
Billy Mays Here!

With my eyes closed it felt like I died again, the darkness engulfed me entirely. The only proof I had of being alive, was that my other senses were still active. My heart drumming in my chest in what I assume is anticipation. I felt myself shrinking and soon being surrounded by a liquid sensation, not hot or warm, but more like a cold honey. I couldn't fight the urge to taste it again after so long... Needless to say, it wasn't honey, it tastes like syrup made from a decomposed body.

The shock caused me to open my eyes wide and struggle to get out of wherever I was. I can't see anything within this murky fluid so I stretch my arms and legs out to start feel around. There's glass or something all around me so I stretch my body out before and behind me as I push with all I can. The feedback I receive from the glass lets me know that it's working, I push off even harder and it finally gives in.

The syrupy shit carries me off a bit as it flows out onto the ground. *wheeze, cough, vomit* What the fuck kind of rebirth awakening is this?!? My body is incredibly weak after that small amount of exertion, I did manage to shakily stand up, but why is this so tough? I try looking around once more, but everything is dark. I focus my eyes some more and things slowly comes into focus bit by bit.

I head for a light switch I saw nearby as I try to ignore the pain from stepping on broken glass. I flip the switch, light flickered for a moment before the dark room was illuminated. I never understood this world's technology situation, it is obviously high but for some reason ignored. The dusty room I'm in is a lab with all kinds of fluids and limbs, I see documents strewn about, and the giant broken vat that I was in.

{Ding... Installing... Complete...}

'Holy shit, that scared me, It's so weird having a notification going off inside my head... let's see, System Open'. A transparent screen pops up in front of me with a couple options like Inventory, Lottery, Shop, Status/Skills and Map. There was also a mini map in the corner of my eye that stays active even with the screen closed, but both appear to be mostly greyed out and only fills out what I explore from ten meters around me, like Minecraft.

I look through the store to check the prices of bloodlines and races, they looked too expensive to even think about right now. I check the inventory and found 2 gift packs, one is a "New World (Naruto) pack", the other is a Starter gift "Basic pack". I open the starter first, I received a C Rank pet card "Dogmeat" - Fallout 4 (puppy), D Rank Silenced Magnum - Halo 3: ODST, F Rank Solar Powered Kart - (Motor Kombat - Raiden model), C Rank Race - Ghoul (Bikaku)... F Rank Martial Arts manual - Dynamite Kick (Mr.Satan DBZ)... and $30...

Characters are in card form until I summon them... that's cool, convenient too since there is a trade in function if I don't like who it is...

'System, why is Dogmeat the same rank as the ghoul bloodline?' I ask

{Dogmeat is a growth type pet. Though it is not that strong in the beginning, it will only get stronger, it also wouldn't die even if he were hit directly by a nuke.} The system said in a voice that I forgot I asked for. It sounded new yet familiar as I asked for it to be like a mix of both Ava and Lily. I almost start to tear up again.

I really turned into a crybaby after I died, this has got to stop. After a few moments I ask, 'I didn't set up the rankings, so can you let me know how many there are?'

{From low to high, the ranks are as follows F,E,D,C,B,A,S,SS,SSS,X,Z. Certain things are ranked lower than their full potential, any rank can surpass what the system originally stated for it} - Sys

Well I didn't get high ranked cards so I inquire about my other ability, 'My request of no bloodline weaknesses should be valid on the ghouls inability to consume human food right?'.

{You are correct Menma} - Sys

I thought about giving the system a name "Aly" to serve as a tribute to my girls, but decided not to since I would probably forget and just call out "Sys" or "System" anyway, plus the voice is pretty monotone... 'Oh yeah, ever since I got out the vat I've been feeling a bit off. It's not only that, but my body also feels weak for a 3 year old, any ideas?' - Menma

{There are two causes for your current state, the first being that the god, Usir, has made it so that your mind adapts to act closer to your age so that according to his words, "You don't feel like a creepy old pervert going after young girls". You will still be in control of yourself in overall, however you will have some urges to act your age whether it's playing with friends, wanting toys, or a picky tongue. The second cause is easier to see in the Status menu} - Sys

It had to be Usir again, whatever. I exit the inventory and open status, there's an avatar of my body standing there as naked as I am... I almost thought I had 3 legs hahaha... What the fuck is up with the rest of my body? I look like Starvin Marvin... This is not what I used to look like even if I was in CG kid form now. I close out the menu and look around, when the lights came on I had already noticed that this place like it was abandoned a long time ago, so there should be no danger right? I go lock the door just in case.

