya Collins. Anya was what some could say was the exact opposite of Frederick and Andreas. She was sweet and polite to everyone, even the slaves. the only people she was ever rude to was Frederick and Andreas. she held contempt towards them due to her mother being a Prostitute that Andreas solicited, and was forced by Fredericks mother to take in. The last thing that Anya had heard of her mother was of when Andreas had gotten drunk with a General from Britain, when he openly admitted to raping and killing her, before having her cut up and fed to his slaves. due to this, Anya hates Frederick and Andreas more than anything.

"Sister. I am sorry for bumping into you, but I must hurry, I have to go and-" Frederick was interrupted by his sister who growled at him with scorn "Shut up! I don't care if you're going out to mess with the prostitutes but dont you DARE ever touch me!" Anya stormed off Frederick Sighed, before running off to the front door just as it was opened by the maid, who had recently returned with the Captain of the guard, and his 10 guards.

" Sir, we are here as you requested. what is it that you wish?" the guards tensed up, expecting some form of berating for letting Andreas die, but it never came. " I wish for you all follow me, we must have a meeting on my plans for Højholm." the guards still slightly tense followed Frederick without question to the Kitchen, where Breakfast was being held, Anya sat at the far side of the table out of listening distance of Frederick and the guards. the guards all looked around for a place to stand as Frederick sat down and motioned to the seats near him "Please gentlemen, take a seat, you cannot eat without first being seated." hesitantly, the guards filled in, with the Captain of the guard and his vice sitting closest to Frederick. "Sir, if I may be so bold, what is the purpose of inviting us here? Højholm has been Plentiful as is, what do you wish to do?" Frederick put his hands together as Breakfast was layed out, the guards tensed, expecting reprimanding from Frederick. "Men... what do you think of the British Empire...?

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