
Re: Monster ~ A Rival Soon To Be

Our main protagonist was reincarnated into the world of Re:Monster. Not as the main character Gobu-rou or any of his sidekicks, but rather as his own original being. Reborn as a Goblin of the same generation and batch as Gobu-rou. so watch as he somehow steadily deviates from the normal Goblin growing path just like Gobu-rou, as he then steadily rises up to become an even contender for the role of main protagonist of Re:Monster with Gobu-rou. I will be posting this fanfiction story upon Royal Road under the username of Aotsuki24Usaginoha

Aotsuki_Usaginoha · Games
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Day 03 (90% complete)

"Day 03"

It was on this day that everything has changed, Gobu-li, Gobu-rou, and the rest of the goblins from the same generation birth group, has finally matured to well their early pre-pubescent adolescent stage. And no longer were they all trapped and confined withinside the limited space of the cavern birth room. Forced fed with the wild meal worm grubs that goblin tribe cultivated, and the wild berries that the adult goblins had found and brung in to feed the goblin toddlers.

They were all now free to leave and do whatever they want. With Gobu-li being amongst the very first goblin of his generation to leave the cavern birth room willingly, with the other goblins being quite hesitant. It was only just recently that they were all born, with their mental cognitive brain functions having yet to fully developed, despite their physical goblin bodies having been forced to aged up to a 9 to 11 years old within a matter of days.

Gobu-li and Gobu-rou were the few exception since they already retained their memories from their previous lives, so their average level of intelligence and intellect far greatly exceeds the norm of an average dumb adult goblin. It was only thanks to an average adult male goblin's nagging that the rest of the goblin had finally left the cavern birth room.

So when Gobu-li and Gobu-rou had left the cavern birth room initially. There were some goblins within the same generations as them, having become slightly curious of the outside world, or just simply following the directions and actions of the first person that they saw doing it.

It's like an herd of sheeps. If one sheep then started running down and jumping off the cliff. It would then steadily started a chain reaction, thereby causing more great harm than good, as the running sheep's that copied the first one would eventually head straight for their deaths, despite already knowing the outcome of the first one.

Gobu-li then started to walk around the Goblin Den, barefooted, with only a dirt ragged cloth covering his groin and lowered body region. It was certainly something new that he had no choice but to get used to.

'If I ever get the chance, I would certainly try and make something that is legitimately much better than simply wearing these so-called {Goblin Loincloths}.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, whilst he had a good look at his entire surroundings.

Despite there being no ample source of light withinside the Goblin Den cave, apart from the steady lights that are coming off from the entrance of the cave. Gobu-li was able to see perfectly within the dark, as his goblin eyes have already fully adjusted to the darkness from the moment that he was born. Like all goblins, Gobu-li and the others, already possesses the {Night Vision} racial skill since the moment that they are born. So that is why they are able to see well within the darkness.

It didn't really take that long for Gobu-li to finally reach the entrance of the Goblin Den cave. And the moment that he reached the entrance point of the Goblin Den Cave, he was forced to squint or even closed his eyes, because it was too bright out outside the Goblin Den Cave.

'It's too bright out!' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then averted his gaze from the entrance of the Goblin Den Cave. 'I have been too used to living within the darkness, since the moment that I was born, that simply heading outside is almost akin to a mini flash bang.' He thought so to himself.

And Gobu-li then patiently waits until his eyes have perfectly adjusted to the light levels of the brightness of the outside world. 'And now much better...' He thought so to himself.

Without saying a word, Gobu-li finally took his first step outside of the Goblin Den Cave, and steadily walks towards the forest area that which the Goblin Den Cave is in.

He could instinctively feel the sensation of the light windy breeze touching his green skin. The smell and fresh scent of mother nature's aroma then began to fill his nose and nostrils. It certainly is amazing and exhilarating, after having been trapped and steadily confined withinside a dark room for so long.

'And now to go ahead and complete my first objective of going outside and finding myself a weapon.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then started to look at his surroundings.

It was not long before the thing that he was steadily looking for then comes into sight.

'Bingo!' Gobu-li loudly exclaims withinside his head.

He then steadily picks up several tree branches and sticks of various lengths and sizes, whilst storing the rest of the collected resource materials that he currently doesn't need, withinside his own personal {Inventory} storage space for later use.

Gobu-li then decided to pick a suitable long stick to be used as a mid range bludgeoning weapon, from his list of collected resource materials from withinside his own personal {Inventory} storage space.

'This one would certainly do so for now as a bludgeoning weapon, it can also be used as a staff to possibly attack and defend my enemy from a distance.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then stares at what lies beneath his goblin feet.

'These so-called collectively fallen piles of tree leaves can be steadily used and then hand crafted into suitable clothes to wear. Though, I'm not actually talking about shirts and pants that requires a bit more skill and better craftsmanship, but rather a simple cloak or blanket is doable.' Gobu-li thought so himself.

He then thought of something to himself. 'It's really not that difficult to find a suitable resource material that is quite similar to a thin line of threads to be used to stitch the own clothes together.'

Gobu-li then steadily shifts his focus of attention else where, as he thought to himself. 'Well, look at this wild bush plant for example. While others may see it as just any ordinary wild bush plants that you may find withinside a forest or Park area. The plant stem that connects the plant leaves to the trunk of the bush plant can be used as a substitute for linen thread. Though the thickness of the plant stem can be an issue, if it you are planning on making more intricately clothes design like tops and pants. For things such as a blanket or a wearable cloak. It should really be not that much of an issue.'

'Tree vines and possibly animal hair can also be used as a substitute for linen thread if it is not readily available. I'm not really an expert at crafting things, but when you give a creative person with plentiful of resource material. They are bound to do something with it eventually.' He thouught so to himself.


The familiar sounds of the system prompt notification ringing withinside his head, as a blue virtual display screen panel then immediately appears in front of him, showcasing that the System has somehow finally recognised Gobu-li's potential within craftsmanship.

[Skill proficiency has reached a designated degree! The skill {Basic Craftsmanship Knowledge Lv.1} has been acquired! ]

'Oh, it would seems that I'm steadily being rewarded by the System, with a knowledge skill. How thoughtful of the System that is.' Gobu-li thought so to himself.

Gobu-li then proceeded to collect a few piles of fallen tree leaves, and then stored it all withinside his own personal {Inventory} storage space. Seemingly, he also picked off quite a couple of plant stem from nearby bushes, with the bush leaves still attached to them for later use.

Afterwards, Gobu-li then continues to scour his surroundings, whilst searching for any potential looking foods and any easy prey looking for the taking. And it didn't really take that long for Gobu-li to have suddenly come across and steadily encountered his first arch nemesis.

It would seem that the creature didn't really immediately take notice of Gobu-li's existence, since he was quite a fair bit of distance away from it.

