
Mother And Father And Godhood

After a solid day, Sheppard was born and renamed as 'Shawn Price' his parents were genuine Gods and apparently, God Children grew up either really quickly or really slowly or occasionally at an Average rate, I could tell they wanted a more normal growth rate and they held me close as the moved about, They were trying to show me off the the company they had, Zeus and many other Gods came to pay their respects to the two, Zeus's siblings Hades and Poseidon followed behind, Then Ra, Then a Golden humanoid light then many others, They all came to the child and pressed a finger to their foreheads and surprisingly Implanting him with their blessings and then congratulating the couple they left.

[The Blessings are just formalities and don't do much other than give him some protection when in there domains]


Shawn's Life was pretty basic and his parents loved it, He progressed faster than a normal baby but even faster mentally, His baby brain couldn't handle his adult thoughts and he could only stay awake for 3 hour time, Now he could remain awake for 6 hours straight.

Now 2 months old, His parents were out and he was comprehending magic and how to absorb it, the magic was like clouds of shimmering light that existed all around the earth in many different shapes like the clouds or even floating rivers of magic energy it was untamed life-giving energy and it tempered him quickly.

His Celestial body was already active and brought the celestial energy to temper his mind, Body, and Soul, With his new body he was nearly immortal, He could still die by another's hand although hard to kill as he may be, His body could survive if even one strand of celestial energy was around somewhere.


"How's my baby boy!" his Mother said seeking him out,

"Aguuu!" Shawn strained to greet her his voice coming out as baby talk,

"Awwww, My baby is so cute! who is the cutest boy in the whole world!" his mother said playfully

"Obviously that's me" Chis Aka Chaos chimed in, coming from the kitchen with his bottle.

"Haha, You're cute as well, Chris" Isis Laughed

"Our boy will be a real heart stealer huh?" Chris asked

"He's our son, of course, he will have admirers everywhere!" Isis Exclaimed Proudly.

"Ruuuuu!!" I exclaimed trying to tell them I'm not some player.


9 years and 10 months later

Shawn had a childhood he always dreamed of his parents so clearly loved him and his childhood friends were both the sons of Pandora another goddess however she had mated with a mortal man named John who had managed to grab her interest and later love, Shawn at the age of 5 was able to create anything he could envision within 5 meters, his parents were surprised and gleeful by his abilities and talents, Shawn had expressed great interest in the magic arts of this world and his mother taught him everything she knew, Which was insane and would have taken forever as she knew over 2 billion years of stuff.

First, he learned the history of magic

Second, he learned the dangers and the magic beasts and inhuman creatures of magic

Third, He learned plants and potions, Then the arts of healing just in case.

Fourth, He would learn the rest as he learned so quickly, his mother decided to even impart some simple magic to him and had him practice them and she prepared to teach him higher and higher grade magic, but first he would need a safe place to do it so she prepared a gift of a separate realm the size of Alaska surrounded by beaches and a nice 8 story modern mansion to overlook it all coming with furnishing and cleaning phantoms.

Chris his father had been teaching his son how to use his god abilities and powers, and they were close to finding his element in which his godhood would represent, Shawn was pretty sure he was going to go for Love, Entertainment, And Nature as Each resonated with him on a primal and elemental level.

Love was Gentle and Destructive

Entertainment was all things entertaining

And Nature was Raw and Powerful, Untamed and Reverant.

2nd chapter of the day

Orionwasherecreators' thoughts
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