
Monster's That Should Never Be Made Undead

"Why is it taking so long!? My undead army is being ripped to shreds!" Fredrick Haralson yelled out. He had worked hard and used the strange mana in the air to create these new undead which were much more powerful than anything he had created before, but now these robots that should not exist in this world were suddenly blasting them apart like they were nothing!

"Shut up, human! Do you think such an intricate summoning circle is easy to create!? You just hold off those two gods along with my people. The most important thing at this time is completing the magic circle!" The leader of the reglios yelled out. He was in a hurry to complete this before more appeared. He had not expected to see gods here. He was lucky they were still lower gods and that his own kind had reached the demi god realm in strength. He was also lucky that this stupid human had actually helped this much with the undead. He couldn't wait to feast on the stupid human to show his gratitude. 

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