
My Name Is!

Hogwarts was starting in 3 months, but before that Shawn was to receive his true name. To a God, their true name was something that defined them and molded them they would be as their name said they were to be, This often brought out the question "Who gives the names" although none could answer, When receiving a name it seems to come from the soul itself.

10:25 am

This was the day that I will receive my Name. Mother says It will be easy and I shouldn't think too hard, Father, On the other hand, Seemed pretty anxious as he was constantly checking in with Shawn.

"It's Time Shawn!" Isis said knocking on the open door

"Let's Do It..." It was unconvincing at best but it was something, His father walked with them to the Ceremony Room which was made entirely of Soul energy and that was supposed to bring out the name.

"Enter" Chris had said

Walking forward Shawn took a step into the room and immediately noticed the soul pressure, The pressure was almost primal like it was attacking and healing him but at inconsistent rates.

"We'll See you soon Shawn!" Isis called before shutting the door.

"Goodbye, Mom, Dad..." I mumbled with weird emotions running through me, 'Lets Focus Shawn!'

I entered the Lotus position and began to clear my mind.

10 Minutes later

"So who are you?" "Who do you want to be?" "Answer the question boy!" "Clear your mind and concentrate!" "Focus on who you want to be!" "Who are you!!!" "Who will you be!!!"

"Clear your mind, Shawn, My name is Minerva I am here to help," Minerva said softly somehow drowning out the echo of voices that began to plague him.

"Minerva? Thank you for your assistance but I must endure this trial on my own." I said softly

The woman didn't answer instead she seemed to smile "Very well maybe you are worthy of his name after all..." Minerva said before she turned into flowers that slowly drifted to the floor.

"My name will be my own," Shawn replied

The voices were back but worse this time there were thousands, But Shawn had paid no attention to them as his instincts told him to stand and walk forward, Deeper into this Place.

"My name Is Tyr Will you take my name?" Tyr said

"I will not, My name will be my own" Resolution evident in my tone.

"Then continue," Tyr said before he turned to fog

10 Minutes of walking later

"I have no name will you Inherit me," The voice with no name said

"No, I know who I want to be," I said and continued walking not even looking back to see if he disappeared.

"Enough walking, If my name won't come forward then I will name My self!" Sawn yelled shaking everything even his own soul, His soul started shaking more and more as if something was coming.

A Roar Emerged as if tearing through realms to arrive and Shawn split in two "My Name Is Solomon, The King of Kings The God of Gods, Everything is in the palm of my hands and you will Inherit my name!" Solomon echoed

"Why would I take your Name?" Shawn asked not baking down

"This Is your name Boy, Not mine! It was Never My Name! I have Guarded it since time immemorial awaiting the one to take it from me, This is you Now I LESTHERA Resign my name to you" He said as he the world shook violently so much so that Shawn had to use levitation to stay stable.

1 Hour later

"It feels as if it was always meant to be my name, It Resonates on the most primal level," Shawn said thinking aloud. "What had the old man said? It was Never My Name?" "Very well He may have been lying but Its Resonance is hard to disagree with, It is time to leave." Shawn waved his hand opening the 'Gate' out of the realm, "Mother, Father? I am back!" I yelled.

there's another!

Orionwasherecreators' thoughts
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