
Mana Shield

Adam was in his bed staring at the five copper coins in his hand after waking up, trying to think of an idea to earn money.

"Seems like I really need to hunt, huh" Adam sighed putting his hand in his forehead.

After thinking for a long time, Adam don't manage to get any good idea to earn money besides hunting beasts. He walked out of the hotel in the direction of the forest.

After a long time, he finally reached there and sat beside a tree sweating like a cow in summer.

"Damned distance..."Adam was feeling like he was going to become a marathon runner if he needed to walk this long every day.

After resting enough, he was walking around into the forest with caution to any surprise attack. He soon noticed a black wolf in the distance and an idea came to his mind.

Adam picked up some stones in the ground and climbed a tree near the wolf. He threw the stone on the wolf while shouting to attract the wolf.

The wolf became furious and ran to the tree while growling. Seeing Adam on top of it he started using his claw to slowly climb it.

Adam already started casting a fireball when he hurled the stones and after the wolf was nearly reaching him, he shoots the spell in the poor wolf who was looking up.

The fireball hit right in the wolf face and the wolf fell down to the ground in pain and flames. The wolf struggled on the ground with a deformed face for some time while the flames burned him before stopping.

Adam came down from the tree and got close to a wolf to inspect it after the flames stopped. When he was close enough, the wolf suddenly came back to life and bit his robe his arm.

Adam punched its deformed face with all his might while falling to ground in pain and panic. The wolf just fell to the ground without any movements this time.

Adam stared at his robe with bite holes in it thinking,' So this is the physical attack resistance huh' then he threw some stones at the wolf to confirm if it is really dead.

"System what was that wolf?"

"A Rank 0 spirit beast with strength of a Martial Apprentice, this wolf was one of the weakest types"

Adam already knows the martial artists' levels after asking the system. Martial Apprentice, Martial Artist, Martial Master, Martial Grandmaster, Martial Emperor, Martial Saint and Martial God.

Adam picked the wolf corpse up and headed towards the city while carrying it in his back, on the way back, he found an interesting thing, a pool of sparkling white liquid.

"System what is this?"Adam asked going close to it.

"This a low-level spirit pool used by Martial Apprentices, it can help them advance faster. Host wants to sell it to the system?"

"Sell it" Adam nodded and touched the pool by the system command, a vortex appeared out of his finger and the white of the pool was sucked, transforming it in a pure clean water pool.

Adam then checked the shop and found he had 100 points now and he bought the spell he was itching to buy from the first time he opened the shop, Mana Shield.

The weakest and lowest level type of shield but also the easiest to master, because it only needs to gather mana at right shape and don't transform it, it don't need chanting. A mage without a defensive spell is good as dead, even a normal person with a bow can kill him.

The spell was 50 points and after buying it a scroll appeared in the ground with a flash of light. He picked it up and the same way he learned fireball the knowledge flowed in his head with a headache.

He was eager to test it so he waved his staff gathering magic power in a bubble shape around his staff which quickly expanded, forming a light blue almost transparent shield around him. Then he did some tests and questions to the system.

He found out that the shield uses 1 magical power per 2 seconds active, and impacts deplete extra mana out of it.

He then proceeded to the city with the wolf corpse while wondering what to do with the remaining fifty points.

Next chapter