Weighing atleast 2 to 3 kg in body weight, with the size being just below the average small dog and puppy size to about 30 to 40 cm. The Horned Rabbit monster is a capable creature of instantly taking down its own opponent by simply impaling them. If not, they would simply immediately run away and escape when steadily encountering a powerful and intimidating opponent.

Gobu-li then thought logically to himself. 'In most cases, the average dumb Goblin would not be able to defeat a Horned Rabbit, as they are simply too weak and naive thinking. They would simply end up being killed by steadily being impaled by the horns of the Horn Rabbit, or spook them off by accident.'

A rabbit speed, even if it is the slowest rabbit species within the world, averages to about 20 to 30 mph. That is pretty fast. Even the world fastest human sprinter Usain Bolt would pale in comparison to a below average slow rabbit, but unlike any other ordinary dumb Goblin, Gobu-li is quite different as he has the backing of the Universal Levelling Growth System and his previous life memories of when he was still a human.

Gobu-li then lightly smiles, as he took out a small stone pebble from his personal {Inventory} storage space. 'Thank God! I've already levelled up my stone throwing skill to Lv.21 by the time that I've managed to successfully encounter the Horned Rabbit monster. So missing it with a stone throw will be pretty much unlikely.' He thought so to himself.

Gobu-li then immediately gets into a steadfast throwing position, whilst also lowering his body a little to get himself in preparation for sprinting when he needed to.

'3... 2... 1... Go!' Gobu-li steadily count down within his head until he begins the hunting operation.

Meanwhile, the targeted brown fur Horned Rabbit was off into the distance, quite amount of feet away, looking distracted, whilst eating its own fill of a bunch of edible grass. Like throwing a pitch or a baseball, Gobu-li casually raises his right hand upwards, whilst clenching hardly upon the stone pebble.

And in one swift motion, with all of his strength that he could steadily mustered up within his own right arm. He then threw the stone pebble at the now distracted Horned Rabbit, at full force.

The stone pebble quickly shot through the air, like a stray arrow, as it steadily made its way towards the still eating Horned Rabbit. So the moment that he threw the stone pebble at the Horned Rabbit, Gobu-li had already made a run for it, whilst charging at the Horned Rabbit at his top base speed.

Whilst, carrying the long stick within his left hand, hidden beneath his right palm, clenched in between his right pinky and ring finger was another stone pebble. Before Gobu-li had thrown the first stone pebble, he had already taken out a second stone pebble from his own personal {Inventory} storage space, just in case the first stone pebble that he threw completely misses his target. The Horned Rabbit in the first place.

But, this time, the second stone pebble that Gobu-li had held within the palm of his right hand was not used to purposely strike at the now agitated Horned Rabbit, intending to further injure it. But, to deter it from immediately escaping, and certainly narrowing its escape route. So that Gobu-li could narrowly made it to the Horned Rabbit monster on time.

Like Gobu-li had initially expected, the stone pebble that he had thrown the first time, had actually struck the Horned Rabbit beast. Dead on its body.

The stone pebble that Gobu-li had previously thrown at the Horned Rabbit was too simply fast, and it definitely caught the Horned Rabbit beast off guard, whilst it was still eating and it didn't have enough time to react.

So when the stone pebble had actually struct the Horned Rabbit creature's body. It steadily causes a strong enough blunt force traumatic experience for the Horned Rabbit beast's body to freeze up for a couple of seconds, enough time for Gobu-li to then reached the location of the frozen in fear Horned Rabbit within a couple seconds.

And even, if the Horned Rabbit creature had quickly recovered from the aftershock of Gobu-li stone pebble attack, and tried to quickly escape from his charging frontal attack.

Gobu-li had already anticipated this, as he then throws the second stone pebble at the direction of where the Horned Rabbit creature is heading, thereby changing its course of action to head his way. Like hitting a home run with a baseball bat, Gobu-li then hit the fastly approaching Horned Rabbit with his long stick.

There was a light crunching sound of something breaking, perhaps it was the long stick that Gobu-li is currently holding within his hand, or the bones within the Horned Rabbit creature's body breaking or fracturing due to the blunt force physical impact that the physical body has to endure.

The body of the struct Horned Rabbit creature was sent flying towards the side, in the very same direction in which Gobu-li was actually swinging his stick.

The injured body of the Horned Rabbit creature then rag dolls against the ground, thereby certainly uplifting a fair bit of dirt and dust, before finally landing upon a small patches of grass. But, the heavily injured Horned Rabbit beast did not immediately died, it was still living, barely looking alive.

The now dying Horned Rabbit beast probably had its own lungs punctured by its broken ribcages. So it is now breathing heavily, forcefully trying to pump oxygen around the body with a somewhat deflated pair of lungs.

'And now to end your misery.' Gobu-li thought so to himself. He tends to not like seeing things die, being quite empathetic and sympathetic towards the poor dying Horned Rabbit, but nevertheless, what's done is done. 'Killing the Horned Rabbit monster is very essential for me to gain enough experience points in order to levelled up, and onced I've reached Lv.100. I will be able to evolve and rank up to the next evolutionary line, the Hob-goblin race.' He thought.

Gobu-li then strikes the poor dying Horned Rabbit beast with his long stick in the head to instantaneously kill it in one strike in order to end the poor creature's prolonged suffering.


Gobu-li then heard the familiarised sound of the system prompt notification ringing withinside his head, and a blue virtual display screen panel then immediately appears in front of him, thereby confirming the death of the Horned Rabbit beast that he had killed.

[You have successfully killed a Lv.7 Horned Rabbit beast! You have gained 275 existential experience points!]

[Enough experience points has been reached! You have levelled up and become Lv.2! All stats attribute and physical abilities have been increased!]

[Enough experience points has been reached! You have levelled up and become Lv.3! All stats attribute and physical abilities have been increased!]

[Requirements have been met! The individual Gobu-li has unlocked the achievement {First Blood}! Your Strength stats has been increased by 0.3! Your Agility + Defence + Endurance stats has been increased by 0.1! ]

'After killing the Horned Rabbit, I've managed to finally levelled up twice in one go. Sweet.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, whilst looking a bit grateful for his successful first kill.

On the other hand, blood could be seen slowly dribbling down the side and end of the long stick that Gobu-li is currently holding with his right hand. It's not Gobu-li's own blood sticking to his long stick, but rather the recently deceased Horned Rabbit creature's blood that he just killed.

Even though, the short confrontation that Gobu-li have had with the actual Horned Rabbit monster didn't even last up to a minute, but it definitely felt a way bit longer than that.

Well, sprinting that short of a distance, even for a normal average everyday person, who is extremely out of shape. It can be simply more taxing and more tiring on the body than just simple jogging, as the muscles within the legs and lower body are not trained and well conditioned to go through such strenuous activities upon a daily life.

