
Wrapping Up

Feeling a bit apprehensive about learning more, I interjected, saying, "Actually, is there any way I could talk to them instead? I really don't want to have my family think my sister murdered me, even though they probably wouldn't think like that. I know my sister would think she killed me." Tarrant just looked at me for a while like he was waying the pros and cons.

"I can let you talk to them, but it would cost you your wish, is that acceptable? And before you answer, think first about this. The wish I'm giving you has no limits. It is one of the freebies I'm getting as a new God." Stunned I sit there, no thoughts going through my mind. Eventually, I come to my senses.

"I think I still want to talk to them, I want to resolve everything with them rather than let things go as they will." Tarrant looks at me and smiles again, seeing as I have made my choice.

"Very well, then we better not let keep them waiting." Suddenly, I'm in another room looking at my immediate family. Stunned, I look at them and the rest of the room and notice a gaint tv with the table with two empty mugs. I look at Tarrant with confusion written all over me. " Your family has been watching our entire conversation. I already knew you would pick family over any power, but I had to make sure." Stunned silence was all the sound I could make before I had got tackled by a swarm of bodies. My family ended up running and tripping over themselves to get to me.

"Son, I'm sooo happy to see you again!" Shouted my dad

"Mommy missed you so much." My mom cried. I couldn't reply because I was suffocating, which I didn't know you could as a soul. Then I realized they had bodies and were alive. My sister was hugging the life out of me, crying ugly tears as they ran down her cheeks onto my shoulder. I could barely wheeze out

"Please... get... off... me." The next minute was a tangle of limbs trying to push off of the floor and each other. Once we were separated, I looked over to Tarrant, who had a recliner and a bag of popcorn in his hand, looking very amused.

"Hahaha, that was some of the better entertainment I have ever seen!" My family had the decency to blush after all of that. I turned my head to look at my sister, who while blushing was still crying. Quickly, I rushed over to her and gave her a hug that I had tried to give while they had pinned me down. I felt her stiffen for a second before I got a return hug.

"Even if you heard my conversation with Tarrant. I want you to know it wasn't your fault at all." Not getting a reply but just a tighter hug. I let her cry on my shoulder, letting out her tears. After a while and seeing that she had finished crying, I spoke, "You know if anyone is supposed to be crying, I think it should be me, you know cause I'm dead. Hehehe." Then I felt a smack to the back of my head from who I saw was my mom, who was also scowling. "Hehehe, only kidding, sorry mom." Looking triumphant in still being able to correct her boy then joins the hug soon after my dad joins in still chuckling at my poor joke.

My family then pulls away from me, and we begin to talk. It seems that Tarrant pulled them from Earth just after I had been shoved into the morgue and explained what had happened to me and what was going to happen going forward. After a tearful reunion and a few more hugs. I faced Tarrant "Okay now that I have gotten my wish, I need to pick where I am going, right?"

Tarrant nodded "No actually I told you I already brought your family here before we started talking. But instead of getting a no limits wish, I simply broke it into two wishes that had some limits." Stunned by his willingness to help me, I started to wonder why?

"Why are you helping me so much, going so far as to break the wish you had gotten for ascending?" With a proud look, he answered

"Because I knew what you would choose. Not because of being omniscient but because I looked at your life and saw something I never saw in most people. You simply cared about others and their well-being. I was given free rein to pick someone to reincarnate. I looked at billions and billions of people, and the ones who stood out the most were the ones who simply were kind because they could be." Astonished and feeling a little appreciated, I asked

"Is there anything else I need to know before making my wish?"

"Yes, genie rules apply now, no asking for more wishes, no coming back to life, and no taking anyone with you. Your family already knows this." Looking over at my family, they nodded and gave me a thumbs up, with my sister writing on a board *wish for unlimited food power!* with a cheeky smile. I just deadpan at her gluttony.

Turning away, I say, " Those are some pretty lax limits if you ask me, but I can work with it. Also, before I wish, can I really go to any place, even fictional?"