'Hey what the hell is wrong with my body, and where's my damned hair?' I ask while fighting the urge to drop myself to the ground and throw a tantrum.

{You were sent into a body that while decently preserved, was dead for about 8 years inside that medicinal fluid. The exact origin of the body is unknown since it was experimented on extensively, as for you not having any hair at all, it's also because of the fluid.} - Sys

It was corpse syrup... called it. 'Shop' I was not gonna stay naked, hairless, and emaciated. 'Is there anything you can recommend to fix me?' I ask the system hoping that I could afford it with the $30 I got from the basic pack.

{According to your current misfortune I am allowed to sell you a Nigel West Dickens miracle tonic Mk 2, and Nigel West Dickens hair growth formula for the limited time price of $20.}

"... Is this a damned infomercial, are you trying to scam me with that fraud's products?" I muttered to myself

{Results are guaranteed or your money back, act quick, this sale won't last long} - Sys

'Arghh, fine but it better work' I gave in, I heard a *chaching* as I was left with $10. I opened the inventory and brought out both bottles, one was an ugly green color while the other was doo doo brown. I was about to chug both down but Sys told me I only need to drink a cap full of both, I'm still a bit tempted to drink it all to look like I went SSJ3. After drinking them I felt my scalp itching and my body on fire.

The sensations lasted a few minutes before it ended, my body was now filled out normally, my eyebrows are finally back and my hair is a shaggy mess. 'How much for clothes?' I ask

{The first complete set is free as long as it's not armor or has ability enchantments, please note that clothes will still continue to fit as you grow} - Sys

'Can I get the outfit Alex Mercer wore in prototype?' I couldn't think of anything else and didn't want to stay naked so I picked what I figured would look good and be comfortable. White shirt, grey hoodie, leather jacket, stone washed blue jeans, and black boots. Sys didn't even confirm, and just dropped them on the floor in front of me, good thing I was far enough from the syrup that it didn't get wet.

I grabbed a few rags to dry myself off and put on my clothes... of course there's no damned underwear or socks, nasty ass Alex Mercer. As I head to the door I stop, 'Sys, is there a limit on how much the inventory can hold?'

{As long as it is something you yourself can lift, you can store it. There is no limit to how much you can put away, you can also create folders within the inventory space to hide and/or categorize it.} - Sys

I had forgotten to add that to the changes so I'm glad it was already how I want it. I take about half an hour to store everything not too heavy or bolted down. I made a folder for all the documents I found so I can read through them later. I walked out to explore the rest of this place, as I summoned my magnum I finally realized that the system was playing ambient music that was slowly creeping me out, 'Sys, play tranquility lane from Fallout 3 until I get out of here'

The music puts a pep in my step as I wander around collecting everything I could. As that goes on I open up the new world pack. 2 hero cards C Rank Nohara Rin and D Rank Uzumaki Himawari ... They are staying in my inventory for a while, Rin is gonna need Tsunades' help since her summon point is when she was hit with the chidori. As for Himawari, she's the young version about my age give or take a year, I can't take care of her so I'll just wait until I'm near Konoha... D Rank Chakra Blade Katana model, ID and Documentation...

S Rank bloodline Tenshi Clan, according to the description, they were an ancient clan that went extinct a short while before the first Shinobi world war, they were hunted down and killed because they didn't want to join a side. Their clan had the ability to sprout physical wings to fight or fly with, they can expand and retract at will (like the angels on the show Lucifer, I don't know how else to explain it), they can speak with animals, which caused many of them to be vegetarian, easily pacify babies, and use Holy Release, an element specific to their clan...