'Well, my current body is extremely out of shape, not that much of a difference when steadily comparing towards my previous life. Now I can guess why Gobu-rou has been constantly training his goblin body ever since he could start moving. So that he could get a better range and test the border limit of what his current goblin body could hold.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he bends down much closer towards the ground to get a better reach of the Horned Rabbit beast's carcass.

And then a sudden thought then comes to mind, and Gobu-li then thought of something to himself. 'I don't really have a knife or any sort of sharp object to dissect the Horned Rabbit beast's carcass with. But if I do recall something, in the Re:Monster manga and novel, the goblins and the main protagonist of the series would then eat the dead Horned Rabbit beast's carcass raw. Without even cooking it, and chomping upon the dead Horned Rabbit beast's furry fur.'

Gobu-li then swallows down a mouthful of fresh air, before he then grabs the dead Horned Rabbit beast's carcass with his spare hand, and then steadily brung it much closer towards his goblin mouth.

'Come on, Gobu-li! You can do it! If even Gobu-rou who was onced a human can eat things raw, then I could do something similar. Besides I'm not only one who would be eating raw monster meat. I'm pretty sure Rubellia was also forced to eat monster meat raw. And besides I'm no longer human, but rather just a normal goblin with the soul and memories of a from another world.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then steadily reassures himself that it was definitely safe to eat raw monster meat and not get food poisoning from it all later.

Afterwards, a couple of seconds later, Gobu-li's mouth then started to drool after having looked at the dead carcass of the Horned Rabbit beast for so long.

'If I can eat live grubs that the goblin tribe cultivated and raised, then what makes eating the dead raw carcass of a monster beast that I've killed alone by myself, any difference. It can't be that much worser than eating live grub, as it slowly wiggles seamlessly withinside your mouth, as you slowly crush it to death with the molar back teeths withinside your mouth.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he mentally prepares himself to take one step further away from his humanity and then starting to step foot into the domains of monsters.

Without saying a word, Gobu-li then gradually opens wide, thereby revealing a pair of sharp molars and somewhat spiky teeths to help with chewing raw monster meat better.

Gobu-li then quickly took a quick bite into the dead Horned Rabbit beast's carcass that he is currently holding within his hands, thereby sunken his sharp carnivorous teeths into the raw flesh of the dead Horned Rabbit beast's flesh, and immediately the fresh scent of blood then wafts Gobu-li's nose and the taste of iron then fills his mouth.

'Not what I was actually expecting.' Gobu-li thought so to himself. 'The initial idea of eating raw monster meat is sort of gross, with the texture of uncooked raw meat being extremely, and the taste being mostly bland. With most of the taste of the raw meat being contributed mainly to the irony metal taste of the Iron compounds within the blood vessels and circulatory system.'

'It's not something that I can get used to within a couple of day's time, but it's manageable if wild carnivorous beast can survive without the need of cooking meat. So can I.' Gobu-li thought so himself, as he then slowly took another bite out of the Horned Rabbit beast's carcass that he is currently holding within his hand.

Munching upon the soft tissue and the raw flesh of the Horned Rabbit beast's carcass, with bits of hair and fur still stuck to the piece of meat that he is currently chewing. Afterwards, finding it a bit difficult to swallow it down his throat, but nevertheless, he relented, and completely forced the whole food down and into his stomach. Whilst, not wasting any piece of meat or leftover on the bone, as it's quite wasteful.

And it took Gobu-li roughly five or six minutes, or maybe even longer, to finish off the Horned Rabbit beast's carcass that he was previously eating.

'I'm done.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, whilst completely filling his small growing goblin stomach with the dead Horned Rabbit beast's meat.

And on the ground, right next to him, was a bunch of bones and the leftover skeleton of the dead Horned Rabbit beast. 'I can break off the horn of the Horned Rabbit that is quite attached to its skull. With the proper material and resources at hands, I can steadily turned the Horned Rabbit's horn into a sort of primitive spear weapon.' Gobu-li thought so to himself.

'If I really wanted to go a step even further, I can steadily used any sort of stone as a makeshift sharpening tool kit to refine the shape. Through the long and endurous process of abrasion and slowly rubbing away at the shape of Horned Rabbit's horn until it then fits the shape of a proper spearhead.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, whilst using his own head to thought of ingenious new ideas.

With that said and done, Gobu-li then gradually picks up the skull of the dead Horned Rabbit from the pile of bones. And without further saying a word, Gobu-li then immediately places his finger, wrapped around the intersecting point of where the Horned Rabbit beast's horn connects to its cranium skull.

'Come on.' Gobu-li then continues to apply more pressure upon the dead Horned Rabbit's horn until he then steadily heard bone crackling noise.

Like snapping a piece of twig, the horn of the dead Horned Rabbit then eventually snaps off from the Horned Rabbit's cranium skull.

Whilst, still holding onto the dead Horned Rabbit beast's broken horn. He then thought of something to himself. 'This broken Horned Rabbit horn could be used as a hand weapon to pierce my enemies.'

'On the other hand, the pile of bones from the dead Horned Rabbit beast could steadily be turned or craft into useful pieces of working armour or primitive tools.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, whilst he then stores all of the dead Horned Rabbit beast's bone into his own personal {Inventory} storage space.

Afterwards, Gobu-li then steadily looks up at the morning sky, and analysing the position of the rising sun. 'Judging from the fact that the sun has yet to reached towards the centre of the sky. So it is still considered morning. And I don't know how many hours there are within a single day of this world, perhaps its 24 hours like ours, maybe its shorter or longer. But what I do know is that I should really spend them wisely, and do what I needed to do whilst it is still day out. So when night steadily approaches is when I must return back to the safety and comforts of the Goblin Den, as all of the strong nocturnal monsters and large predators would then be active at night.'

Afterwards, Gobu-li then steadily continues his hunt and steadily looking out for any alternative sources of food. And during his own scavenger hunt, Gobu-li has seemingly managed to encounter two more of the same kind of Horned Rabbit beast that he previously encountered, which he somehow managed to successfully overcame with the very same method of killing the first Horned Rabbit beast that he encountered, but with the latter one being more difficulter to kill due to its abnormally higher level than the previous two cases.

And it steadily took quite a few blows from Gobu-li's long stick, with a few close stabs from Gobu-li's hunting trophy Horned Rabbit beast's horn. Whilst, Gobu-li almost got himself impaled by the Horned Rabbit beast's horn for getting too close to the creature, whilst still withinside its close striking distance.

However, the poor second Horned Rabbit beast was still completely disorientated from having its head struct by Gobu-li's long stick. So it wasn't really thinking straight and completely lost focus of the agile-ly moving Gobu-li's figure, which then made its aim to be off by a couple of inches, thereby missing Gobu-li's figure by a hair's breathe.