"Yes you can go anywhere in fact it is encouraged to go fictional as it is easier to create a world based on an original idea rather than a reality where people can be pulled from, like you. I ascended to a group of Gods that only pull from worlds that are unique and have no real contact with the supernatural. But putting you into a fictional world will let me pull souls from it even after your journey there ends. A quid pro quo, you could say."

"Oh, okay, that makes some sense, I guess." It didn't make sense to me why it worked that way, but I simply needed to move on. "So can I wish for a power set, or can it only be one power? Say I want to have Danny Phantom's powers."

"Yes and no. Yes, as in you can wish for it and get them, but you need to have something happen in your life to make it happen if you wish for a power set like that."

"Could I wish to be bitten by a ghost spider that gives me Danny Phantom's power?"

"Now you're thinking, yes, you could have that happen," Tarrant says, grinning. I look towards my family they look a little confused by my questions. I simply smile at them, while my sister has scratched out her previous wish with a new one saying, *Wish for unlimited food AND drinks power!* Once again, I deadpan at her. I start to really think about the power or powers I want. I could go big and say like I want the power of omnipotence, but something is telling me if that was the choice, it would be the wrong one. My family started to tell me that I had already made a great wish except my sister, who is still trying to get me to wish for unlimited food power.

"Before I finalize my wish, what worlds can you send me to?"

"I can send you to any world fictional or not it is your choice, but be warned once there, I can not help you in any way. So if you want to travel to more than one world you better go to a world with the capability to do that. Or wish for dimension hopping power."

"Hmmm, I don't know, could I have a list of options that would allow me to eventually dimension hop?"

"You know what? Sure, let me go get that. I actually want to see this list myself as well." He pulls what appears to be a smartphone looking device and types for a couple of seconds. "Alright, here you go, a list of worlds that allow you to eventually start dimension hopping." He waves his hand, and a paper appears with a lot of options on where I can go. But out of all the options, only a couple really stick out to me.

Harry Potter

The Elder Scrolls



Solo leveling




Star vs. The Forces of Evil

My family looks over my shoulder as I start to pick out worlds I would like to go to. When I feel a hand grip my shoulder. "Lil' Brudder, what are thinking, picking these worlds they are all super dangerous!"

"Yeah, I know, but they are the world's that will allow me to travel the multiverse. Also, I think I know which one I want to go for, but I'm curious if I can have my own version of this place made."

" Which place are you thinking about, son?"

"Marvel," I said quickly


My whole family looks at me like I am crazy.

"Are you sure about that, we all know how dangerous that world is. We want you to be able to live a long life even only in one world rather than live a short one in multiple, but this is your choice, so we will accept it no matter what. Just know we love you in any world." My mom says with tears in her eyes. I put my list down and look at my family. We both realize that as soon as I make my wish and destination, I will be irrevocably separated from them once more.

"Mom, Dad, Big Sis... I love you all, but I'm dead. My options are either go to the afterlife or go to a world of magic and adventure. Living somewhere, I can just let loose, have fun, and meet and make new friends." I look at them each, memorizing how each of their faces. "I don't want to live in a world of safety and routine. Why would I when I can all the adventure I can." I look back to list I had put down and start pondering my options once more." All the while, my parents are accepting and realizing that while I have died, I still want to live my life as best I can. "I know what my wish will be. Tarrant, I want all the powers of Sipder-man and to be reincarnated into Marvel." My family just looked at me with smiles.

"All right, I can send you there, but it is going to be like the comics version and the movies combined. I'll also make you the same age as Peter parker, but you'll have to figure out the rest. I think it is time for all of us to go now."

"Yeah, I think so too, but before I go, can I say goodbye?"

"Of course you can." I didn't need to hear anything else. I looked over to my family and tried to say something, but the words couldn't even make it past my throat. So instead gave them the biggest hug I could. We all stayed like that for a long time. When I felt Tarrant tap me on my shoulder. "It is time to go." My family pulled away from me and I let them go, but not before flashing them with the biggest smile I could.

"Goodbye I will miss you, love you all." Then a flash of light and darkness.

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