
Lost Memories

Hordes of Fallen Knights blocked my path to the Archon of Apocalypse's castle, leaving me no choice but to face off against them in battle. They all charged at me and let out their battle cries. I rushed into battle and sliced through them one by one with ease, blasting through the army.

After handling the easy targets, I watched the doors of the dark castle open and hurried inside. I looked around and decided to hurry to the throne room. Once I made it, I walked inside the throne room and noticed the Archon of Apocalypse sitting on his throne. His green eyes shined as he looked at me.

"Istar! Your reign ends here! I don't know why you're doing this. Wasn't it you who wanted to unite this world?! We finally got all 10 Regions united and now you decide to do this?! What was your purpose for accepting the Soul of Apocalypse?!" I yelled.

Istar stared at me. "Urias. I was hoping you could understand as my younger brother that this world needs to go. This useless world isn't meant to last and I realized that after saving your last wife, this world isn't meant for us. They are worthless. We are Demigods, we deserve more than mere mortals. We deserve more than to be brought down to their standards, brother. What do you see in these pathetic ants?"

"These 'ants' are my wives and my people! I'm not letting you get away with doing this! Every one of them had their faith in you! I had my faith in you! We saved everyone from war and now you want to start another and end the world?! Are you crazy?!" I yelled.

Istar slowly stood up and his black hair turned white. He began to walk down the stairs toward me. "Urias. How many times must we unite Acarea before all the wars truly end? How many times must we save Acarea from the other Deities who attack us? The other Gods look down on us. No longer will I be looked down upon. I won't let anyone look down upon my younger brother either."

I stared at Istar and watched him stop in front of me. "Istar...you're making a huge mistake."

"No, brother, I am making the right choice. It is unfortunate of the circumstances now. A Hero of Light against the Dark Lord." Istar said then placed his arm on my shoulder. He grabbed the handle of his sword and slowly began to unsheath it.

"I know you're still in there Istar. I'm not letting you fully leave me, brother." I said then dodged his slash. I jumped backwards and summoned my sword. I readied my blade and looked at Istar's wicked smirk. "I'm not letting that monster fully corrupt your mind. I'm saving you and Acarea.."

Istar smirked at me and chuckled. "Let us dance!"

Istar dashed toward me and slashed at me. I blocked his slash then pushed him back and countered with my own slash. Istar clashed with me and we began to rapidly clashed with one another.

Istar laughed as we continued to clash. "Yes! This is it brother! The battle of the millennia! Show me more of your conviction!"

Istar parried my next slash and kicked me away. I groaned as I crashed into a pillar. Istar dashed toward me once more and went for a spinning slash. I blocked the attack and grunted. I pushed him away and countered his next attack with a kick then struck him with my sword. Istar groaned as he was sliced. I followed it with an uppercut to sent him upwards. I bellowed and pressed a ball of light against his chest, causing the ball of energy to explode and knock him away.

Istar crashed into a pillar and grunted. He chuckled softly and landed on his feet. "Is that all you've got?!"

I dashed toward Istar and he dashed toward me. We clashed then clashed three more times before entering a blade lock. We pushed each other away then clashed once more then our swords flew out of our hands. Istar dodged my punch then struck my face with a hook punch. I stumbled and noticed his kick then blocked it.

Red eye shadow formed around my eyes and my hair became silver. The Crest of Selfoss shined on my hand then I began to counter each of his strikes then stomped down, causing a rock pillar to strike his stomach. Istar groaned and coughed blood. I followed with a spinning heel kick, launching Istar away.

"You can't win, Istar. I have all 10 Sacred Techniques Mastered. I have mastered my Demigod Form. You still have a chance to stop this now.." I said.

Istar chuckled softly and stood up. "You think I need those Pathetic techniques..? You think I need your wives' help?! Only weaklings like you receive help from mortals!"

I grunted as Istar's aura surged powerfully around the throne room. A black halo formed behind his head and demonic gauntlets appeared on his arms. Cursed marks formed on his body and he completed his transformation.

He dashed toward me and laughed wickedly. I dashed toward him and we struck each other at the same time. We knocked each other back then began to move at high speeds, clashing and firing energy blasts at one another. Istar countered my next strike with an uppercut, launching me upwards. He flew up toward me and grabbed my neck. I groaned then grunted as he crashed through the ceiling and threw me to the roof.

I crashed on the roof and grunted. I opened my eyes and noticed a massive orb of dark energy above Istar.

"This is your end Urias! Get a taste of my Doomsday!" Istar launched and hurled the dark energy orb down at me.