3 jutsu scrolls, C Rank Jutsu Scroll - Multi Shadow Clone jutsu, D Rank Guide Scroll - Ninken Training, B Rank Jutsu Scroll - Lightning Style Chakra Cloak. D Rank Sword - White Light Blade, and Kid Kakashi Outfit... why only now? Last but not least $200, I stop and put on the underwear from the outfit... it had pug faces all over. I arrived in what seems to be the last room of this hideout bunker, the whole place was littered with all kinds of traps and paper tags, explosive ones were the most common. The temp plot armor must be doing it's job since the seals are either duds, expired, or not active.

Whichever it was, I ignored it and just kept storing everything. I found a map with a bunch of locations marked, {Map Updated}, ~Oooo~ how nice. I checked the map, though most was still greyed out, there were now a few points of interest and general area of the 5 great hidden villages. My current location is somewhere on the outskirts of the land of iron which is in the north between the lands of fire, earth, and lightning countries. My best choice is to head towards a town near Taki and see if I can find a ride to Konoha.

I completely ignored Ta no Kuni since I have no idea if orochimaru had already started making moves. 'Sys, is the personal world available or do I need to wait?' I ask as I continue looting.

{Your world is still developing, you can go in now but it is nothing more than a 50 meter slab of flat earth with a tree sapling and a few flowers.} - Sys

That doesn't sound too bad, so I pop in to check it out and then back out to leave this hideout. There is huge paper seal tag on the last door, 'Are there any restrictions for entering my world or can I enter even if I'm in danger?' This is important, I don't want to touch that shit if I don't have a backup plan.

{The only restriction is if you are currently in a fight, or just finished one you will not be allowed entrance for 2 minutes. Your wives, lovers and children are not bound by this restriction and can enter whenever. If the danger is NTR related then they will be forcibly teleported, this is a gift from Inanna so that you don't suffer too much.} - Sys

Good to know, thanks Inanna, wherever you are. I reach my left hand out the paper since I'm right handed, no reason to risk it, and begin peeling it off the door bit by bit. I even needed to bring out a step ladder from my inventory because the paper seal was so high up. Finally done I store it for research in the future, I decide to check my character screen on last time before leaving...

My model is now wearing clothes and has hair so I swept it back to get a good look at my features. My black hair is a mess but feels soft and is easily styled by running my fingers through it. My eyebrows are thick but not overly so like rock lee, they are lightly arched with ends that point back up for some reason, the right one had a perfect scar as if I did it on purpose.

My skin color is caramel brown, I'm most likely biracial at the very least, but this still caused others to try and race shame me from either side of the spectrum... I said try since I never cared or just beat their ass for annoying me. My eyes used to be green, but now became a golden yellow. Strong jaw (well immature for now) and some pretty hard to pinpoint racial traits. As I finished my inspection I was gonna close out the menu but a glimpse of my status made me stop to double check...

Holy Shit, 'Sys, what are the extras added to my bloodlines, releases and shit?!?' When I opened at my status screen before I didn't really look at it but I could tell the list used to be a bit shorter than it is now. I waited for Sys to explain what happened.

{That was caused by the hero cards, whenever you get a hero card you receive their race, racial traits, affinity for elements and bloodlines should they have any, you will not get their skills, but can learn from them directly. Please take another look, I have added a couple notes to the parts that had changes.} - Sys

'Alright, but add the ghoul race, and tenshi bloodline so I don't need to check for more changes for a while.' I heard a *Ding* and the screen updated.


Name: Menma



Ghoul (Bikaku) *New*

Racial Abilities:

Evo - Adaptive Eating

Ghoul - Kagune, High-Regen, Kakugan *New*

Stamina: 100%

RC Cells: 100% *New*

Energy: 100% (Chakra)

Elemental Releases:


Wind (Himawari) *New*

Water (Rin/Isobu) *New*

Fire (Rin, Himawari) *New*

Holy (Locked) *New*



Hantagan (Perfect Hunter eye)

Hyuga (Himawari, incomplete 50%) *New*

Uzumaki (Himawari, incomplete 25%) *New*

Tenshi *New*

Passive Skills:

