

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

PettiaMius_6689 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Heading Home...

~Daiko's Pov~




I strung up his corpse, stabbing the lamp into the concrete, leaving the hanging body and innards for everyone to see. The mission was now finished. And revenge was taken for Felicia...

Doing this wouldn't take away what she felt, not even a little, but his death should ease her mind... I hope.

*Daiko! It's time to go. You don't have much time...*

I heard god's voice in my head. There was no point in being here anymore. A large portal appeared before me, and for some reason, I jumped in.

*Now it's time for business...*

Understanding, I quickly de-transformed back to my normal state. My lengthened hair vanished into the atmosphere too...

*Daiko... I see you've completed the task... Before I continue, I wanted to offer apologies for what happened to Felicia.*

'Don't worry... It was my fault to begin with if I was more vigilant. None of this would have happened' I blamed myself rightfully. Sure, I only knew her for a week, but I what happened to her was beyond catastrophic... I wish I could've undone what happened to her.

But I couldn't. Neither could I forget such a thing... It's a curse not being able to forget things. A mind like mine would always usher the memory with the simplest of triggers as if it were yesterday. It would serve me well to no longer underestimate my future foes...

*Still, you managed to complete the task. I'll give you a reward of your choosing, but it won't be anything major like what you wished for...*

I thought for a moment. About everything that happened so far, I wasn't ready for anything but some good rest now.

'...Can I choose my wish another time? I don't feel too well at the moment' I asked. What I saw was still fresh in my mind.

*Of course. I'll be there when you are ready for your reward... Shall we go now?*

'Yes, but. I wanted to ask, what will happen to this reality without the host being a part of it?'

I was curious, to say the least, if life would go just as normal for them. I imagine so since it is the most logical outcome.

*...They will cease to exist.*


'What?' I asked, baffled.

Why would they cease to exist?

*The people here weren't meant to exist in the first place, and the host's existence already ruptured the balance within its reality. And I would prefer for that reality to not end up like its, darker counterparts...*

That couldn't be, those people were as real as any could be.

'Isn't there any way to save them all? That's an infinite multiverse just vanishing...' I said. Moments passed before his answer...




*There is a way, but you won't like it*

I thought for a moment, this was too sudden. I get hit by two train wreck like news in one day. I needed to think this over. Do I really want to save this reality? And even if I did, what was so bad about helping them?

Was this all even worth it?

Ok, Daiko...

'Let's say I agreed to the deal, what's the method I wouldn't like?'

*Well~ I would have to make their reality reside beside yours, just like how Universe 6 can be breached by Universe 7... However, I will make it so that your realities won't know of Marvel's reality*

I shook my head at the response. He might as well merge them both, either way, I had to make a choice...




'I... I, agree.'

A satisfied hum graced my ears. It seemed like god was pleased by my act. Though I wasn't too sure about that...

*You made a good decision Daiko... But it's time for you to go, we will meet again when you are ready to make your wish, and maybe if I need your assistance again. I'll see you again*

With our conversation over, I was wisped away once again, back on the same bed I laid on before I left so many nights ago... For once, I miss my simple universe. And sleep never sounded like such a great idea before...








I looked up seeing Whis. Of course, it's him...

"Daiko... No, who are you?" Whis asked.

"...What do you mean, who I am? Who else would I be?" I responded, a little offended. Whis looked at me with a serious expression, his eyes sharpened as well, he was serious.

"It's, impossible... You've changed considerably..." Whis said.

Thinking of what happened just over a couple of hours ago, of course, I would change. Anyone with a conscience would...

"Yeah, maybe I did... Anyways, I wanted to tell you that I'll be leaving soon."

"Really? Where to all of a sudden?" Whis asked.

"Let's just say, sometimes, one needs to appreciate the small things in life, and where I'll be going. It's where I was born, planet Vegeta..."





~Omni Pov, Planet Vegeta~




"I'll call you when I'm finished... Yes. I'll make sure to take care of it, sir" A saiyan female said.

"Is it the Blargians again?" Another female asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. Apparently, this is another case of infidelity... The females on that planet are something else" She responded.

"Oh come on Darles, you act as if it's that bad? I personally like hearing the drama. It spices up the fun~" The female responded slyly.

"Yeah, for you, but it just irritates me..." Darles chided. She pulled back her spikey hair, forming a ponytail.

The other female looked saddened by her friend's demeanor. However, she didn't want to be downtrodden, so she opted to lighten the mood a bit...

"Umm... I heard kakarot was hosting a festival for his new discovery of his new form, we should go see it. The prince-"

"DON'T!..." Darles screamed, interrupting her friend.

"Mention him, please..." She finished. Darles looked up, seeing the face of her friend. Quickly she apologized.

"I'm... Sorry Maca, but I don't want to hear about him. We've been through this..."

*The door opens...*

"Good evening ladies, I'm sorry for interrupting, but I'll need Darles, it's the queen, and she says it's urgent." The saiyan male chided.

'Great... I'll have to speak with Rosetta once more...' Darles thought, rubbing her temple.

"Okay, I'll be there soon. You can go now." She responded.

"Yes, ma'am." The saiyan male said, leaving quickly.




"Is think it's about 'him' again?" Maca questioned.

"It better not be..." Darles said, her mood shifting swiftly.










