

Lix, a student who thought nothing out of the ordinary suddenly awakens a system that will help him through his reclamation of his lost memories that are sealed in exchange for a requirement.

StaticWriting · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Prediction of something miserable

"Goodbye Mom, goodbye dad, I'll see you after class."

"Wait! Check your pockets first, you might have left your money I gave you."

"Ah crap!"

"No bad words on my household, Lix."

"Sorry mom, my tongue slipped, I forgot my money on the drawer. I need to go back first."

"Alright, wish you a good luck at school. Remember grades doesn't define who you are so do your best!"

"Yes Mom I got it."

[Geez, why did you said that grades doesn't define me yet you scold me when my grades are low, aren't you quite hypocritical?]

After I got out of my humble house, I immediately walk to school because I don't ride to school, such a waste of money, it better be spend on something to fill my stomach. Well, walking to school might take at least 15-20 minutes approximately, but at least I saved money, it's not that I'm late though...

[Here it is, my extravagant school, always filled with rich people, there's also middle class people like me but they are not really noticed by the teachers since rich people performs better and are always smarter than us middle class.]

I've gone into my classroom anyways. High class students are talking to another high class students, some high class student also talks to middle class students like us but most high class students that are talking to middle classes are likely to use them for their stupid plans that isn't beneficial to the country let alone the society.

A student suddenly ran into me, he is Felk, a middle class student like me who has an ambition to finish his studies and live a normal life with a family.

"Yo Lix, how's weekend? Oh yeah, almost forgot. did you play the game I recommended to you?"

Felk and I then walk towards our classroom and chatted along the way.

"You mean... You seriously want me to play "Swords and Blood?""

"Yeah! That game is so busting right now, with over millions of player, isn't that too famous, everybody in the school is talking about that."

Famous game, right... If you compare millions into the population of Earth which reaches 7.8-7.9 billion, that's like comparing an ant into a whole elephant.

"Nah, I'm good, I don't usually play famous games that much because it's too overrated, I just want to enjoy playing my old games."

"Seriously? You really want to continue playing "Adventures of sole races?" Got to tell you but that game is literal dead right now, only 50 active players play it monthly."

Yeah that's right, if "Swords and Blood" have over millions of player then "Adventure of sole races" have only 30-50 active players per month. So if Swords and Blood is an ant then the game

I'm playing might as well be an atom.

"I'll still refuse, I'm happy with the way the game it is now."

"Really? Alright then."

Adventure of sole races might be a dead game, but I love it. I love it to the point I always play it everyday. Its simplistic interface and its calming music. It feels like I'm on the classical era,

a knight fighting for his country even when his life is at stake or a prince courting to a princess that I admire every single hour.

Ahh... What am I thinking? I should get to class right now, it should be starting soon.

"Hey, Felk, we've got to hurry up and enter the class, I just saw professor taking a short break from our neighboring classroom."

"Ah sh*t, thanks man."

Me and Falk then enters the classroom. As usual, the rich students are scattering their chairs to talk to their fellow classmates, and the middle class students who became an underling to the rich

students also joins in the chat.

Falk and I are only a seat apart from each other, but instead of doing the usual chatting to classmates, I just sat down and take a deep breath while pulling a book from my bag to read a story.

Falk then leans and took a peak into what I'm reading

"Oh? What are you reading?"

"Just your usual novel where the main character obtains out of the world powers and defeats his bullies and gains a harem."

"HAHAHAHA! Hillarious, usual plots like that are quite lame these days."

Yeah... It is usual if not for its extraordinary abilities. The main character can switch between classes unlike side characters usually only having one class like warrior, mage or range.

It's indeed a common ability to switch between classes but it gives a ton of advantage to gain feet on a battlefield.

Ah nevermind don't think about it... Class is starting.

"Hello class! Please go back to your usual seat."

The teacher walks to the board and sits on the chair while pulling out his books.

"Ah, I forgot, Class! Before we take our classes please bow down your heads and let us pray."

Ah right... Prayer, every class starts with a prayer, it's not that I doubt the existence of Gods but I don't really believe in miracles he make and what the book says about them.

The prayer ended smoothly and everyone take their seats and started the class as usual.

"Alright everyone, please take out your books on Math and open page 290. You'll see there your lesson today."

Everyone opens their book

"Alright, our lesson for today is Pythagorean Theorem. May I ask one of the students here if anyone know about the formula of the Pythagorean Theorem?"

[Ah, it's a hassle raising your hand and answering that question, that's so easy anyways. I'll just pass this through and let someone be called. I hope this class ends soon.]

"No one will volunteer? If so, then I'll pick someone from the..."

Before the teacher could finish, a girl raises her hands and answered the question.

"Yes, Veil?"

[Veil... She's a smart girl from my class, she always scored high and always perform top-notch. Not that I care though...]

"Sir, the formula of the Pythagorean Theorem is a^2+b^2=c^2."

"That's right! Everyone the formula of the theorem is what had Veil said, it's a^2+b^2=c^2. Everyone give Veil a round of applause. Thank you Veil."

Everyone claps at Veil while she thought of it as nothing.

Suddenly, Felk grabs my back and pulls me toward him.

"Hey, Lix, why didn't you raise your hand? You're a master strategist at Adventures of Sole Races, Got to admit, not even the highest rank player of Sword and Blood can beat you."


"It's just a hassle, I don't want to waste my breath, it's just additional points to your personality anyway."

"HAHAHAHA! My boy Lix is so smart that he doesn't even want to participate in additional points. Man, I hope everyone has a mindset like you."

"Hope not."

After I and Felk talked, the teacher simply continued the discussion as usual.