Medical - beginner (only location of vitals, and basic first aid are known), Ambushing - beginner, Cooking - beginner, Stealth - apprentice, Multitasking - apprentice, Reading - apprentice

Energy Skills:


Physical Skills:

Krav Maga - apprentice, Parkour - novice, Berserker - novice

Seals/Runes/Formation Skills:


18+ Skills:

Force Stop/Edging - novice, Magic Touch - novice, Divine Tongue - novice, Kamasutra - beginner, BDSM - beginner


'Why are my skills so low and explain that Hantagan bloodline.' I ask the system since I had no idea what that bloodline was or why my skill proficiency were so shit now.

{Hantagan - Night vision, Heat vision, and advanced tracking; similar to RDR2's hunter vision. As for your skill levels, they have been reset to what your body can accomplish at the moment, your body must get used to those actions before you can perform them as you once had before.} - Sys

Well at least I still have my knowledge of how they worked. I try to use my wings but they just droop. Then I try the kagune, I have three neon colored spearlike tails, red, blue and green. I can fuse them to be stronger, longer and have a trident shaped end, or have them fuse in two tails which looks cooler with the red swirling around the other two and arrow head ends.

I open the entrance door and get blinded by the natural light. I wanted to invest in shades, but instead shielded my eyes with the hood. I summon Dogmeat and place him on my head since I wanted to act like Kiba a bit. I then brought out the Kart, this was the same one used by Raiden in the Motor Kombat minigame in Mortal Kombat Armageddon. It hovers above the ground with electric sparks on the back, it's shaped like a speed boat painted turquoise and white with gold trims.

Not sure if it'll have the boost, bump, or the lightning shield abilities, but just having it be solar powered is good enough for me. When I climbed up to look at the interior I noticed the usual dashboard seen in cars, but there were some energy meters that were slowly filling up. I damn near jumped around in joy, I sit down in the seat, that's more comfortable than it looks, and started it up.

'Sys, play "California" by Phantom planet.' I already set dogmeat down on my lap and started driving before the first verse came on. "We've been on the run, driving in the sun, looking out for number one..." As It ended I ask Sys to put on a playlist of driving songs. I kept driving for about an hour until I heard battling, and a scream. I'm planning on helping, but still want to check it out.

I store the kart and place dogmeat in the pocket world, can't have him give away my position. I sneak towards the sounds until I find a dead body, I store it and any that I find along the way. I check the magnum and take off the safety, I continue on and came across a small stream where a dozen or so dead bodies were laying around. Further upstream there was a woman and a man with a couple kunai stuck in his back, running away from two men directly behind while another was sitting on a rock waiting.

I was debating whether or not to help them but before I could decide, the wounded man forced the woman to keep running while he tries to fight back. He didn't even last long enough to lift his arms in a fighting stance, pin cushioned by a barrage of shuriken and another kunai directly to his forehead made sure of that. Here came multiverse change #1, more mature worlds, I wanted to experience the multiverse closer to how it should be than how it was depicted.

The woman hadn't even started to continue her sprint and ended up seeing the whole thing. Even from a distance I can see all hope disappear from here eyes as he dropped to the ground. Not a single sound was uttered from her mouth as the men laugh and drag her back towards the third man. I can't hear what they're saying but it didn't matter, from afar it wasn't visible, but with my Hantagan active now I can tell she's pregnant... or is pot bellied.

I silently climb a tree a little farther away and hide as I cry out with my childish voice "Mommy, Daddy, where are you?!? *wail*". I stay perched up on the tree while hoping that they didn't know each other beforehand. Sure enough, about a minute or two later, one of the guys creeps around the brush grumbling about having to find the snot nosed kid. I had long since drawn the magnum and turned off the safety, I take aim and shoot for his heart.

The bullet didn't hit his heart but got a lung instead, he grunts and instinctively throws a kunai towards my perch, but I had already dropped down, readjusted myself for the recoil this time and shot him between the eyes. The rounds hits perfectly, but while I expected a simple hole, it ended up a gaping mess in his face, damn Halo. The magnum is a bit overkill with its semi-armor-piercing high-penetration rounds, but I'm 3 and can't fight using the sword with this body, so kiss my ass.