The familiarised sound of the system prompt notification ringing withinside Gobu-li's head, as he then immediately saw a couple of blue virtual display screen panel appearing in front of him, after he successfully killed the two Horned Rabbit beast.

[You have successfully killed a Lv.6 Horned Rabbit beast! You have gained 250 existential experience points! ]

[Enough experience points has been reached! You have levelled up and become Lv.4! All stats attribute and physical abilities have been increased!]

[You have successfully killed a Lv.11 Horned Rabbit beast! You have gained 375 existential experience points! ]

[Enough experience points has been reached! You have levelled up and become Lv.5! All stats attribute and physical abilities have been increased!]

[Enough experience points has been reached! You have levelled up and become Lv.6! All stats attribute and physical abilities have been increased!]

[Requirements have been met! The individual Gobu-li has unlocked the achievement {Horned Rabbit Killer}! Your Strength stats has been increased by 0.6! Your Agility + Defence + Endurance stats has been increased by 0.2! You have a 5% increase in battle damage when you are facing a Horned Rabbit beast in battle!]

[The requirement to achieve the title {Horned Rabbit Killer} is to kill three or more of the Horned Rabbit beast species.]

[The title and achievements {Horned Rabbit Killer} has the potential to evolve to an even higher tier. So long if it the user has met the necessary conditions and the bare requirements number of kills to successfully evolve the achievement and title to the next stage.]

'My god! I've managed to luckily acquired a stats boosting title and achievements after just successful killing three Horned Rabbit beasts. Though I almost died whilst encountering the last one.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, whilst laughing dryly at himself, whilst his hand that is still holding onto the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn is shaking quite a bit due to his last recent battle with the third Horned Rabbit beast.

After the killing of the two Horned Rabbit beasts, Gobu-li didn't immediately eat their carcasses, but rather leave the two dead Horned Rabbit beasts carcasses intact. As he then stores the both of them withinside his own personal {Inventory} storage space.

'I wondered if the meat that is stored withinside my own personal {Inventory} storage space will ever go bad, or will they simply be frozen in time at the exact moment that I've actually put the dead carcass of the Horned Rabbit beast inside the {Inventory} storage space.' He thought so to himself.

Afterwards, he immediately thought of something. 'I can just simply have one dead Horned Rabbit beast's carcass later for lunch or dinner, whilst saving the other for tomorrow to see if the food would then actually rot or age withinside my own personal {Inventory} storage space.'

• • •

Some time later, it was currently way passed afternoon, with the sun gradually passed the horizon. And within a couple of hours, it would already be the start of evening, as the process of the sun setting is gradually being set in motion.

During the times of his scavenging hunt, Gobu-li have actually founded a small and steadily flowing river stream by accident. It was full of clean safe to drink drinking fresh water, but Gobu-li had no way to somehow pickup the fresh water and somehow transport it. If only somehow he have had a sort of insoluble water container, then maybe he could store the water withinside the water container, and then steadily put it withinside his own personal {Inventory} storage space to be used as his own portable water tank.

'I should think about making a sort of portable water drinking canister or a makeshift leather bottle if possible in the near future.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then readily scoops up a handful of clean running river water with his hands.

Gobu-li then drank some of the clean running river water satiate his thirst. Afterwards, he then steadily washes his face, dirt, sweat, and grime from some parts of his goblin body.

'I should really properly make a mental note of where the running river is, as I may later need to visit again on a much later date.' Gobu-li thought so to himself.

Afterwards, after seeing that the sun was starting to set, Gobu-li then hurriedly began to scurry on back towards the Goblin Den Cave of his own volition. However, unfortunately, Gobu-li has managed to unexpectedly encountered an unwilling obstacles that would undoubtedly obstruct his path and journey back to the Goblin Den Cave.

A walking three to four feet tall wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then enters Gobu-li's line of sight, which was certainly quite impressive of a creature for its own size. Unlike the Horned Rabbit beast who was only the average size of a small dog, the Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast is about the size of a fully grown adult German Shepherd Dog.

The Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast is quite tall, even bigger than the average adult male goblin, who is only roughly the size of a six years old human child.

'Holy Cow! Or chicken to be exact. What the heck!' Gobu-li loudly exclaims withinside his head, as he then unexpectedly taken a step back out from shock from the sudden appearance of the Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast.

The Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast had already somehow detected Gobu-li's existence from a far; the smell and body odour of a Goblin is quite different to the natural aroma scent of the nature's surroundings, so it was quite an easy identifiable cause from the rest.

The Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then looks completely similar to the average Junglefowl Chicken on Earth, apart from the fact that the average Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast is quite carnivorous, meaning that it mainly hunt other smaller creatures and weak prey for food and nutrition. So the Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast still retains some of its prehistoric ancestral dinosaur features and dna that have yet yo be unlocked.

Whilst, standing approximately three to four feet tall, with a brown feathery main body, and dark green coloured feathered wings. It possesses an unusually long reptilian tails, with tail feathers to its end. And a strong pair of powerful muscular chicken legs that even makes the onced terrifyingly looking Terror Birds now look like a complete joke. Child's play when steadily being compared to the Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast that Gobu-li is currently facing.

Bawk! Bok!

The large Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast that is quite larger than the current Gobu-li then made some slight chicken sounds, as it then opens up its chicken beak to thereby reveal rows of sharp teeths.

'Now I can certainly see why scientist's are saying that modern day chicken are the most closest living relatives and are descendants of dinosaurs, which they actually are.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then readily gets into a battle stance against the Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast that he recently encountered.

He then immediately thought of something to himself. 'There is surely no way that I can possibly outrun this prehistoric dinosaur looking chicken monster, just look at those strong pair of legs that would even make the modern day ostrich bird look like a string bean in comparison.'

The strong looking Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast, whilst salivating at the tasty looking goblin chow that just recently appeared in front of it, it then steadily charges towards Gobu-li's figure without even the ounce of care within the world.

It would seem to be that the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast is actually acting upon instinct. It does not seem to care about logic or sense of reasoning. Like a wild animal, the Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast is immediately able to deduced that it currently is much stronger than the current Gobu-li, just look at the completely obviously difference in size between the two.

Unlike the other wild monsters withinside the forest area that Gobu-li's Goblin Den Cave is in, Goblins are well known to be amongst the very weak creatures living withinside the forest. Its own ranking is even below the average Horned Rabbit beast in terms of threat and possible danger level.

The only thing that is quite dangerous about Goblins is that they steadily possesses the potential and the capabilities to evolve far much creature than all of the well-known monster species combined. It is a known fact that the Goblin race is a descendant that is derived from the Demon race. So they all would instinctively possess the {Demon Tribe Factor} racial skill from the moment they are born.

