
Power Levels (Spoilers!!!)

Powers are divided into three.

— Aether

— Intent / Aura

— Talent

Professions are divided into three.

1. Sorcerers — masters of Aether.

2. Martial Artists — masters of Intent/Aura

3. Warlock — masters of both Aether and Intent.

Note: Knight is not one. It's basically a title for the police force of the kingdoms.


Novice (Early / Mid / Peak)

Adept (Early / Mid / Peak)

Master (Early / Mid / Peak)

Grandmaster (Early / Mid / Peak)

Transcendent (Early / Mid / Peak)

Arch (Early / Mid / Peak)

Legendary (Early / Mid / Peak)

To be mentioned…

Talents on the other hand are divided into the lowest F-rank up to the highest S-rank.

Spells are ranked by Tiers starting from the lowest Tier 1 up to the Highest Tier 9.

Skills are ranked into 9 stars mirroring the ranking levels of spells.

1 Star Skill = Tier 1 Spell

2 Stars Skill = Tier 2 Spell

3 Stars Skill = Tier 3 Spell

So on and so forth…

Note: Spells are abilities cast through the use of magic circles while skills are not.

This is going to be updated in the future and if you have any questions, you're free to ask me anytime.

Thank you.

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