
Chapter 2: 1,001st life (Edited)

MCU Earth

(Not sure about the number, was it 191919 or 19999, or 616?)

Year 2010

Culver University, Virginia

In a private place of Samuel Sterns aka Mr. blue, a handsome man laid unconscious, after injecting what was supposed to be a cure for his 'situation'.

Only for it to be countered with anti-bodies when he turned literally green, and big, and angry after the injection.

That's right, he turned to the Hulk. After countering the cure however, he turned back to normal and lost consciousness.

Soon, men in black uniform suits that obviously belongs to the military came.

They took the unconscious man and restrained him, his companion, a pretty woman named Betty, was brought along with him.

However, Emil Blonsky, the leader of the unit that came, seemed to have a different plan by staying behind with Mr. blue.





Inside Bruce's inner self was three individuals. Bruce and Hulk were both passed out as they both laid peacefully, in their soul/astral form.

The 3rd individual was a young man in normal clothes. A white t shirt and a grey short. Scars could be seen on his legs, arms, and necks. If asked to take his shirt off, more scars would be seen.

"He really made it, so it'll be easy for me to replace the soul inside the body. What's more is that this one clearly has two souls, one ordinary and one not very ordinary, almost incredible."

"Well, time to do what I'm supposed to do." Diablo, clearly the third individual, absorbed both individual carefully, doing so, he'll become Bruce banner himself, inheriting his memories, along with his alter ego Hulk, but, under his control.

'Hmmmn, what a weak and old body, this one's already 49 years old, I'll have to fix his figure later on.' he thought. (According to wiki and google based MCU events)

'The other soul seemed young despite its appearance, about 10-11 years old, i guess?' All of which he deducted based on the memories of Bruce. (Still according to wiki and google, based MCU events)

The process took a while but was successful. When he opened his eyes, first thing he noticed was that it was noisy.

"Uhh, where am I? it's so loud." he said.

Betty saw him open his eyes and tried to say something, but she couldn't hear him.

She picked up a head set and put it on him while she herself was already wearing one.

"Bruce! You're awake! Are you okay?" she asked with concern.

He heard her clearly and calmly replied. "I'm fine- Betty. Thanks. Where are we?" he hesitated calling her before asking, as he tried to sort out the memories he absorbed.

"We're inside a helicopter."

"Ah, that explains the noise. urgh." he felt a bit lightheaded after the absorption process of the two souls which was Bruce Banner and Hulk.

"Are you sure you're, okay?" Endou or now Bruce nodded to this question.

Then another voice was heard through the comms.

"Sir! we have urgent report that the Hulk is rampaging in Harlem!" Ross, who was with them, was surprised to hear this.

"What do you mean? the Hulk is already with us, that's not possible." As if to answer his question, they heard a loud explosion and a very loud roar, it reached their ears even with the head set on.

They tried peeking through the glass window of the helicopter, and they saw a giant creature in brown skin with bones protruding from his back, elbows and knees, his head devoid of any hair.

It rampaged and destroyed the platoon already in place, along with civilians that was near the area.

Betty then looked at her father with disgust and shouted in anger.


"You created him!!! One was not enough that you just had to create another? what is wrong with you?!!" She started slapping her father's body again and again while Ross didn't even defend himself.

"What is wrong with you!!?!" Bruce had to stop her even with a hand cuff on before she slaps her father in the face.

The general was speechless, he couldn't answer his daughter's complaint.

"I-" was all he could muster, ashamed of what's happening below them. He was indeed responsible for exposing Emil Blonsky with gamma radiation however little, but that one right there was clearly no longer his fault.

Breaking the silence in a very loud environment, Bruce spoke.

"General, how about a deal.?" Ross and Betty heard him, and both looked at him, curious of what he's going to say.

"Let's hear it." Ross said with a hesitant tone.

"I go down there and take care of your mess. You leave me alone for as long as no incident happens after this, if an accident even happens again, you're free and welcome to capture me. But, until then, you leave me alone." Bruce offered with a determined eye and expression.

