
Re: Intertwined Destiny

Bai Shuyin, a young high-schooler turned human vegetable, was transmigrated into a novel she casted aside because of how humdrum the plot was. Waking up as the poor sister who was destined to protect her baby brother villain and die a tragic death really was the cherry on the sundae.  Normally Bai Shuyin would just go along with any role she was given since she hated complicated and troublesome things. "I hope this is worth the trouble," was what she thought to herself.  She decided to go against the plot, perhaps, trying to change her fate as she went. However, she just realized that she had almost no clue about the book at all! What she knew was only the main characters and the villain. Not the major problem, not the climax, she didn't even know what happened at the end of the book.  She thought people who transmigrated would have their own system who would elaborate the background of the book and sell hidden powers with countless missions to complete, yet she had none! She truly was a cannon fodder in this book. Bai Shuyin glanced at the little villain that throtelled after her. Should she ask him? What crisis would he go through in the future? Would he even know anything else besides sticking to her side like a glue? The title of this novel was called "The Crown Prince and The Devious Tyrant King". This little boy was nothing but a cute little pie. What caused him to blacken? However, in the unexpected chaos, love came hitting her out of nowhere. She was faced with a love interest in the form of a flamboyant red peacock, whom she found herself falling for.  The wind blew gently against the red crimson hair, those indigo eyes burned into her own. With one knee on the ground; a gesture that shouldn't be done by a crown prince, and a hand stretched out towards her, he said, "Are you willing to rule over the world, side by side, with me as your companion?” This story is just about a dumb MC trying to survive in the world that ask too much of what her braincells could comprehend. *The cover is commissioned art, all rights belong to me and the artist, Laylee.

SleepyKola · History
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129 Chs

I just want to spend more time with you (1)

"W—What's wrong?" The white-haired girl was alarmed. It was definitely rare to see him cry.

"My… My hand…" The crying boy hiccuped, "It hurts…" 

Bai Shuyin frowned, looking down at the wounded hand. For some reason, the injury looked so much bigger than what she remembered. The injury on his palm was long and opened, blood poured and dyed the white bandages red. Even his knuckles were badly bruised. Maybe it had been wounded up before, yet now it laid bare for her to see. It was much more serious than she thought it would be. 

"That's why I told you I would do it for you," The older sister poked the boy on his forehead. Now she felt awful for asking him to carry such a heavy bucket with this injury. "Yet you said it was no big deal." 

Wang Heiyue sniffled and Bai Shuyin immediately softened up. As much as she wanted to smack herself for switching that quickly, she felt like she couldn't help it when it came to this little baby. This bun had her wrapped around his little finger!

She just couldn't stay mad at him, she could never! Who cares if he broke that goddamn hairpin?! That would be her own problem to solve!

Bai Shuyin scoffed at the idea of this little guy being the villain. This crybaby? He was even crying at such little suffering. How was he going to go through the endless misery described in the novel? 

"Hey, hey… Come on, stop crying," Bai Shuyin swiped her thumb under his eyes, clearing the tears. "Didn't you say you are a grown up before? Geez, crying at such little stuff." 

Wang Heiyue rubbed his nose with the sleeves of his robes, wiping the snot. "…Not a crybaby…" 

Chuckling, the white haired girl hurriedly took the bucket and washed the remaining dishes with the speed of lighting. Stacking them up on the side with the others as she finished up. Taking a random clean cloth placed nearby, she dipped it in the water. She pulled Wang Heiyue's arm, dabbed the wet cloth on the wound and cleaned it. 

The little dragon watched her work in his wound silently, again with the piercing gaze despite the wet corners. 

After a while, he finally opened his mouth. "I'm sorry." 

"What for?" Bai Shuyin replied spontaneously. 

"For breaking Yin Yin's hairpin." He blurted out without thinking much. 

Inwardly, Wang Heiyue scoffed. If anything, feeling sorry for breaking that hairpin was the last thing he thought of. In fact, he thought he should have destroyed it completely instead of just leaving a small line like that. 

The dragon realized the jealousy that burned in him, raging like a burning inferno. Over the years, he had grown even more possessive over Yin Yin. The more he felt that way, the more he feared losing her. 

Bai Shuyin raised an eyebrow at that apologetic face, mumbling a 'not mine, exactly' as she continued to dab the blood away, but still, she acknowledged the apology, humming a non committal answer. 

However, after years of living together and growing up side by side, Bai Shuyin was quite confident at deciphering each and every one of his expressions. Despite the apology given, she could sense the hint of reluctance swimming underneath the tone. He might appear sorry with all the watery eyes and expression, his tone of voice didn't suggest so. 

In fact, it sounded too stern, like something annoyed him. He might say sorry but did not feel guilty at all. Bai Shuyin glanced at him while wrapping his hand with the same wet cloth. Her makeshift first aid kit she always kept with her was in their room, but thought this cloth might do the job for an extended period of time. She still had work to do. 

Wang Heiyue panicked inwardly when his Yin Yin paused her work to look at him. Her sky-colored eyes seemed to pierce through him, probably trying to read him like an open book. He had to cut her off before she could read him further. 

Pulling the best puppy face he could muster, he widened his eyes and jutted his bottom lips out. "Is Yin Yin mad at me?" 

This time, Bai Shuyin raised her head to meet Wang Heiyue, a strand of long white hair slipped past her ear. Sitting on the low stool, she looked up at the little dragon's expression and let out a huff. She sighed fondly. "How could I ever stay mad at you?" 

The little dragon almost beamed at that. Being the center of all her love was the most ultimate feeling he would never exchange for. 

"Besides," Bai Shuyin pinched his cheek and pointed out. "You don't sound sorry at all. You just love making trouble for your sister, huh?" 

He smiled despite the stretched face until Bai Shuyin decided to free the hostage. 

"Yin Yin going to return the hairpin then?" Rubbing his throbbing cheek with one hand, Wang Heiyue cocked his head to the side. 

Bai Shuyin didn't give any reply to that. The snowy haired girl patted her little brother's wrapped hand and said. "Isn't it such a nice day out today, Ah Yue? Why don't you explore the city like you always do? You can skip the training for today." 

He took her action of getting around the question as a yes. So she planned to meet with that damn birdy. Again! 

Wang Heiyue clenched and unclenched his fists, ignoring how it stung when he clenched it a little bit too tightly. He tried to contain the uneasiness, the suffocation he felt immensely inside of him. He very much wanted to blurt out 'don't go' to her. 

He was devastated. "Yin Yin coming with me then?" He peered at her. 

"Nope." She said, popping the 'p'. "I have lots of work to do," She pointed at fresh ingredients she was ordered to prepare and gestured at the messy kitchen before a smirk suddenly appeared across her face.