
Non-Summon list


I'll try updating it often, let me know if there's someone I'm forgetting...

I'm only gonna add extra info for some OC/Semi-OC/AU/Semi-AU, only because you can't look them up. The holy trinity/3 sizes are not gonna be added at all as they are a bitch to find sometimes, if anything I'll just use terms like "big", "small", "? cup" and such... fuck the details in this case lol... if I could find it, I'll add it, let me know if you know any in the comments.

As for nitpickers over breastfeeding 1-2 year-olds, (if there are any)... shut up lol

***The (WHO) World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding (i.e. no other fluids or solids) for six months and then continued breastfeeding combined with solid foods for 2 years or as long as mother and baby desire.***

...Then there the game of thrones kid...


Lily / Ava (the rest of his first life's harem too)

•They no longer matter to the main story besides being the ones that made Menma into what he is. The original duo might be mentioned in passing but won't make an actual appearance in his new life.

•System voice is a mix/fusion of their voices.

One of the things Menma asked for besides that was that he doesn't want to run into any doppelgänger of them or himself.


Uzumaki, Mina (Karin's Mom, didn't have any real info, so I needed to make it up)

•From: Naruto World (Semi-OC/AU)

•Age: 27 (DOB - 5/30/?)

•Hair: Red (Straight, chin-length)

•Eyes: Grayish Lavender

•Skin: Fair

•Height: 170 cm / 5' 6"

•Weight: 54 kg / 119 lb (post birth)

•New Bio: Survivor of Uzushio's destruction... Married a farmer and got pregnant, she and her husband were on their way to Grass country. They encountered bandits which killed her husband (who'll remain nameless), she was about to be r*ped but was saved by Menma on his first day out. She was in a state of shock since then until she reunited Kushina, they were like sisters back in Uzu.

•Relation to Menma: Considered an unofficial lover by the system, but is put on hold now that she's no longer in a broken state. She has agreed to live in Menma's Uzumaki compound.


Uzumaki, Karin (Now born in Konoha, not Kusa)

•From: Naruto World

•Age: 0 (6/20/?)

•Hair: Red

•Eyes: Red

•Skin: Fair

•Adult Height: 166 cm / 5' 4"

•Adult Weight: 46 kg / 101 lb

•New Bio: Daughter of Mina, no longer forced to become a disposable kunoichi used only for healing bite. She will not be obsessed with Sasuke since she'll have Menma to admire hehehe. She will learn to use everything Uzumaki related through Kushina and Mina. Healing bite will be kept secret from the village.

•Relation to Menma: Undefined


Fuu (same as the canon, just altered life)

•From: Naruto World (Semi-AU)

•Age: 1 (8/8/?)

•Hair: Mint Green

•Eyes: Orange

•Skin: Dark Tan

•Adult Height: 160 cm / 5' 2"

•Adult Weight: 47 kg / 104 lb

•Bio: 7 Tails (Chōmei) Jinchuuriki... due to Menmas alterations (reasons revealed later), she is not on the anyone's radar as a Jinchuuriki. Hence Menma was able to abduct her easily.

•Relation to Menma: Betrothed to Menma *listed as adopted by Maria in frost country*

•Character Tic: -ssu


Ajisai (Pain's female body, Animal Path... though Menma doesn't know yet)

•Age: 2 (7/2/?)

•Hair: Brownish Purple

•Eyes: Light Green

•Skin: Fair

•Adult Height: 155 cm / 5' 1"

•Adult Weight: 50 kg / 112 lb

•Bio: Abducted as a baby by Menma when he was originally aiming for Fuu. According to documents from the library, she was already scheduled to be shipped off to Amegakure (Hidden Rain Village), in the next few weeks. (Ame wasn't specifically mentioned though)

•Relation to Menma: Betrothed to Menma *listed as adopted by Maria in frost country*


Uzumaki, Kushina (Naruto's Mom)

•From: Naruto World

•Age: 24 as of Naruto's birth (7/20/?)

•Hair: Red

•Eyes: Greyish Violet

•Skin: Fair

•Height: 165 cm / 5' 4"

•Weight: 47 kg / 103 lb

•Relation to Menma: Tricked into marriage contract that comes into effect when Minato dies... So she's technically Menma's Wife

•Character Tic: Dattebane


Inuzuka, Tsume

•From: Naruto World

•Age: 23 (8/12/?)

•Hair: Brown (Untamed, Spiky)

•Eyes: Black (Slit shaped)

•Skin: Lightly Tanned

•Height: 163 cm / 5' 3"

•Weight: 51 kg / 133 lb

•Relation to Menma: Mother-in-Law and future wife candidate, Menma has to beat her first.


Inuzuka, Hana

•From: Naruto World

•Age: 6 (4/13/?)

•Hair: Brown (Long ponytail and two locks of hair hanging over both eyes)

•Eyes: Black (Slit shaped)

•Skin: Fair (Traditional Inuzuka red fang tattoos on her cheeks)

•Adult Height: 170 cm / 5' 5"

•Adult Weight: 52 kg / 115 lb

•Relation to Menma: Wife, through Inuzuka clan style marriage. Menma is her alpha after she submitted to him. She won't move in with him until he and she both graduate from the academy.


Mitarashi, Anko

•From: Naruto World

•Age: 11 (10/24/?)

•Hair: Violet (Spiky, fanned-ponytail)

•Eyes: Light Brown (pupil-less)

•Skin: Fair

•Adult Height: 167 cm / 5' 4"

•Adult Weight: 45 kg / 100 lb

•Relation to Menma: First Kiss, enemy (kinda)


Ayane (Teuchi's Daughter/ Ichiraku Waitress)

•From: Naruto World

•Age: 5 (2/14/?)

•Hair: Dark Brown (Long)

•Eyes: Black

•Skin: Fair

•Adult Height: 160 cm / 5' 2"

•Adult Weight: 41 kg / 90 lb

•Relation to Menma: Playdates?


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