With enough time and proper existential experience points that has been gathered, it is steadily possible for a weak and meagre goblin to eventually evolve and steadily rank up to a fully fledged demon. Similarly to how Gobu-rou would eventually evolve and rank up to steadily become the all powerful {Vajrayaksa Overlord} withinside the Re:Monster series.

Gobu-li was already mentally prepared to face the fear inducing and quite intimidating looking Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast to the death. 'So this is what it's like to face a foe that is completely way out of your own league, but the fight between Hobgoblin-rou and the Red Hind Bear, the mountain lord was certainly quite interesting.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then steadily prepares himself for battle.

The fearsome predator, the strongly intimidating looking Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then charges straight towards Gobu-li's figure like a speeding arrow, thereby arriving at Gobu-li's current location within a matter of seconds.

'Holy shit! It is fast!' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he looked at the fastly approaching speeding Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast that is arriving within a matter of seconds.

The fearsome Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then opens its mouth, attempting to utilise its own bird beak that is steadily covered in sharp teeths to bite and latch upon Gobu-li's body so that he could not possibly escape or run away.

But, outside of the Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's expectation, Gobu-li was intending to nor run but to remain standing upon his ground and fight back against the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast.

Gobu-li then wields the long stick within his right hand like a baseball bat, and the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn as a blade to impale his foe within the chest.

So as the running wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then quickly draws near. So when it is only just literally nears inches away from Gobu-li's current location, Gobu-li then instantaneously mustered up every ounce of strength withinside his body, as he then swings the long stick at the charging Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's head at full force.

The stick weapon that Gobu-li is currently holding then steadily connects with the charging Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's neck.

With a loud crunching noise, the long stick weapon then immediately broke upon impact with the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's body. It then immediately snapped in half like a simple thin looking tree branch or just a twig.

However, the blow from Gobu-li's long stick weapon that impacted upon the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's neck and broke upon impact. It completely changes the direction of the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's bite attack, so it narrowly misses Gobu-li's body by a hair's breathe.

'My stick weapon completely broke, splintered into two.' Gobu-li thought, as he then grimaced, tightly gribbing upon the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn.

However, things didn't immediately stop from there, as Gobu-li then rapidly brung the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn that he is currently holding within his left hand upwards and then immediately impaling the charging wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast in the chest.

Blood then splattered on and about, as the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn then enters wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's body, thereby impaling it upon the spot. But, nevertheless, the charging frontal momentum of the wild large Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's body had made the impaled dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn travelled even deeper into its chest.

The momentum of the charging wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast did not stop, as it completely slams into Gobu-li's small goblin body without a second of thought. The feeling of getting body slammed by the hugely large in comparison body of the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast was by means not a joke.

It's like comparing the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's frontal charge attack on Gobu-li to an sumo wrestler side tackling an average normal everyday person. The difference in body weight and the size difference between the two is too uncanny. It is almost quite impossible to not be able to tell the obvious differences between the two.

'Holy Shit! That so freaking hurts!' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then felt the full force of the charging wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast thereby slamming into his body.

And it hurt so freaking much, that Gobu-li almost had all of the air knocked from his own lungs. But, Gobu-li still adamantly persisted through the ongoing pain, as he still firmly holds onto the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn within his hands that are still stuck withinside the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's chest.

The wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then immediately screams outwards in intense agony, wincing outwards loudly in great pain, as it then immediately stops its own charging.

Bobok! Bawk!

The sounds of the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast wailing, screaming at the top of its lung, whilst looking a fair bit extremely agitated and quite angry at Gobu-li for stabbing within the chest area.

However, when the charging wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast had immediately stopped within its own tracks, the charging forward momentum did not even stopped, as it was then forcefully transferred to Gobu-li body without a second of thought.

Gobu-li's body is then send flying backwards, tumbling against the ground, as he was still firmly holding onto the bloodied dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn, with the both of his hands.

The dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn that pierced the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's chest was forcefully pulled out from the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's body, carried by the forward momentum of its own failed frontal charge attack, which somehow flung Gobu-li's goblin body flying backwards a couple of feets away.

However, the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then started to bleed profusely, as fresh warmth blood then started to gush out from it's opened wound that was caused by Gobu-li's horn shanked attack.

'At this rate, if I were to continue this fight and steadily bide myself some time, the wild chicken beast will no doubt eventually bleed itself to death. Considering it has no sure fire way of stopping its own stabbed wounds from steadily bleeding out. So it will slowly bled itself to death.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he seamlessly stares and focused his sole concentration and complete attention upon the enraged wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast, as he falls.

Gobu-li then quickly gets up from the ground, after the moment that his body has struck the ground, as he has no time to relax when steadily facing an enraged wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast that is in front of him.

Without saying a word, Gobu-li that was still firmly holding onto one end of the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn with one hand, and the other he then rapidly the middle part of the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn that is steadily covered within the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's blood.

'This will do so far now.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, intending to do something with the blood covered dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn.

Gobu-li then drags his other hand across the blood covered dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn, towards the left hand side, towards the tip and pointy end of the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn. Whilst, pushing all of the blood stains and blood droplets that have accumulated on top of the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn, onto the palm of Gobu-li's left hand.

'Blood takes roughly a couple of seconds up till a minute to dry up. So I really don't have that much time.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then proceeded to immediately see that the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast has then decided to resumed its chase towards Gobu-li.

It would seem that the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast did not learned the first time after facing Gobu-li. It would seem to have completely forego over its intelligence, and steadily choosing to go with brute strength and raw power, like a typical wild beast.

The wounded but heavily enraged wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast, because it was stabbed by Gobu-li's dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn, then steadily charges towards Gobu-li's direction. Having not learned from it's own mistake when it first confronted Gobu-li the first time.

'It's like an crazed bull charging recklessly towards me, almost like I'm the glowing red target and it's the mad chasing bull, which is not a wrong assumption thought.' Gobu-li thought so to himself.

He then said something to himself, for the first time ever, ever since he was first reincarnated into this world. "This can be used towards my advantage."

The mad wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then steadily arrives in front of Gobu-li within matter of seconds, but Gobu-li had already anticipated this. So he was mentally prepared for this and then reacted to the ongoing immediate situation with a fast response.

So as the mad crazed wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then draws near, until it was only a mere feet or two away from Gobu-li's current location. Gobu-li then immediately reacted upon the spot, as he quickly got out of the way of the still charging madly enraged wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast, by steadily jumping towards the right side of the incoming wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast.

'This should do it.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he easily got out of the way of the charging wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast who is only just charging straight forwards towards him.

