
The Beginning (I)

Just a few more days before Graduation, feeling excited and relieved at the same time. Finally, all the tears, sweat, and especially all my efforts paid off.

After homeroom our professor, with a serious look on his face, brought out a numerous list. Everybody was feeling anxious and some of us felt scared for some reason. If you guys were in my position, I think you would also feel the same cause our professor is known to be the strictest Professor in the entire Academy.

He slowly inhaled then he shouted... CONGRATULATIONS! Everyone, every one of you is present on this list.

The whole class froze for a moment and then felt relieved. But one thing is really bothering the entire class. And that is "What the Heck is that List our professor is talking about".

Confused and bothered, silence filled our room. Not knowing how to respond.

I gathered all my courage and stood up and nervously asked "Sir, on what list exactly are we present?". Our professor laughed at us and said, "Don't be nervous guys, did you all forget that graduation is almost coming". "You all know what I will say next right?" he added.

Again, silence filled our room then... We slowly realized what our professor said.

That means the list that our professor is holding is the list that contains the names of the students who will graduate. The whole class felt excited and happy.

"Oh, Keith" my professor called me. "Yes, Sir" I responded. "I have good news for you, please prepare a Congratulatory Speech for all the Graduates, okay?" he said to me. "Why should I prepare I speech sir?" I asked him confusedly.

"Just prepare it" he said, "Oh by the way, the faculty already posted the List of Graduates on the bulletin board outside, you guys should also check it out..., Okay Class dismissed".

I still feel confused about why my professor told me to write a speech. We immediately went to the Bulletin Board outside ours and immediately looked for our names on the list. I didn't bother to look at the upper parts of the list because my efforts weren't enough to put me on that spot.

Someone yelled, "Hey Keith, You Ranked First!". I froze and immediately went to see and then...

[BANG...] A loud sound filled the dorm room.

"Hey, wake up weirdo, who said you can doze off while doing chores?" yelled by one of my dorm mates. "What delusions are you dreaming again you little piece of shit?". Crap, I suddenly dozed off and began dreaming again. Fun times must end. Time to wake up and face reality again.

"HAH" I sighed, "Another day, with me experiencing a hell-like life again." I wish that so called dream could come true, me being the Top of the Graduating Batch would be good right.

Zenith Academy is like a den for students with High Statuses for example students that are the heir of a wealthy family or being part of the lineage of the Military something like that.

As for me, I'm from a common birth that luckily got accepted into this Academy through a Scholarship from the Dean of Zenith. I endured almost 5 years of humiliation and bullying and now I can graduate from this Academy.

Unfortunately, I'm one of the problem students. Not just an ordinary problem student, but the WORST Problem student in the entire Academy. Even though I still hope I can graduate and leave this Hell-like Academy.

I also tried numerous attempts in getting a high mark and tried exerting more effort in finding the most suitable method in studying– and if I remember correctly, I found zero until now! Life's just so unfair, isn't it? I'm still hoping to graduate though.

I'm Keith Blake, a Senior Student at Zenith Academy. Neither short of height, nor wanting a good face. Yet unpopular. Oh Yeah, I'm popular all right, but there's a little catch. I'm only popular with bullies. I am always the target of the bullies of not only my class but also the other classes.

Being the target of all the bullies in the entire grade is harsh, I always feel threatened and there is nothing I can do about it. The bullies have statuses that give them some kind of immunity and make the instructors turn a blind eye to what they do.

Finally, the day has come when the instructors reveal the list of those who will graduate. Every one of us is anxiously waiting for our professor holding the list of the passers in our class. As we saw him approaching, we immediately went back to our seats and waited nervously.

He entered our room with a serious look on his face, brought out the list of passers. Everybody was feeling anxious and some of us felt scared for some reason. He inhaled and exclaimed, "CONGRATULATIONS, Job well done guys!". Everyone rejoiced and felt relieved.

But what is this ominous feeling that I'm currently feeling? "Okay, Class Dismissed" our professor told us. "Oh, Yeah Mister Keith, please stay after class I have something to tell you". Here it is this is that feeling, just what is the reason for that this must be said to me privately.