
Re:monster with Douluo system

A young man suddenly wakes up in a cave without knowing why. As he is confused about what is going on a sound goes off in his head [Welcome the Douluo system] With that his new begins but not without one blairing problem. He is now a goblin!!! Warning: The story will follow the events of re:monster fairly close. Also while my mc will give anyone free outside his clan a green hat It will not happen to him. Another thing he will not cuck any members of parabellum. Lastly do not own any characters from the orginal story.

Black_knight12 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 29:

After they talked for a while Rou decided to help Dhampmi level up some more. Thanks to his ability to summon giants it was actually easy. It also helped to train everyone else. I even took one so I can practice with my clear sky hammer soul. My hammer looks like a normal war hammer with hexagonal face as well as being as big as my head. With it standing was tall enough to reach my shoulder. If we were to only go by appearances then it there was nothing special about it. But when you have it in your hands then you can feel how monstrously heavy it really is. I let everyone try to move it but only Rou with his strengthening skills can. Something cool about it is that I can the weight on and off. It definitely made for a great work tool.

We went on like this until the night finally came upon us. The next morning a newly evolved Dhampmi, who is now Kanami, was standing next to Rou. Now that she is a full felged vampire her strength increase dramatically. Now that her worries have disappeared we finally got going again. Finally we were home and what awaited us was not a mine but a grand fortress. Before we left Rou made plans for improvements to our base. We then went around to get a grasp of the situation. While we were taking in the increase to our population something running at me. Before I could dogde my feet were frozen in place by some familiar ice. No other choices left I braced myself and caught it.

????: Daddy you finally came me and mommy have been waiting for you to come home. Are you surprised like mommy said you would be.

I looked over the child in my arms and noticed a few things about them. First is obviously that she is an adorable little girl with reddish skin. I also noticed long jade green hair and her icy jade green eyes. I could even feel a familiar presence from her body.

Druid: Sorry, I wanted to for you guys to finish your business first.

Houjin: Wait then this adorable creature is really my daughter!

???: Hehe look mommy, daddy is as surprised as you said he would be. Nice to meet you, I am your daughter and my name is Bianca.

I could only stand there with my jaw dropped as Bianca kept on giggling. Emilia (Druid) then started to tell about how she also gave birth not far at we left.

Seiji: To be honest it was the strangest thing I have ever seen. The whole time there was not even single complication. As a matter it was almost like some power was protecting both mother and child.

They then went on to explain how Bianca is something demon blood unlike her cousins. A demon blood has an exceedingly low chance of being born normally. They are normally born with a high talent for learning skills. Amazingly they can even use arts if the train to do so. I was most shocked to find out that Bianca has a martial soul and soul power. As for which soul that would obviously be the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion. Her control over it is definitely at least comparable to mine. Seeing that she was so excited I let her train with Flora and I. During this time there was a scare regarding Minokichi in a dungeon being confused for a monster. Besides that I decided to let fate choose my next martial soul.

I went to the soul lottery and selected for a single spin. As it usually did a wheel appeared in front of me and started to spin. Seconds later it stopped on the picture of turtle with a dragon's head carrying an island on its back. The background was a golden black color.

[Aquired martial soul sky supporting turtle.]

My new soul is actually something I has never expected because it actually focuses on defense. It both enhances my physical strength as well as my ability to control earth. This caused my defensive power to reach quite a high level. To be honest it came in handy when Rou and Kichi were sparing. During the fight Kichi got pissed so he forgot to control the power of his attack. Luckily I used a skill that transfered all of the damage to me. Their battle lasted until neither of them had energy left.

Redhair: By the way I heard that a while back that you guys fought each other once. So why is it that you and Houji don't do it more often.

We were all hanging out after Rou and Kichi's sparing match when suddenly Redhead asked that question.

Aporou: To be honest during that first fight we almost killed each other ,so we decided to not do it anymore.

Everything Rou said is true our first fight for some reason became a death match before we knew it. If it weren't for Mi shouting for us to stop we probably wouldn't be here today. Actually there are times when something inside me would demand for me to fight him.

Shera: My dad told me that goblin twins never grow up because they end up killing each other. According to legend when twins are born they have the potential to become a goblin king and champion. However they first must found out who will rule. Thus they seek to dominate one another through force.

As I listened to Shera a realization came on to me. That feeling I had was simply something in my subconscious. It also made sense if the two of us were to fight they we were equal. Since that is the case we would just keep going until we either both died or one won. Still I wanted to test my skills against him without that annoying restriction.

Bianca: Then why don't you let us kids fight and the winner's daddy will be the leader.

Current status:[Name: Houjin

True Name: Benimaru

Race: Kijin(True Species)

Age:119 days

Level: 1

Soul power: 61

Realm: Soul King

Martial Soul:equiped- Spirit eyes-Eye of Destiny/Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon/Ice Jade Emperss Scorpion

Unequiped- Clear sky hammer/Sky supporting turtle

Rings: SE-1,000,000,000(sealed)/1,000/15,000/10,000/35,000/15,000=100,000

IE-500,000(sealed)/800,000(sealed)/800,000 (sealed)/800,000(sealed)/800,000(sealed)/100,000

BLTD:Same as IE

Soul bone: Torso/Left Arm/External Bone/Skull Bone

Skills: Spirit eyes-Spirit detection/Spirit Resonance/Spirit Interference/Spirit Shock/Imitation/ Mass enfeeblement/Spiritual Confusion

Ice Jade Empress Scorpion: Ice empress's pincers/Ice empress's armor/ Snowy Dance of Ultimate Ice/Snow Empress's palm/Snow Empress's Sword

Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon: Lightning Fury/Thunderclap/Lightning Flash/Lightning pain

Clear Sky Hammer:

Smithing(lvl 10)/Inscription(lvl 6)

Soul points:7,000

Equipment: Life Guardian]