The charging wild madly enraged Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast could not steadily change the direction of its charge, whilst still in mid-swing, Gobu-li easily dodges its own frontal charge attack again. However, what the poor simple-minded wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast didn't expect was Gobu-li was goanna retaliate again by doing something dirty, by simply using cheap and divertory tactics to help him go against a foe who he could not basically beat in terms of overall power and strengths.

Gobu-li's left hand that is still steadily being covered with the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's dribbling blood. So as he passed by the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's figure, on its left side, he furiously threw his blood covered left hand into the eyes of the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast, thereby attempting to temporarily blind it.

And it works, as the blood soaked eyes of the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast was then covered within its own blood, thereby by narrowing and clearly obstructing its field of vision.

The wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then reacted rather aggressively, jumping around disorderly, as it tries to utilise its large avian bird chicken wings to steadily wipe its own blood off of its own face and eyes. However, Gobu-li didn't immediately let this sort of fleeting chance go to immediately attack the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's blind spot, whilst it steadily has its back turned to face him.

'Fat chance! If I'm goanna let this good opportunity to deal a fatal blow to this damn Wild Chicken slip away!' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then rapidly runs up to the rampaging and rampant wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast, with the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn within his right hand out.

Gobu-li then immediately jumps upwards and onto the back of the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast, which somehow completely startled it, as it has not expected for Gobu-li to do that.

"Raugh!" Gobu-li then roars loudly like a savage ape, as he then steadily rides the uncontrollable wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast, whilst repeating plunging the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn into the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's back side a few times.

"Die you Fuckin Bitch! You Fucking Chicken! Just Die!" Gobu-li then started to curse at the poor and decrepitating wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast.

The wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then immediately screams in intense agony, as it was repeatedly stabbed in the back by its own assailant, whilst being steadily ridden on by a strange green skinned humanoid creature that turns out to be a Goblin.

It didn't take long for the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast to exhaust all of its strength, whilst steadily bleeding out from all of numerous stabbed wounds that was caused by Gobu-li's dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn weapon. The wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then weakly walks for a couple of feet, tumbling every so often, as it no longer has any more strength within its own legs to steadily keep itself standing up.

So it's tired body, pretty exhausted, and steadily loosing a couple of litres of blood. The wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then immediately gives up, as it large body then steadily tumbles over to the ground, before sending in a massive wave of dirt and dust as its body then landed on the ground.

'Is it dead?' Gobu-li then thought so to himself, as he asked himself a question. 'But I have not yet see a system notification prompt message thereby confirming my kill of the big wild chicken.' Gobu-li thought.

He then immediately got himself off the dying body of the large wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast.

But, when he landed upon the ground, Gobu-li could faintly hear the sounds of the dying wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's breathing heavily, which thereby confirms that it was still alive. Though barely. It has only mere minutes away to live, and it could possibly immediately die at any second now due to the constant rate of it losing its own blood. It could potentially die from blood loss or from the heavy injuries that it sustained from one sidedly battling Gobu-li.

'It's dying.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then looked at the now dying wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast in the eye.

The now dying wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then stares right back at Gobu-li with its dead fish like eyes. It seems to be quite unmoving, as the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then slowly rescinds to its own fate, and just lay there. Peacefully accepting its own death by the hands of Gobu-li.

Gobu-li was certainly at a lost for words. As this was simply the first time that he saw a animal or beast that was so ready to die. 'Is it really that strange for an animal or beast wanting to die. It instinctively knows that it no longer has that much time left, properly because of the fatal injury that it has sustained from the battle with me. So it just patiently waits for me to kill it, or until all signs of life has undoubtedly left its body.'

However, Gobu-li was simply not that much of an empathetic type of person. He just simply does stuff that in essence would then helped him improve his chances of own survival.

'I really need to gain the experience points from directly killing the creature. So I can't really afford to steadily let it bled out to death and risk the chances of losing it all for now dealing the final killing blow. Now can I?' Gobu-li thought so to himself, whilst asking himself a rhetorical question. Something that he already knows the answers to, but doesn't really need to be said, other than further enlightening the current situation.

Without saying anything, Gobu-li then grabs the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn that he was still holding firmly within his hand, as he then directly plunges the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn into the eye socket of the dying wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's head until it directly pierces all the way to the poor creature's brain, thereby killing it almost instantly.


Gobu-li then immediately heard the familiarised sound of the system prompt notification ringing withinside his head, and a blue virtual display screen panel then immediately appears in front of him, thereby confirming his kill of the wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast.

[You have successfully killed a Lv.27 Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast! You have gained 1450 existential experience points! ]

[Enough experience points has been reached! You have levelled up and become Lv.7! All stats attribute and physical abilities have been increased!]

[Enough experience points has been reached! You have levelled up and become Lv.8! All stats attribute and physical abilities have been increased!]

[Enough experience points has been reached! You have levelled up and become Lv.9! All stats attribute and physical abilities have been increased!]

[Enough experience points has been reached! You have levelled up and become Lv.10! All stats attribute and physical abilities have been increased!]

[Enough experience points has been reached! You have levelled up and become Lv.11! All stats attribute and physical abilities have been increased!]

[Requirements have been met! The individual Gobu-li has unlocked the achievement {The Crazed Forest Rock Claw Chicken Killer} Your Strength stats has been increased by 1.2! Your Agility + Defence + Endurance stats has been increased by 0.8! You have a 5% increase in battle damage when you are facing a Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast in battle!]

[The requirement to achieve the title {The Crazed Forest Rock Claw Chicken Killer} is to kill a wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast in the most horrific way possible, and slowly torturing the poor creature to death. Any lower levelled wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast would have an instinctual fear towards you and will want to avoid confronting you. ]

* * *

Well, to the dying wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast, the last moments of its own life was extremely horrifying. As it steadily watches, its soon to be killer then walks up towards its, face to face, as the supposed green skinned humanoid monster then looks down at it from above.

Seeing eye to eye. The wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast, for the first time within its own life, it has felt and experience the true sensation of fear and dread. And such experiences would only surface or appear when that said individual would come face to face with death. A traumatic experience that would forever leave a scar or permanenr mark within the individual's mind or psyche.

The green skinned humanoid creature that is known as a Goblin. He didn't smile, but just coldly stares at it. The green skinned goblin that is Gobu-li then stabs the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn into the dying wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's left eye.

The now dying wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then steadily watches it all happened within first person, due to the boost of adrenaline within its own body. Everything seems to be perceived at a much more slower rate than usual, as it then steadily watches Gobu-li then outright plunges the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn into its own left eye.

The dying wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast then felt a large amount of pain within its left eye, as its own large chicken body then suddenly become jolted due to the sudden large amount of pain that is being sent to brain. Just as how quickly the pain seems to comes, it then quickly dissappears, as the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn then punctures the brain steadily destroying it.