Ross could feel something different about the man, he could feel his confidence that he's actually going to do it. Unlike his very first impression of him as a goody two shoes when he and his daughter started working for him.

Even Betty was thinking the same way upon looking at Bruce. Something, something was different about her Bruce.

Ross didn't agree immediately, still hesitant even with Bruce's confident look.

Then, a roar was heard once more along with explosions.

"Dad, why are you hesitating?" his daughter said and added.

"You heard him, he told you, you can start capturing him if he loses control again after this! Besides, he's the only one we have right now that could stop that thing!"

Finally swayed by his daughter, Ross accepted the deal.

"Fine, we have a deal." He shook Bruce's cuffed hands which the latter offered to seal the deal as he said.

"You won't regret thia General."

Bruce then turned to Betty, and somehow, she could feel, that whatever he's going to say next, won't be something she will like.

Her expression gave her away, so Bruce held her hands and smiled at her.

"Betty, I want you to live and lead a happy life. Please, forget about me." he said earnestly.

But the girl immediately cried and shook her head in denial.

"No, please. You just came back, don't leave me again." she pleaded.

"I'm sorry." was Bruce's reply as his eyes turned scarlet red with three Tomoe circling around it. His back was turned to Ross, so he was not able to see the change in his eyes.

Using simple Genjutsu, he controlled her to agree and forget about him. His feelings for her were from the former Bruce Banner, it was simply a remnant due to the memories from the soul he consumed.

He was no longer the old Bruce; he was the new one. And he will start alone even if it means severing connections to the people the old him knew.

"Okay." was Betty's reply in monotonous tone, Bruce let go of her hands. Though Betty was controlled, tears still ran through her cheeks. What was that about bonds? Memories can be erased but feelings remain. You can't break it by taking away their memories.

And forcefully breaking those bonds hurts Betty more than Bruce could ever know but not something he cannot relate for he has suffered more than that.

With that settled, the doors of the chopper were opened. When he was about to jump, no one bothered to say anything about his handcuffs on, so he jumped even with it on.

With a little control, he broke the handcuffs along with his shoes, as he started transforming, his clothes were ripped apart and blown by the wind.

The remaining clothes on him were ripped to pieces, gone in the wind, what remains were purple pants, that almost look like a short, due to its lower part being ripped too.

Bruce controlled his landing by flipping a few rounds, and ended up doing the super hero landing. (Deadpool reference)

His landing shook the area and wind blew from it, alerting the cars parked nearby along with another brown giant.

"Hulk..." says the abomination, his tone clearly excited of clashing with the Hulk.

Unfortunately for him, the Hulk that landed was no longer the same.

Hulk himself didn't lose his mind as Endou/Bruce was now in control.

(will be referring to him as Bruce from now on once in normal form and Hulk when he transformed)

He looked at his hands and flexed them, feeling the familiarity on how to use such a giant body brimming with physical energy.

'It's a good thing I already have a sparring partner to test out this body's physical prowess without using chakra. I need to have a clear understanding of this world first before showing my cards.'

He looked at the abomination, the latter looked at him with a smirk and started walking, the walk turned to jog, then to a slow run, then to a dash.

Hulk simply waited for the enemy to arrive at him. The abomination clenched his fist and used his momentum to launch a very powerful right punch.

But Hulk simply dodge to the left by side stepping. 'huh?' the abomination was baffled.

Since when did the hulk learned to dodge, he's always had tanked any and all attacks against him, that's why he's called the hulk. So, what just happened.?

Before he could finish his line of thought however, he felt pain in his stomach, only to see Hulk's left leg planted into him. Hulk did a roundhouse kick after dodging, it was smooth and fast, the abomination failed to notice it.

Abomination PoV

Ever since I started hunting the Hulk, I have received little by little dose of gamma radiation serum, the one developed by Dr. Banner, the current Hulk.

But even then, I was nowhere close to the strength of the Hulk, and was even beaten badly on our last encounter, on the grounds of Culver University.

But then, we finally captured him in the end. By some coincidence, the target wasn't transformed and passed out.

