
Prologue: January 11th 2043

Darkness... A Mere soul quietly floated In such thing, not any memory, sense, or reason.

It always so until, a light of consciousness awakened in it.

"Isn't he just the most handsome little cutie in this world?" A woman could be seen resting with a sleeping baby next to her, she is known as Annette, the mother of the baby, she was a beautiful woman in her twenties with blond hair and sapphire eyes.

"Looks like I won the bet Ann." A man chuckled while sitting in another corner of the room, "It's a boy so I get to name him." This man was Elijah, the father of the newborn. He unlike Ann was far more tanned and had black hair with deep brown eyes, despite this he was in fact younger

"Well then, "happy father" what shall be his name?" Ann asked expecting the worst, Elijah had no naming sense!

"I can see what your thinking Ann, but I have the perfect name, I've been planning this for 5 Months! His name shall be Albedo!" Elijah looked really joyful.

"Alright then... He shall be known as Albedo Vinwood!" Ann replied to Elijah while holding Albedo closer to herself.

Both parents had come to a name they agree on, in a childish way, yes, but still a name.

I slightly feel sorry for the poor guy, and hey... I won't be narrating for a long time...

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