The brain can survive up to a couple of minutes after the host body has died, but in the dead wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's case. The wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast would then experience a short but sharp splitting headache of having its own brain being steadily pierced by Gobu-li's dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn, before outright quickly losing consciousness and blacking out completely, but permanently, as its own brain has ceased to stopped functioning properly. It was now legally pronounced dead by world.

'Well, to think that I managed to levelled up five times just from simply successfully killing one Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast. How incredible is that and I managed to obtained a new title as well.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, whilst feeling quite delighted for steadily overcoming his most recent struggles.

Gobu-li then takes his out from the dead wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's head, whilst pulling out the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn from the dead wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's eye socket. With blood splattering upon about, as half of Gobu-li's left hand is steadily covered within the dead wild Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's blood.

'There is really not that much time left to go to the river stream to wash the blood off and then go back before the sun completely sets, and the really strong nocturnal monsters will come out. I need to hurry on back to the cave.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then plucks a few of the dead Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's feathers and storing them withinside his own personal {Inventory} storage space.

Afterwards, Gobu-li then stores the whole of the dead Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's carcass withinside a separate Inventory storage space slot of his {Inventory}.

But, nevertheless, Gobu-li then hurriedly began to increase his pace of running on back to the Goblin Den Cave. As he then heard the familiarised sound of the system prompt notification then ringing withinside his own head, but he completely ignores it to focused solely upon running.


[Due to your strenuous exercise and hard activities, your Agility attribute stats attribute value has been permanently increased by 0.1 point! ]

[Due to your strenuous exercise and hard activities, your Endurance attribute stats attribute value has been permanently increased by 0.1 point! ]

* * *

The moment that Gobu-li had arrived upon the entrance of Goblin Den Cave, his own goblin body was eventually drenched within his own body sweat from top to bottom, as there is a strong burning sensation growing withinside his pair of legs.

'This is certainly the first time in a while that I have certainly sweat alot after a quick run.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then wipes the body sweat dribbling off the side of his face.

The current appearance of Gobu-li right now, steadily being covered within his own body sweat and some blood of the beasts that he previously killed. It has unknowingly attracted the attention of other goblins and the adults within the facility.

Gobu-li then seemingly ignored their countless gaze; some goblins are filled with curiosity, trying seek to out what certainly happened to Gobu-li. Whilst, others are jealousy that Gobu-li is courageous enough to certainly head out of the Goblin den Cave with no fear. Hate and belittlement from the adult goblins, having saw Gobu-li as nothing more than a naive young goblin who does not know anything about the outside world.

"Hey. Did you see the bloodstained upon the goblin over there? Maybe he sustain some sort of injury trying to catch a prey. What a dork." One of the adult goblins spoken to another, without even the least bit trying to hide it or even lowering his voice. So that Gobu-li doesn't hear it.

However, some of the more perceptive goblins of the group, especially Gobu-rou had immediately realised that it was definitely completely false.

If Gobu-li had received a injury from a fight with a very strong prey or beast, then where is the injury or wound upon his body, where the blood is coming from. Unless it is not even his own blood, but rather the blood of his own prey.

If there is really nothing on him right now, then could he possibly have killed the prey upon the spot and then ate its carcass, without even caring to bring some back to the Goblin Den Cave to steadily share it with other goblin. Just like humans, and people who like to spread to rumours and false informations about people. Words and rumours then began to circulate amongst the young Goblin community that Gobu-li is strong, and he was able to kill, hunt, and eat his first proper meal after living the life of a young adult goblin.

The day didn't simply end there, as Gobu-li then steadily finds an empty spot within the Goblin Den Cave that is not occupied by other goblins. So that he could possibly lay down to have a moment of rest and peaceful relaxation to calm his nerve, and then steadily analyse the current progress of his growth and wellbeing.

'Status!' Gobu-li then recited the keyword withinside his head to then steadily open up his own personal status screen panel.

[Status Screen]

Name: Gobu-li

Age: 3 day old {Early Adolescent Stage}

Gender: Male

Race: Goblin

Existential Level: 011/100

Occupation: None

Titles: Reincarnator, First Blood, Horned Rabbit Killer, The Crazed Forest Rock Claw Chicken Killer


Health Point: 18.4/27.3

Magical Power: 27.5/27.5

Stamina Point: 1.3/4.2

Strength: 6.8

Agility: 8.9

Defence: 4.7

Endurance: 6.9

Intelligence: 11.3

Wisdom: 10.8

Willpower: 5.4

Leadership: 4.1

Charm: 2.3

Luck: 11

Traits: Precocious, Cunning, Rape, Demon Tribe Factor

Skills: Night Vision Lv.11 {Passive}, Inventory Lv.1 [11/100] {Exclusive Skill}, Basic Mental Arithmetic Lv.17, Basic stone Throwing Lv.27, Basic Throwing Mastery Lv.24

Knowledge Skill: Goblin Language Lv.13, Basic Crafting Primitive Weapon Knowledge Lv.2, Basic Mathematics Knowledge Lv.28, Stone Throwing Mastery Lv.28, Basic Craftsmanship Knowledge Lv.1

* * *

'My stats attribute value and skills have certainly increased alot when compared to the ones that I have initially when I first come to this world.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then felt a slight sense of chill slowly creep up upon his spine.

Gobu-li then thought of something to himself. 'I certainly can't get used to simply being in the nude all of time, with only a piece of wearable loincloth to steadily covered my lower region.'

'Well, now is the better time to steadily craft myself a cloak or blanket out of leaves to keep myself warm, whilst I'm still resting.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then proceeded to take out a bunch of leaves, piles of long grass, and a Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's feather all out from his own personal {Inventory} storage space.

'Now where to start.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then steadily looks at the ingredients and resource materials in front of him to craft a makeshift leave cloak.

'Oh, I know.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then proceeded to picked a fallen tree leave from the pile of leaves, and then gently tear the leaf stalk that is still attached to one of the end of the fallen tree leaves.

Gobu-li then used the tip and hollow end of the dead Forest Rock Claw Chicken beast's feather to steadily punched out a hole within the cleaved fallen tree leaves. He then grabs three punched out holed and cleaved fallen tree leaves, and neatly arranged them on top of each other, where the punched out hole of each cleaved fallen leaves would then neatly all aligned together.

'Hmmm... On second thought, the leaf stalk that I somehow plucked off from the fallen tree leaves are quite thin and slightly durable to be used as a makeshift linen thread. Though, it won't be strong enough and flexible to hold something like a craft shirt or pants together due to the constant movement of the wearer's body. It would obviously not keep the sewn materials together, but for a blanket or a makeshift cloak. It should be durable.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then immediately tries out the idea.