When I asked the owner of the place, I just knew, my time has come. I forced him to make me just like the Hulk.

But according to him, since I have already been receiving quite a dose, it'll be more than that. I'll be an abomination! Someone stronger than that of the Hulk!

After receiving my newfound strength, I rampaged and destroyed the streets with great excitement! Even the military was crushed easily by my hands.

This! this is what real strength is!

Then I heard it, something fell from the skies. Once the area where it dropped cleared, I could see the Hulk.

His face, it was just as I remembered it but something's off. He was not screaming, nor was he enraged. The first time I saw him, I could feel his wrathful emotions before. But now, he seems calm?

Whatever, all I have to do is beat him up! I will show him, that I Blonsky- no, I the abomination, have surpassed him!

Slowly I walked and ran then dashed towards him. I prepared a right punch to his face, but somehow, he dodge?

What the-

I couldn't finish my thoughts when I felt a slight pain in my stomach, only to see him kick me. Did he just do a roundhouse kick? what the fuck's going on, when did the Hulk learn to fight like this?!!

I took it like a man and firmed myself to launch another attack with my fists.

But each blow he easily caught, avoided, and blocked like a professional fighter. While also counter attacking with a fist of his own, sometimes a kick.

What's more confusing was that I couldn't even avoid any of his attack. It was like, I wasn't fighting the Hulk anymore.

"Y- You.." I muttered after gaining some distance from his attacks. I could feel it, although his attacks hurt a little, it was weak! If I could just land a blow to him, then I will win!

"Your punches doesn't even hurt; you don't deserve to wield this power! Let me show why!" I told him in contempt as I rushed towards him.

Hulk PoV

Well, the enemy was clearly physically stronger than me. (Hulk currently has a calm emotion that why he's weaker and his normal transformation is weaker. It's only when he gets more angry that he surpasses the abomination.)

Other than that, he's nothing. He's letting his emotions control him that fighting him feels like a walk in the park.

Even if I don't use chakra and just rely on this transformation, I can defeat him however long it takes. I could feel an almost limitless stamina from this form, and if I want to, I think I can become stronger if I let lose my anger.

But why would I do something which will make me do things I don't want to? I might not have a choice these last lifetimes, but now I have control over it. I have my free will back. I thought as a smirk forms itself on my mouth.





Up in the sky, inside the chopper where Bruce came down from.

The father and daughter were watching as the Hulk was fighting the abomination. Actually, calling it a fight wasn't even correct anymore, as Hulk kept on punching and kicking the abomination without fail, while the latter failed to land even a single hit.

The fight continued to move deeper into the city, until at some point they could see flying robot drones in the sky shooting at a leading one, this was Ironman.

Their fight actually brought them closer to the Stark Expo, and based on the situation, it seems an accident occurred, if not why would Ironman be chased by multiple drones while being shot at?

"Father, what's happening. And why are those flying robots attacking Ironman?" Tony Stark announced his identity to the public as Ironman, which further brought fame to him, so Betty recognizing him was no surprise.

"This is where the Stark Expo was supposed to be held, Justin Hammer was sent to showcase the government's strength to ensure public safety. But it looks like an accident happened." as a general, Ross was of course informed of this.

"Why is there always an accident when it involves government weapons? first Bruce and now this?! I'm starting to lose faith in the government," Ross could only lament upon hearing his daughter's words.

Moments ago, when the Expo began, Hammer unveils Vanko's armored drones, led by Rhodes in a heavily weaponized version of the prototype armor he stole from his best friend Tony Stark AKA Ironman who was being chased at the moment.

Tony Stark arrives to warn Rhodes about an attack, but Vanko takes remote control of all the drones and Rhodes' armor and attacks Stark.

Then Romanoff (SHIELD agent) and Stark's bodyguard Happy Hogan went after Vanko at Hammer's factory. Vanko escapes, but Romanoff returns control of Rhodes' armor to him.

Currently, Tony and Rhodes finished the remaining drones, while Vanko in a new suit of armor was slowly approaching their location.