I rush and store his body while sneaking back towards the stream to see if there were any changes. The woman was still unresponsive even as the men had stripped her bare, she unconsciously cradled her stomach. The one I assumed was a henchman sat behind her, one hand wrapped around her breast and the other holding a knife against her neck.

The leader was stripping down while cackling about pregnant pussy. I move to a better angle, activate Hantagan, take aim and pull the trigger *pop pop*, three bodies drop but only two were missing brains. I wait a moment in case there were more of them, but after a few minutes of silence there was still no sign. Taking this as confirmation, I move towards the three bodies, I store them but place the woman's husband in a separate folder.

The woman is still catatonic even after I tried speaking with her for a while. I bring out a rag and wet it in the stream to wipe the blood off her face and body. 'Sys, is there any way to wake her up?' I ask as I wipe her down.

{The recommended method would be to make her your wife or lover. This method works best, the woman will feel as if the love for her S/O is a memory long since passed. Only then will you be able to make them slowly fall in love with you rather than competing with an ex, dead or otherwise. The other methods are too expensive at the moment, I would recommend waiting for her to awaken on her own.} - Sys

Well I'm definitely not NTRing the dude before he's even buried or cremated, so that leaves waiting. 'Sys, buy some comfortable clothes for her' I ask, now checking for any wounds... I should have paid attention to my order, $150 gone in an instant, leaving me with $60. I stopped moving as I stared at what I bought. A dozen of the most comfortable underwear... dragonball ripped me off with $70 just for that, at least the panties came with bras included. 7 sweat pants, 7 T-shirts, 7 maternity dresses, a pair of loafers and sneakers with gel inserts, lastly were a knitted wool sweater, scarf and beanie with a puffy ball on the end...

I grumble about the money loss, and curse at oolong for such a stupid wish, as I dress the woman in the underwear and maternity dress. She looks like Kushina now especially with her red hair, not gonna assume she's an Uzumaki since even Sasori and Gaara have red hair. I go over to her ripped clothes and store them since they might leave a traceable odor, but as I lift the torn cloth, a small bag drops from it. I open it and find an ID, some money, and a few pills bottles.

The ID reads Mina, no surname, age - 22, hair - red, eyes - black, height - 151 cm, weight - 42 kg, Blood type - A, she seems to be a drifter so there is no address. I help her stand up but it's like walking a tame zombie, stiff and unresponsive. Every once in a while she would mutter a word or two, mostly just repeats what I said. 'Sys is there any way to add an extra seat to my cart or something?' I ask as I don't want to put her in my pocket world.

{$20 per seat added, must be in your inventory to upgrade.} - Sys

'Alright, do it.' I didn't have to wait long before it was done. I summon it and help Mina into the cart that is looking more like a speedboat. We begin our journey together while I sing to more songs.

{*Ding* For achieving your first kill, you are awarded $60 and a Multiverse pack. *Ding* For killing someone stronger than you for the first time, you are awarded 2 lottery tokens and a Combat pack. *Ding* For killing enemies while outnumbered for the first time, you are awarded a Multiverse pack and a Skill pack. Congratulations on your achievements.} - Sys

"FUCK!" Almost made me lose control of the kart. I'm back up to $100 and have 4 packs to open. Now that I think about it, I haven't tried to check out the lottery function. I open it and find that I have 1 free spin aside from the 2 tokens. The lottery is in wheel form and from the description, it resets every time I spin.

The prize wheel has packs, money, skills, new world portal, different rank shop tokens, items and consolation prizes. I spin it three times, winning an E Rank - auto-fill canteen with 2 drink choices and ice cold water, E Rank - capsule home, both from the items tag, and the last one was a consolation prize, an everlasting watermelon lollipop... I guess food/snacks aren't ranked even if it lasts forever.

I had asked about the canteen, apparently I have to buy my drink choice before pouring it inside to register it. I spent two dollars to buy a Dr. Pepper and orange juice with pulp and poured it into the opening, then hung it over my shoulder. I put the lollipop in my mouth and drive until the sun goes down. I refuse to camp out so I store the car and bring Mina into the pocket world with me.