Gobu-li then used the plucked out leaf stalk to tie the three cleaved punched out hole fallen leaves together, with a double extra knot for extra security in case it would fall apart and not hold together. He then punctured a hole at the bottom, nearer towards the tip of one of the three tied up together cleaved fallen tree leaves. In which, he would then steadily attach three tied up together cleaved fallen tree leaves. So that it would eventually start a long tied up chain of cleaved fallen tree leaves.

Gobu-li then heard the familiarised sound of the system prompt notification ringing withinside his head, as he then immediately saw a blue virtual display screen panel then appears in front of him, showcasing his current rate of progress.


[Skill proficiency has reached a designated degree! The skill {Basic Crafting Mastery Lv.1} has been acquired! ]

'Oh, neat. A new skill.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he quickly read the system prompt notification that appeared infront of him, smirking, before quickly returning back to his work and current activity.

After about roughly half a hour or two, or maybe longer. Since there was no to tell time, Gobu-li could only assumed that a very certain amount of time has passed, after Gobu-li had attempted his first time at crafting a hand made Goblin Leaf Cloak, with basically no utter crafting experience at all.

The first time that he has the Goblin Leaf Cloak was a huge success, a never done be crafted item. So it is certainly a huge achievement for Gobu-li, but it is certainly not something that I'd celebrating about.

As a four feet long Goblin Leaf Cloak then appeared in front of him. Gobu-li then heard the familiarised sound of the system prompt notification message ringing withinside his head, as a blue virtual display screen panel then immediately appears in front of him, thereby showcasing his current rate progress and achievements that he steadily accumulated.


[Skill proficiency has reached a designated degree! The skill {Basic Crafting Mastery Lv.6} has levelled up and become {Basic Crafting Mastery Lv.7}! ]

[You have successfully crafted a Common Grade ☆☆ Rank {Goblin Leaf Cloak} Equipment without the intervention of the Universal Growth Levelling System! The first of its kind, within the world of Terra. It thereby gains some small recognition by the World's System. So it's initial equipment rank has been permanently upgraded and thereby increased by 1 rank and become ☆☆☆ Rank! ]

[You have learned the recipe to create a {Goblin Leaf Cloak}! ]

[Due to the host successfully crafted a ☆☆ Rank or above piece of equipment, whilst possessing two out of the three basic requirement learner skills that is neccessary to unlocked the {Craftman Artisan (Apprentice)} class! Would you like to learn and forcefully changed your None class and Job Occupation to {Craftman Artisan (Apprentice)}? [Y] Accept or [N] Decline ]

[System Advice: Due to the special peculiarities of the Universal Levelling Growth System that is ever so exclusively towards yourself, you would then distinctively have accessed to a Job Occupation/Class system that would otherwise not be possible for the monster race of this world. ]

[System Advice: Job Occupations are completely different from the main class, as Job Occupations can be simply learned and used to obtained skill, profession, experience, and abilities. Whilst, the main class is permanent, that which there can only be one, and would steadily affect the user's path of evolution and racial rank up.]

'Well, that is certainly a field of surprise. Something that I completely not expected after hand crafting the Goblin Leaf Cloak. I did not expect to receive the opportunity and chance to possibly obtained myself a Job Occupation.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he nonchalantly presses upon the Accept button to forcefully change his Job Occupation to Craftman Artisan Apprentice.


Gobu-li then immediately heard the familiarised sound of the system prompt notification ringing withinside his head, and a blue virtual display screen panel then appears in front of him, showcasing what then happens after he has gained a Job Occupation.

[You have successfully acquired the Job Occupation {Craftman Artisan (Apprentice) Lv.1} acquired! ]

[As a result of the user obtaining the {Craftman Artisan (Apprentice)} Job Occupation! The host has automatically learned the {Basic Craftman's Hands Lv.1} ]

'I'm tired and hungry.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, as he then proceeded to wear the newly crafted Goblin Leaf Cloak over his upper body like it was intended to as Cloak.

Later, Gobu-li then immediately places all of his spare resources and materials back inside his own personal {Inventory} storage space, before outright taking one of the dead Horned Rabbit beast carcass that he killed, out from his own personal {Inventory} storage space.

Gobu-li then snaps the dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn off from its cranium skull, and then stored it separately in another Inventory slot with the other dead Horned Rabbit beast's horn, withinside his own personal {Inventory} storage space. And he then started chowing down upon the dead Horned Rabbit beast's carcass, without a second within world, whilst slowly filling his stomach with the dead Horned Rabbit beast's meat.

'The dead Horned Rabbit beast still taste the same as the one I initially killed this morning, despite countless of hours have passed initally after I have put away withinside my own personal {Inventory} storage space. So time must have stopped working withinside my own personal {Inventory} storage space, or maybe there was simply no oxygen, being trapped withinside an air tight seal. So the fresh food would hardly go bad, which somehow steadily slows the progress of decay and rot.' Gobu-li nonchalantly thought, whilst he was busily eating his meal.

However, one of the more nearby goblins has managed to caught upon the fresh scent of raw meat from Gobu-li's food. As they then steadily walks on over towards Gobu-li's direction, whilst looking rather pessimisticly, not expecting for anything of the sort to happen.

"Can I please have some of your food?" A very timidly shy goblin of the same generation as Gobu-li then weakly calls out to him.

Gobu-li then immediately pauses upon eating his meal, as he then looks upwards at the very timid goblin that had unknowingly called out to him, because he could steadily smell the fresh aroma that is coming off from Gobu-li's food.

The very timid goblin look like any typical early adolescent goblin of Gobu-li and Gobu-rou's generation, except upon a closer inspection. You could steadily see that he was more in fact more skinnier and thinner than the usual goblin, almost like he has not eaten for days, looking quite malnourished, with his eyes completely closed most of the time.

Gobu-li having immediately notices this. He then asks the very timid goblin an obviously important question to veered towards the obvious fact of whether or not the very timid goblin is blind. "Are you blind?" 

"Blind?" The very timid goblin then responded with a very confused look, as it doesn't really know what blind is. "What is blind? Is it some sort of food?"

'Of course. A mere Goblin creature who just recently born a couple of days ago would not instinctively know what blind is. Although, it was forcefully aged to an early adolescent stage child due to {Precocious}. It would still not be able to identify if it has blindness, if it doesn't know what blindness really is.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, whilst grimacing upon the current situation, until a sudden idea then immediately pops up withinside his head.

"Can you see?" Gobu-li then asked the very timid goblin a much more simplified question, with there being no sure way of not being able to get a sure fire answer from the very timid goblin.

The very timid looking goblin was quite hesitant at first, after shaking his own head with nervous. He then readily confirms what Gobu-li's initially assumption was to be true, though not quite to the extent of what Gobu-li was rather expecting.

"Though, I can see. But, everything is rather blurry and a bit distorted." The very timid looking goblin had said so towards Gobu-li.