While the abomination was just outside that building where they're located as they defeated the last of the drones.

"Roaaarr!!! I'll kill you!!" abomination loudly roared and shouted, clearly frustrated for being a punching bag for the Hulk.

He dashed towards the Hulk again, then change his tactic by jumping a distance away to reach the Hulk faster.

'It's like he's asking me to uppercut him in the air by how slow he's falling' Hulk thought.

After a few hundred years of being a shinobi, a simple battle as this, no longer interests him. Though he was currently not yet on his peak with just Genin level of Chakra

'Let's add a bit of strength to my fist, shall we.' Hulk focused on his emotions and tamed it, such a feat was one of he many skills needed on his very first life as the devil. This skill was useless once his free will was ripped from him in the Naruto world, but now.

Slowly his eyes glowed green as his muscles hardened and exude invisible pressure.

As the abomination fell on him, fist first, dodging it was simple by Hulk, he used the enemy's momentum to land a counter punch on abomination's gut.


Abomination threw up blood along with air and water inside him, as the strengthened punch connected to his gut.


His body was thrown away like a speeding arrow and blew a hole inside the building where two ironmen were fighting another villain, Ivan Vanko.

"Wha-" was Ross's reaction, while Betty was just as shocked but didn't say anything.


Abomination crashed inside and was noticed by Tony, Rhodes and Vanko AKA Whiplash.

All three of them stopped fighting for a moment as they heard loud footsteps nearing them which soon change to louder thuds.






Hulk was bewildered!

For the first time in his thousandth reincarnating life, he was looking at three armored individuals with a very advanced armor.

On his first life, he was shunned not only by his peers, but also by his family for being an introverted person.

He lacked social skills, so they thought him weird, crazy for being different.

That was why anime was a big part of his life, specifically, Naruto. Where the protagonist was treated almost the same as him.

He longed for that part where the protagonist was acknowledged, and slowly stepped up and became strong, eventually becoming a hero for the very village that shunned him.

Enough of that, although he focused on watching Naruto, he also watched a limited number of films which involves robots too such as the Terminator movies.

[AN: No, he has no knowledge of the MCU but he did watched Star Wars but never understood the story. It was only the abilities and the light sabers which fascinated him.]

But this one right here, it was real! He totally can't miss this one out!

Hulk began jumping inside the building when he was near it! If he didn't destroy the roofs upon landing, he could've been mistaken to be weightless with how high he jumped.


A ground shaking landing was heard by three armored individuals.

"What the hell's going on? it's just one after the other!" complained Tony.

"Look alive Tony, we're not alone." Rhodes way of calming down, very military.

Vanko was surprisingly not saying anything, he of course saw the abomination upon landing here. But the new addition didn't make things easier.

'Woah!' Hulk was stammered upon seeing the three individuals inside some kind of futuristic armors. All three had their helmets off/open.

'Imagine if I got inside one too?!!' was his thoughts.

If this was still the anime world, his eyes would look like that of Luffy, chopper and Ussop when they saw Franky after 2 years.

Hulk was slowly walking towards Tony and Rhodes. Creeping out the two as they look at him.

"Go away!" Tony aimed his right hand, and a very small missile was shot. The very same one he used to blow up a tank, when he debuted for the first time. Can't blame him, Hulk was green and big which made him just a bit afraid.

Hulk saw it coming and dodged expertly like Neo while saying "Woaaaah!!!"

This shocked the three armored individuals.

"Did that thing, seriously just dodged a missile like Neo in the Matrix movie?!!" Rhodey blurted out.


The missile exploded behind Hulk.

"Did you seriously just shoot me with a fucking missile?!!!" Hulk demanded.

"Dude! that thing talks!" Tony just said the obvious.

"Of course, I can! I have a mouth!" Tony heard this and felt a bit guilty.

"Uhmm, sorry?"

"Why did you apologize to that thing?" Rhodes asked, as if the Hulk still haven't registered to him as an individual with intellect.

"I am not a thing!" Hulk shouted.

"I am..." and trailed off there thinking what to call himself in this form.

