
Chapter 44 : The real beginning

At this time , the women in the office saw the intimate interaction between the two , and their expressions differed . Some of them smiled gently at the situation , some of them smiled excitedly , some of them were ashamed , and some of them regretted not taking the initiative and letting Jamila precede her

But the beautiful thing about everything that happened is that none of them felt jealous of her because Jamila tried so hard to take care of them and calm them down since Amon freed them

Also , they all approached Amon in one way or another , and many of them even harassed and flirted with him

From what they all noticed , Amon never rejected their initiatives . Rather , it seemed to them that he liked it very much . Even when he was scolding them for their lack of concentration during training , there was a big smile on his face

After seeing Amon's treatment of them and his dealing with their desires with kindness , they all understood that what was happening to them was not artificial or a trick , and he was faking his treatment just to deceive them and exploit them later

Rather , they were just so lucky that it was Amon who saved them

He did this and fulfilled their wishes simply because he did not want to abandon them in the middle , neglect them , or act coldly with them . He truly sympathized with them and made sure to try to interact with them normally , as members of his family , and not as followers or tools , which they all were able to realize

Amon looked at everyone with a smile , then he said goodbye to them and left

He quickly went down to the third floor while thinking about his next move

When Amon reached the floor , he saw the gang members spread around him in their miserable , bloody condition

He did not care about them and walked quietly among them

He approached the exhausted deputy on the ground and gave him a cold order

" Follow me "

Then he kept walking and simply left

Everyone trembled as Amon entered the floor , but when they saw him approaching the leader only then leaving without hitting them again , they all sighed in relief

While the representative was not as comfortable as them , he quickly followed Amon despite his terrible body pain

Amon looked at him and asked him

" Well , you are the one who controls this branch of the gang , right ? "

" Yes "

" Mm , okay "

" Tell me , when is the earliest date for the deputies to meet with the leader ? "

The deputy thought a little before answering

" Tomorrow "

" Really ? "

" HaHa , excellent , luck seems to be on my side "

" Tomorrow I will finish them "

Amon smiled slyly and looked at him a little better

' Well , isn't this bastard lucky ? '

' I would have enjoyed focusing on beating them a little more '

' It doesn't matter , hitting everyone together would be better '

Amon then handed him the bottle of water and ordered him

" Heal everyone quickly "

The deputy took the bottle from him and stared at it longingly

After all the pain they suffered and what this water did to heal them , they simply considered it as a divine medicine and the only thing that alleviated their suffering

Then he rushed back to heal his followers

After the deputy finished healing them , Amon gathered them around him and began to order them

" Okay , here's what you're all going to do "

" Kol led ten people to buy all the women's supplies and what they want "

" Clothes , blankets , and anything else they might need "

" Buy as much as you can "

" The rest of you will guard the building and close it for the coming days under the pretext of repairs or renovation "

" As for you , follow me "

Then he signaled to the deputy , the four guards , and a few other people and ordered them to follow him , then he left the building

After they left behind him , Amon ordered them to get into their cars and accompany him to take control of the rest of the buildings they owned in the area

Amon does not need them to control or act

He just wants them to deal with the treatments and organization after he's done with the bloodshed and torture




Amon worked hard and efficiently , and it took him until midnight to completely take control of the Black Rats Gang branch in the fifth district of the city C9 and it was officially the begin of his plans

Now Amon has his own organization that the world will never know about , and even if everything froze and stopped now , just by controlling the villains in the Gang and the Valkyrie Legion , he gained the ability to start much better than he did in his previous life and reach greater heights

As a summary of the facilities , Amon controlled the two large buildings that were used for gambling , the four other buildings that were used for prostitution , and also over thirty different shops

As a result of his new forces , he now had 417 slaves who were members of the gang

He also included among the three hundred and thirty-nine women in the Valkyrie Legion , a total of nine hundred and eleven women that he saved from the five new buildings

Thus , the legion had 1,250 women . Amon saved them in the same way from their hell , treated their wounds , scars , and pain , trained them a little , then promised them that he would return tomorrow to meet them and inspect the results of their training

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