I got up and bellowed then my aura surged brightly. All 10 of my Crests shined on my body then I flew up toward the ball of energy and tapped into my True Form. A halo formed over my head then I deflected the attack back to Istar. Istar absorbed the ball of energy then dark aura surged around his body.

We clashed once against then began to dodge and block each other's attacks before he palmed my stomach. I coughed blood then began to crash down onto the roof again. Istar came down with a decisive blow and forced me back into my normal form.

Istar smirked and picked me up by my shirt and held me up. "Try again next time, little brother..."

I looked at Istar and grunted softly. I tried to move, but my body wouldn't allow me. "Is...tar..."

Istar walked over to the edge of the castle where the ocean was. He looked at me and frowned. "Maybe in another life...you could come to understand where I come from. Until then...farewell, Urias.."

He dropped me and I began to fall down to the ocean. I held my hand out then slowly lowered my hand and closed my eyes. A light shined on my chest then split apart. I crashed into the ocean and began to wash away with the current of the ocean.

~<Chapter 1: Lost Memories>~

. . .The waves crashed, the air was cold, and the seagulls squawked loudly. The ambiance was loud but soon it stopped. Now the sounds of a fire cracking was clear and the warmth of the air was soothing.

I soon opened my eyes and noticed I was laying on someone's lap. I looked up and noticed an elven woman. "Aeverie..?"

Aeverie looked down at me and smiled. She rubbed my hair gently. "My love...You're finally awake..."

Aeverie was one of my ten wives. She was one of the 10 Rulers of Acarea. She's a beautiful woman with long blonde hair reaching down to her back, sapphire blue eyes, and a beautiful figure with a large personality. She has an affinity for Magic and is said to be the best Magic User in the world.

I slowly sat up and held my head. "Where am I..?"

"We're in Selfoss...I found you laying on the beach. You were beaten pretty badly, so I took it upon myself to heal you." Aeverie said, watching me carefully.

I held my head then closed my eyes. I was trying to remember something, but couldn't remember anything other than my own name and my wives. "I can't remember anything...I feel like I'm forgetting something important.."

Aeverie looked at me worried and held my hand. "Relax for now, my love...You seem like you've been through a lot. The more you stress the more exhausted you'll become.."

I looked at Aeverie then laid back down on her lap. I closed my eyes and sighed softly. "What's going on..? Why can't I remember anything..?"

Aeverie looked at me sadly and rubbed my head. "When you disappeared for weeks...everyone said you were dead. I didn't want to believe it nor did the other Regional Rulers. We kept high hopes...You couldn't even imagine how happy I was to see you and to know you were still breathing..."

I heard her voice breaking and opened my eyes to look at Aeverie. I noticed her tears and sat up then wiped her tears. "If I remember one thing, you should know I don't go down so easily...I always find a way to bounce back."

Aeverie smiled at me and closed her eyes as I caressed her cheeks. Her ears wiggled and she held my hand. "I know, my love..."

I smiled at her then leaned forward to kiss her lips. She kissed back and gently squeezed my hand. I pulled away and closed my eyes. Aeverie smiled and sighed softly.

"So do you truly not remember anything..?" She asked.

"Nothing beyond uniting Acarea and saving the world from Fyrus..." I said and opened my eyes.

"You don't remember your purpose..?" Aeverie asked.

"My purpose?" I asked.

Aeverie stared at me and looked down. "I see...You truly don't remember anything that happened beyond saving us from Fyrus.."

"Is there something I'm supposed to know? You have to tell me." I said.

"My words aren't enough...and frankly I know what's going on. We have to find your memory fragments. That's the only way for you to know the real truth." Aeverie said.

I stared at Aeverie and desperately tried to peace everything together. She knew something that I didn't and I needed to know what. "What's going on, Aeverie? What happened to me?"

"You were defeated by your brother. It seems like before I found you, he managed to scatter your memories across the world so you wouldn't be able to find him again. If we find your memory fragments, we can get your memories back you can learn the Truth of your brother." Aeverie said.

"The truth of Istar? But he's a hero like me isn't he? Did something happen to him?" I asked.

"Yes...and the only way to save him is through these Memory Fragments. They will explain everything better than I can." Aeverie said.

"I see. Alright, I'm sold." I said and stood up. "Let's go find these fragments." I said.

Aeverie looked at me then smiled. She nodded and stood up. "Okay, but first you haven't eaten in weeks so let me cook something for you like always~"

I smiled at Aeverie and nodded. "I am pretty hungry..~"

Together we went to the kitchen. I had a lot on my mind and the main two things were these Memory Fragments and the case of finding out what happened to Istar. Aeverie was sure that these fragments would help me know the truth. She's never been wrong before do I fully trusted her.