"You're what?" Tony asked curiously

He then recalled earlier the report about a rampage from a certain individual, when he was on the chopper.

"I am Hulk!"

"You're that target General Ross was hunting!" Rhodey blurted out upon hearing him introduce himself, Rhodes as military was only aware of the name of the target.

But seeing the target in person was a shock to behold. The target was actually a green bulking giant!

"Well yeah, but I was cleaning up his mess." He said while pointing down his fingers towards abomination who was out cold.

"Enough!!!" Vanko interrupted their conversation and charged at Hulk.

"This was supposed to be the time for my revenge! Don't get in my way!"


A whip coated with electricity was brought down from Vanko's right arm.

Hulk side stepped to dodge the attack coming from above, but another one came from Vanko's left arm aimed to strike him from his right, horizontally.

This time Hulk side flipped to dodge the whip by a hair's breadth. Shocking the duo ironmen once more. This led on to Vanko furiously whipping Hulk, only for Hulk to dodge it effortlessly.

Hulk then caught the whips after a failed attempt, the electricity tickled him. Using the whip caught in his hands, he pulled and threw Vanko like a ragdoll to the ground.

Once, twice, thrice and 4 times before throwing him away.

[Whistle sound] by Tony

"Uh, thanks?"

"It was nothing, do you think he's still alive?" Hulk asked.

"He should be. If his hammer tech was developed by hammer himself, then maybe not. But him tinkering into it, he might." Tony explained.

"Tony, are you seriously having a conversation with the Hulk like you guys are buddies.?!" Rhodey asked in panic.

"Okay, that's it. what's your problem with me huh? can't you see I can properly talk and understand you?! Which part of the phrase 'cleaning the general's ass' did you not understand?" Hulk said, clearly annoyed by Rhodey's behaviour.

"Hulk!!!" abomination shouted, finally back up once more.

"We're not done yet! ahhhh!!" he rushed and charged towards the Hulk.

Hulk hearing this didn't lessen what he was feeling at the moment. His anger was clear as he looked at the roaring abomination rush up to him.

Abomination arrived at Hulk with full force and momentum, he swung his fist at the Hulk with all his might.


The shockwave of the fist was felt by both ironmen even with the armor on, they of course were unscathed, and just felt it.

Clenching his right fist, Hulk actually caught the punch with his left hand. With rage, he punched the abomination with a right hook!

His strength has already surpassed the abomination.

Earlier on his first transformation or shall we say base form as hulk, the abomination was stronger than him.

That was why even though he's connected a lot of punches and kicks earlier, the opponent didn't look hurt or damaged at all.

But now,

"YOU'RE." then a left hook

"TOO." then a right upper cut

"DAMN!" then a round house kick to the gut sending the abomination away.

"NOISY!" Hulk complained as he brawled the abomination.


Abomination broke through the walls of the building and was sent outside the streets.

The too ironmen were perplexed upon witnessing what just happened.

"Um, Tony?" Rhodes asked with a shaky breath.

"Remind me not to annoy him again."

"Sure, remind me not to shoot a missile at him again. Deal?"

"Deal." a very serious pact of agreement was sealed that day. And will probably grow more in time.

With that done, Hulk looked back at the two ironmen who were probably too scared, to get on his nerves.

"Can you call General Ross and ask if we need to kill the guy I just kicked out of the building?" Hulk asked in one go.

"Yeah, I'll do it, give me a sec. Call General Ross." was Rhodey's fast reply as he commanded his suit.

"So, Hulk, how'd you end up like that.?" asked Tony, which got him a glare from Rhodes. He gestured with his lips a question 'what?'

"Long story short? experiment gone wrong." Hulk replied

"General Ross says he needs him alive for the deal to happen." Rhodey cut in.


"Deal? what deal?" asked Tony.

"Just a little deal so he'd leave me alone unless I decide to loose control again after this and go on a rampage."

"Will you?"

"No, of course not. I made a deal, so he'd leave me alone."


"Oh, come on, why can't bad people just stay down once beaten? I'm itching to put them down for good." Hulk complained.