As soon as we appear, I was barraged with barking from dogmeat for what I guess is forgetting about him. I ignored him, got the capsule home out, pressed the clicker on top and threw it. "Logic does not apply" I chant a few times in a whisper, Mina repeats it. The house is the one Bulma used while she and Goku were searching for the dragonballs. One big center dome with solar panels, an antenna and door, and two smaller domes on the left and right sides.

Dogmeat is cowering behind me so I pick him up and lead Mina into the house. I take Mina into the bedroom and tuck her in before I go to take a long bath. Once I was done I dried off and went over to the room and climbed into bed. She was shivering and my new super power called empathy was going off so I hug her to calm her down.

During the night I dreamt about about my past and then I ended up in candyland... I dazedly woke up with a warm liquid pouring down my throat and a moderately heavy breast in my face... I went back to sleep while suckling. It was such a peaceful feeling that I never wanted to lose... ?!?!?! "Ahhhh" I woke up to a pain in my chest.

I hop out of bed on high alert, look down to check if I got stabbed, but found a bite mark instead. I turn to look at Mina, her hair is messy and has a single red marked breast, with a couple bite marks on it as well, hanging out of her dress. She looked at me with the most innocent confused I have ever seen on her face. I walk up and take the kunai from her, I bring dogmeat along with me so she can't hurt him.

I go outside while reading through the ninken training manual. I can't use the skills until I get the Inuzuka bloodline so I just put it away. I hesitated on reading the dynamite kick, I still did it and I'll say it right now, this trash skill is actually pretty good. There are two versions of the skill recorded, a 13 hits combo from DBX2 and the Triple kick from DB Budokai 2. I spent the whole day practicing it only pausing to force feed Mina... that was a $5 meal each, and a $10 bag of food for dogmeat.

The bag ended up being 90 kgs worth of food. Down to $80 I decide to go to bed early to get an earlier start the next morning... Milk sure is delicious ain't it?... I wake up soaked, Mina wet the bed, so we go into the bathroom and take a shower, then I had to pay $3 to get the bed cleaned... We continue our adventure while I doub our original speed. I was not trying to be broke before getting to town.

A few days later we finally arrived, $22 , a measly $22 is all I'm left with. Luckily I found out that it was cheaper to buy ingredients rather than a cooked meal, or else I'd really be broke. We got off the kart and walked as to not draw extra attention to ourselves. I could have left Mina in the capsule house but I would look too suspicious going into town by myself.

I paid the entrance fee with money the bandits I killed had. Now that we're in town, I book a hotel room before going out again. I buy a bunch of food ingredients and cheap clothes for us. I decide to buy a few medicinal supplies as well, first aid kit, common poison antidotes, antibiotics, and saline solutions in case Mina refuses to eat. With all the supplies being delivered to the hotel room I didn't need to worry about carrying it back.

I head back to the room, eat and bathe. I tuck Mina in to her bed, then look out the window. Naruto World change #7 shouldn't be that hard to deal with, but there are no guarantees. 'Sys, what happens if I die here?' I ask since I didn't know.

{You will not be allowed to come back to the current version of the world. You will respawn in you pocket world and have to reset the world you died in to go back again. Mina will be brought along with you since she barely qualifies as a lover. However since you haven't sealed the deal, she is not over her husband's death. Also, the changes that you asked to be made for this world will be erased and follow the original course instead.} - Sys

Lover?!? Really?... Whatever, the point is I shouldn't die yet. I want to see how things progressed with the changes I made. I need to plan for tomorrow, in case things go sideways. I look out the window towards a building in the distance as a smile begins to creep onto my face.

I’m hoping I did a decent enough job explaining things, especially Menma description. It took me longer than expected to finish the chapter because of my OCD causing me to back track over and over again. Let me know if I messed up somewhere, it’ll be much appreciated... Motor Kombat really exists... Thanks for reading

ImmortalRoachKingcreators' thoughts
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