
Re: Life, I can buy attributes

Getting a chance to redo his life, Lu Fan has no intention of 'going against the heavens' and is content just passing the days in a relatively slow pace. But since it would be dumb not to use his system to his advantage, he decides to make money while bringing his friends along.

mobisa · Urban
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34 Chs


Lu Fan spent the better part of the afternoon talking to Chen Lu as it was rare to get this kind of opportunity.

Lu Fan got out of there later after Chen Lu started giving her 'opinion' on how he should go about Xu Ling'er and the others. This made him somewhat frustrated.

In Chen Lu's eyes, Lu Fan might just be a shy boy who did not know how to handle these beautiful girls. But she was completely wrong.

Lu Fan was just holding himself back for his sanity and morals.

No matter how Lu Fan tried to accept his current age, he was still someone who had regressed and he was already programmed not to touch minors.

Xu Ling'er and An Xing'er were underage and beyond limits. Well, he could indeed bypass all this since he was technically also a minor, but it was a mental thing. It was better to wait a little longer.

An Xing'er was also a star. Lu Fan did not want to be the reason she had an imperfect career. And there was also the issue of the original family behind her. Kids from rich families had their own views on these kinds of things. If he got too close to An Xing'er and did something now, Lu Fan was not sure how her real family would respond.

It was fine if it was just An Xing'er having feelings for him, but if he acted on them… that was a completely different story.

As for Xu Ling'er, well, even Lu Fan did not know why he was holding back. Xu Ling'er had everything he'd ever want in a wife. But Lu Fan just didn't want a wife yet.

It was a very weird mindset that even he did not understand. But that could change at any time.

Lu Fan was sure that if Xu Ling'er took the initiative, he would not hold back at all. Hell, even An Xing'er was the same.

If these two girls threw themselves on him, Lu Fan would not care about all these things. They were just flimsy excuses that could be torn down at any moment.

Li Lin on the other hand was a very delicate matter and she seemed to know it.

Bold as she might have been, she has never truly let her guard down in front of Lu Fan.

There were even times when she would create the perfect mood and then tear it down on her own. Lu Fan pitied the girl.

What was even more pitiful was that Lu Fan did not have any romantic feelings for her.

She was a very good and capable girl despite her baggage, but Lu Fan just couldn't see her as anything more than that. If he really tried, maybe he could treat her like a sister but that was it.

What shocked Lu Fan however was that Chen Lu had started speaking for her. Seems like her hard work was paying off.

Lu Fan did not spend much time thinking about these abstract things that did nothing to benefit him.

The first thing he did after leaving the hotpot joint was to look for rental space nearby that would fit what he wanted to do next.

The talk with Chen Lu made his desire to start a school more pressing.

He had always thought of starting a vocational institute, but had no immediate driving force and had been procrastinating till now.

Now that Chen Lu was facing a problem, Lu Fan was going to start from there.

His idea was quite simple. Since they could not start another boxed lunch outfit, why not teach the people already in it to make higher-quality lunches?

If it were anybody else, this idea would be pretty much an impossibility. But who was he? If anything, just buying everybody's [Cooking +50] attributes was enough to elevate them to a professional level.

Lu Fan was even willing to have them specialize in different cuisines but that was for later. He did not want to teach a group of people everything and leave him without any workers in the outfit.

If he really taught them everything, why would they still remain in the outfit instead of going to another city to work in a professional kitchen and earn tens of thousands of yuan?

Lu Fan did not have a problem with them doing this, but he wanted them to do it gradually. If they all left, who'd work for the outfit then?

That was also why he wanted to start a coffee shop and bakery. These two were very profitable if done right and Lu Fan was sure that he was capable of doing it right.

If the school was successful, it would not be wrong to have students work in these places, right? It would also be a very good branding campaign.

Lu Fan even had the vision of making his school the threshold for the culinary world. A chef was not qualified enough if they did not have a META Culinary Certificate. Lu Fan had to make this happen.

Apart from Food, he also planned to teach people all things META.

His online presence was heavily reliant on Blockchain technology and Artificial and Virtual Intelligence. These were pretty abstract subjects at this point in time.

He needed to start teaching about these things early on and establish himself before the Bitcoin and AI wave hit. At that time, he could just sit back and ride the wave.

As for security and secrecy and all that… Lu Fan was not worried. In fact, he hoped that this knowledge would be spread faster.

The more people participated in Blockchain and blockchain technology, the more processing power he would have.

The server he had set up was already enough for source encryption and once done, not even Nakamoto could undo it. The more people used this technology, the more he would benefit and the faster he could grow.

Just imagining connecting all computers on the web to a public and distributed database network and using all that computational power made him feel giddy.