Not a moment later, abomination walked inside.

"I'm not yet defeated, Hulk!"


Vanko landed a few distance from the abomination.

"Stark! I will have my revenge!" was his catchphrase as he opened his helmet.

"Hey wanna switch enemies?" Hulk asked Tony and Rhodes.

"I think we're gonna do just fine with whiplash as our enemy." Tony answered.

"Doesn't sound right, what about calling him the whipper?" Hulk suggested.

"Both names suck! But to answer your question, I don't think we're suited to face... whatever kind of abomination that is!" Rhodey pointed at abomination who's clearly ticked by his enemies act.

"You dare chat leisurely in front of me?!!! I will grind you to dust!! Ahhhh!!!" abomination charges at them.

Vanko's helmet closed back in, as he flew into the sky joining abomination's charge. His whips once again coated with electricity was dancing along.

He lashes those whips towards Tony and Rhodes who both weren't idle to be hit by it.

They also took off to the skies to face him, Rhodey shooting the various weapons installed in his suit, while Tony was shooting repulsor beams at Whiplash which was also unable to do much damage.

Their attack wasn't working, so far it just left a dent. Then both got captured by the whips, they then experienced what Vanko did earlier.

But it was only one time as they were thrown away on the second turn.


Two figures in a suit of armor were sent flying and were stuck to the walls, slowly sliding down, and falling.


Another figure was also sent flying but unlike Tony and Rhodes, this was abomination who was thrown out of the building, again.

However, this time, Hulk made sure the abomination's going to be sleeping for a long time by knocking him out cold as his fist glowed green when his anger started to rise even higher.

He saw Tony and Rhodes having a hard time with their enemy and were thrown away, plastered to the walls.

"Need any help?" he asked loud enough for them to hear.

"Nah, we got this. Just sit tight and we'll be done. right Rhodes?"

"Huh? yeah." Rhodes agreed clearly still shaken from being plastered.

"Let's go."

"I would've told to reconsider if it wasn't him who was offering the help." Rhodes commented as they march towards Vanko.



Both of them took off into the air and started raining down bullets and beams. But just like before, Vanko's armor wasn't breached.

"Useless attacks!" was Vanko's verdict as he caught both Tony and Rhodes with his electric whips on each hand, again.

Then Ironman remembered his brawl with Rhodes, just before his buddy took the prototype armor.

"Rhodey! Aim your repulsor at me!" he told his bestfriend while pointing his own at him, with Vanko at the center point.

"I understand, let's do this!" Rhodes also remembered what happened when they did it the last time and aimed his towards Tony.


Two repulsor beam hit each other with Vanko in the middle, who was confused.

"Hahaha, are the both of you already giving up that your now shooting each other?" he asked in glee, as he didn't let go of them from his whips.

"Nope, were still trying to win." Tony answered. As the point where their beams collided formed a circle of power, that grew in time, exploded, and expanded as it did so.


A huge, deafening sound blast and force occurred inside the building, collapsing it down in the aftermath.

Luckily civilians have long been evacuated by SHIELD agents earlier.

Vanko and his armour were at the center of the explosion, tearing him in pieces during the explosion. No bombs blew up with him dying.





A few moments later

2 individuals were lying on the ground, one was Ironman aka Tony Stark. And the other one was Warmachine aka Colonel James Rupert "Rhodey" Rhodes.

The heck, that's a very long name, but yeah that's the other one lying on the ground. XD

Sound of footsteps was heard as both regained their consciousness.

"Are you both alright?" asked an unfamiliar voice.

"Yep, just need burger and fries, then I'll be totally good."

"I'm sorry, who are you?" asked Rhodes towards an unfamiliar man who was wearing security clothes.

"I'm Hulk. Also known as Dr. Bruce Banner." he answered, surprising the two.


[AN: So, MC currently have 3 tomoe sharingan but with only Genin level of chakra which he only used on Betty.]

End of chapter 2

4870 words

So if you can probably guess I just combined two chapters together after editing.

Human_Sinnercreators' thoughts
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