"That... and that... Okay, always remember, Class, that the opposite side of the right angle which is the hypotenuse is always the longest-"

Before the teacher can continue, a sudden small board in front of everyone appeared, it was like something out from a game.

"Woah! W-what's this?"

Everyone panicked and screamed, even the teacher is confused. Well, even Veil is frightened.

Of course I'm not surprised by this, after all, I've read too much novels on main character obtaining some sort of system to aid them in their battle. The question is whether I'm the main character or not.

Speaking of aid in battle, there's no reason for the system to appear on a peaceful world like Earth then that means... Either a gate mentioned in the novels are appearing on Earth or a sudden transportation to another world.

Felk panicked and grabs my back again asking me a question.

"H-hey, Lix, What's this system like board in front of us?"

"Just like you've mentioned, a system from a game, a simple interface of a game."

"W-why are you so calm?"

"Because we'll eventually die if we panic anyway, evaluate the situation first."

"T-then what did you pick?"

"Huh? Ah wait, I didn't read it yet."

(Hello, user "Dr.Darkevor". Earth has been targeted as one of the subjects to be used as a extension of the enemy's planet. This system will help you in overpowering them and eventually wiping them out of your planet. Would you like to accept the system: Yes/No)

[Hah... Why would I trust something that instantly appears in front of my face. Usually protagonist from novels always accepted this and they became a powerhouse, but that's not always the case. With the system being tied to you, it could be a blessing or a curse, it might be a system that nurtures your growth and eventually kill you as a sort of experience points. Other system would stay with their user until they fulfill the mission requested and eventually will leave them rendering them powerless and vulnerable.]

[But the power of the system is not to be fathomed either, with the system guiding its user, the user will instantly become a powerful being within a months. Not even someone in their world could land a scratch let alone kill them. So in conclusion, the system is a temptation to those who cheers to its capability.]


[Isn't this... The selection for Adventure of Sole Races?]

(User "Dr.Darkevor", please choose your desired race:]

[The choices are similar... Humans, Orcs, Elves, Undead.]

[HAHAHAHAHA! Isn't it fun? For your favorite game to be featured on the system, quite a payback.]

[But this isn't it... The choices must be extended based on your rank. From the looks of it, the system registers me as "Dr.Darkevor" which is my game username, and I'm rank highest among all the people on Earth, but why isn't it giving me any extended choices?]

[Whatever, my fellow classmates are panicking now and soon the teacher will tell us to evacuate, I'll quickly choose my answer.]

"H-hey, so... Lix, what's your respond to the question."

Hmmmm... Felk looks scared that he might as well be on the run right now.

"It's simple, I'll answer with a no."

"W-why? This is your favorite game, right? You must have a reason to not accept this system's offer"


"There's no reason really... It's just gut feeling. Of course, if you want to you could choose yes and accept the system and become overpowered."

"Your voice makes me unsure..."

Suddenly a notice pops up on the system board.

(Dear users, please choose your decision to accept the system or not and please choose your desired race within 10 minutes. Fail to comply will result in death.)

All students look at each other and came to an agreement.

"T-there's no reason to reject the system, right?"

"C-certainly, we could become powerful within seconds."

And with that all students and the teacher except Lix, Felk and Veil accepted the system into their body.

And within the acceptance of the system, all those who accept the system then disappears in a teleportation manner.

Veil was left shocked and look at Lix.

"Hmmm... I didn't think that Veil could hear our little gossip from afar."

I sit in a dominating manner to assert my leadership, no- my desire to own them and use them as pleased.

"Student Lix, right? May I ask why did you choose to reject the board in front of us."

Veil stands up and sits across Lix's seat

"It seems like Veil did not know about the board interface which is system"

Felk interrupts and whispers through Lix's ears.

"Hmmm, Veil, to answer that question, you can only ask yourself. Why did you reject the system?"

"I only did, what you've done."

"Really? What if we made the wrong decision and will disappear the same as our classmates?"

"Lix... You sound as if you are behind this. If so, tell me your motivation, there's no room for pranks here."

"Haaa... Are you really asking that? Can't you see that it's technology is too advanced enough that even the billionaires on Earth could not afford that amount of budget and investment."

"You've got a point... Then can you at least tell me the reason why you had reject the system."


Veil looks at Lix in a desperate manner making Lix guilty.

"Well, the game I've played is similar to the situation right now."

[That's right, when I first played Adventures of Sole Races, there's a trick question on the start that doesn't catch the attentions of all the players due to its disguise.]

[Once you've finished tutorial, you will be given a question "Was the tutorial easy?" you can answer with "yes" and "no" but all players would automatically pick yes due to the tutorial not requiring skills to accomplish. And pressing no would not do anything either and would just teleport you to the same game when you press yes, but the trick here does not lie in any of the answer. What you need to do is to minimize the game and input the code on the files located to its dialogs. All you need to input is "Would you like to accept immeasurable help?" and this will automatically turns the "Was the tutorial easy?" question into "Would you like to accept immeasurable help?" The offer was tempting but the downside is that once you've gotten the help needed, the game will automatically cancel all of your buffs and benefits while you're thinking that you'll get the buff permanently.]

"Ehem, Student Lix, What's the situation you're referring to?"

"Long talks, I'll explain it to you after we'll get out of here."


Before Veil could talk, Lix grabs Felk and Veil and hide in the cabinet.

"What are you doing?"

"Y-yeah, mate, what are you doing dragging us here?"

"How about both of you shut up and observe the situation."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that, The aftermath of the Earth is decided."

After Lix said that, Orcs and Undead gather there and faced off.