
First Blood

Litrea's kingdom army

*Thud, thud, thud...*

Or so marched the two thousand-strong army of Litrea. From afar one could only see a sea of black and red. From close, one could see the uniforms and classes of the soldiers.

This army, was known for the unity, blood-lust as well as being able to only identify, the class of the soldiers, such as bowman, swordsman or swordshieldusers. Such was the standard army of Litrea, proficient at moving forward and lasting at position.

The prime reason for that was simple - Joining the army is obligatory, so every soldier has another, so called life-style class, such arrangement would usually be disadventageus during war, for Litrea, however it was an adventage, as every person was taught how to use their skills in army. For example farmers prepared the ground for tents, and were doing manual labour, blacksmith were attending to equipement, tailors to armours and so on...

Such an army was marching at a single city-state, separated from their allies. For todays expedition, however it was slightly different, as at the front of the army was riding a woman in a dress, which due to it's length was covering the sides of the horse - she, the supposed commander, was the daugter of the military advisor, arrogant, greedy and merciless. In some circles, it's talked about how once of her father's concubines got pregnant and she poisoned her, causing miscarriage in order for her, not to lose power and her father's favour.

By her side was riding one of the five great generals of Litrea - Bjorn Nose-Cutter. When talking about him, one must mention that he is one of the few loyal to the crown. While easy to anger, he is as quick to calm down, known for his unpredictability on battlefield (he once cut down one of his higher ups at he battlefield, supposedly he was annoying or so he said.), so if you anger him while he carries a weapon - you better keep your distance and shield in-between.

Soon the saw the city, still small.


*THUMP!* All stood in place, like a statues made by nature without as much as a sway of a spear tip.

"Prepare for siege!" Ordered Bjorn.

*Clang* *shiiing*

The army took out the swords, and stepped to the sides, revaling several siege machines. At the sides of the army, some walked out and started preparing the camp. Soon enought the camp was ready and everyone was busy preparing for battle.

Inside the city

"Was that the right decision my lady?" Questioned the woman in maid uniform.

"It's not like we had any choice. Besides, I have a good feeling about them." Answered Nicole. Normally ofter such a reason, one would be doubtfull, in Lushi family's case however it was different due to their in-born skill: Strenghtened Instincts. This skill appeared only once per generation and as such there was a certain rule within the family - Whoever posses the in-born skill, shall be the next-in-line, untill he/she commits capital offence. This skill was very easy to understand - It strenghtened the instincts, it could help them in deciding during crisis and decide the character of some people. Up till now, there was never a situation, where the skill holder was wrong.

Forest beside the city, half an hour later

'ENEMY!' Tried to shout the guard of the Litrea's camp, however the hand covering his mouth succesfully prevented him from doing so. Soon the guard was laid down on the ground without any armour, standing behind him was he himself. Or at least that's what it looked like.

In reality it was one of the Ryan's bodies. It's race was Doppelganger, otherwise known as shapeshifter.

Name: (None)

Race: Doppelganger


Lv:1 (10%)










Shapeshift Lv.1

  You can shapeshift to last humanoid being, that you have touched within 10min.



Overlooked - Talent

  Your presence is insignificant, as such you are rarely noticed.

!Users Agi needs to be at least half of the other's Prc.

!Ability does not make one invisible.

These were the the spec of the doppelganger.

Next chapter