
Rebirth: System Integration

Adam screamed as he could not see anything. At first, he was disoriented as he fell through a meat tunnel and head first into a liquid substance. It was at this moment that all hell broke loose. The liquid felt cool to touch, and then gradually it was like someone upended liquid flames on him. Every single reflex to scream lead to more liquid invading his insides, and like if hot magma was on its course to his posterior. The pain that Adam was in was not one that words could do justice to. It was that kind of pain that Adam even tried to detonate flames on himself so that he could end the suffering.

"Host in danger, Host physical damage 98,45%, Activating auto defence control"

"initiating defence protocol.... defence failed, Host's Physical body completely damaged, Host's soul under attack"

"Unlocking divine pack... Activating one-time revitalization"

"Host in danger, Healing rate too low"

"Error system Database too limited to handle universe, Momentarily disregarding system protocol, initiating node with the host to reduce Host's soul damage"

"Error, System is under attack, connecting to system hive network. System damage 3%, host soul damage 78%"

"Connecting to sword system 23100...123, System damage 36%, Host damage 88%"

"Connection failed, Lunching system final defence!, Host's soul damage 96%, System damage 80%"

"Defence completed, soul damage stopped for 30 seconds"

"Checking survival probability.... 240,002,034,223 solutions found"

"Enhancing the probability check using node ☊ ."

"745,543,000,001 probable solution found"

"Filtering to the solution to allow host survival "

"1 solution found... initializing solution..."

"Error system is being infected by host consciousness through node"

During all the event the system kept giving notifications every second, but Adam did not register anything. He was only begging for death. Blissful death, the calm embrace, the end of all pain and torture. The beautiful silence. Unlike life, faithful and true to itself and her lovers.

Adam tried to open his eyes, this is not an intentional action. He thought that he won't be able to open his eye as he had felt his own eyes burn out. So when he could open his eye he thought that he must have died. The quickly got rid of this notion as he could not believe that he was in her enchanting embrace yet. The reason he thought so? It was because he was felling a very different type of pain right now. It was like so many tiny devils were nibbling at him at the smallest unit of his existence and ripping it away from him.

Looking forward he could only find the nothing. It was hard to describe as there was what he could describe as nothing. Not light, not dark. Adam always had the notion that there was an opposite to everything, and at his level of consciousness, he could not comprehend how vast the content of such a thing that he overlooks in his environment. What is the opposite of anything? that was what Adam was experiencing. in truth there are things that their opponents are themselves or multiple things combined!

In as much there were so many epiphanies to be gotten, Adam did not get anything at the moment. In all actuality, all Adam could comprehend was complete hopelessness. Another type of thing very few has truely comprehended.

If a rat is caught in an entanglement, which grew in a tunnel. At one side a snake 🐍 is closing in, and at the other side, a cat 🐯 draws close. in as much the rat could feel complete helplessness, it could also hope that the mortal enemies could also battle themselves while it makes its escape, or they kill each other.

Adam, however, did not even know if he is moving as there is no sense of direction or if he is surely not in the afterlife. with the constant loss of his essence, the inability to see colour. His present self that is shapeless and alien. That made his existence truly hopeless.

In Adam's state of submission, a disc suddenly appeared in the air. As it hovers in space, Adam discovered that in as much he could now relate himself to something, giving birth to the sense of distance and displacement, there was no sense of orientation, nor were there any sense of gravity.

The disk shot a continuous beam of green light that Adam could see merge with his own essence. Adam felt some relief 😌 , The green light was argumenting him, filling him up with its own being. The problem was, it was not filling him up fast enough like the parasite that ate from him did. Seeking more. In a frenzy, the need to preserve his existence emboldening him, Adam propelled himself towards the disk.

The closer Adam was to the disk, the more integrated he was with the alien entity, reducing the part of his personal existence that is being eaten away. Even if he was not completely himself anymore, the worst thing that could happen to him is to not exist at all! Adam threw himself into the disk and felt the whole disk tremble.

The disk was fighting whatever was eating it up, sending beams or rotating, always looking for any tiny leverage or advantage that it could make use of to survive. During all this process, Adam felt a window that led elsewhere but from experience, the hell he knew was much better than one he did not know. He turned around and for the first time, really paid attention to his environment. when the disk that was now 3/4 its initial size was rotating, it gained a very tiny bit of energy existence. this tiny bit of existence quickly bound with Adam. Adam knew immediately that this new entity was part of him that was once ripped off.

Seeing this, the hope that Adam lost and replaced with diminishing contentment was restored. But after some eternity, Adam's entity was almost done for, and the disk tried to separate itself from Adam and vanish the window. Adam, however, was adamant on not letting go. The Disk successfully separated itself and rushed past the window and this window started to close.

Seeing this, Adam rushed into the window. Thankfully, he was now a very tiny bit, and he could hastily pass through the closing window before it shut. Immediately it passes through the window the whole environment changed. In this space, the parasite also ate from him, but this time, he could clearly see it.

The concept of seeing without eyes 👀 was very weird, seeing a completely 360 degrees in all difference of height or slant. At this state, Adam finally discovered that this space was infinitely large. Adam did not have the luxury of observing the new environment any longer.

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