
Everything's going so fast!

"Br-Boss! You're back!" Jack ran to the blonde man. "We have little...situation."

"Looks like we might have a client, Fardo." Marrow said to the blonde man. "Not much money though."

"Where to?" Fardo entered the camp and put down the bear. He also unequipped his gear as he threw a glance towards Seraphina. "We still need to get the White Wolf's fang. Tell them we'll be able to go in a week."

"Hello, I'm right here." Seraphina was nervous, but something really irked her about this man ignoring her. "You can say it to me yourself."

"Oh, I'm sorry, and you are?" Fardo was taken by surprise. Usually, enforcers would just come into camp to trade then leave. They had almost no interaction with his group.

"Our client, Boss." Jack said with a helpless sigh. "She apparently lost her memories. All she remembers is her name, Seraphina, and that she needs to get to the core regions."

"I see..." Fardo looked Seraphina up and down. "Seraphina, do you remember waking up with a small black and white flower next to you or in your hand?"

"You think it's a Rebirth Flower?" Marrow was taken aback. "There's no way. If it was a Rebirth Flower, she wouldn't remember how to walk, let alone her name and country of origin."

"Maybe it's a Rebirth Flower that hasn't ripened yet?" Fardo threw out the idea. "They only appear in the market after a God-rank goes in and retrieves a batch of them."

"I think it's unlikely...maybe she just hit her head?" Marrow proposed, his tone unsure.

"She's an enforcer. She has to be at least at the Beginner-rank." Fardo looked at Seraphina. "A few hits to the head won't cause her to lose her memory."

At that moment, Seraphina felt a sharp pain at the mention of her head. She touched the back of her head, and when she did, she saw blood. "Uhm...excuse me?"

"Hm?" Fardo and Marrow both turned to her.

"I'm...bleeding..." Seraphina awkwardly said.

"No fucking way..." Fardo looked at Marrow with wide eyes. He then turned to Seraphina, "Seraphina, do you have any idea where you woke up?"

"Somewhere about 30 or 40 minutes in that direction." Seraphina pointed to the west.

Fardo and Marrow shared a look before Fardo's eyes turned serious. "Everyone, pack up! We're leaving!"

"But Boss, why?" Jack asked with hurry. It was his only chance to get actual life and death fights. No one would learn what to do to not panic, if they were always in a controlled environment. "Can't we stay here for a week?"

"Jack, there's something out there that can knock the memories out of a Beginner-rank." Fardo looked at his half-brother. "I'm only at the middle stages of the Beginner-rank. If I fight that thing, I'll most likely lose. Even if she weakened it, I'm not taking chances."

Jack's words got stuck in his throat as he listened to his boss. Something his boss couldn't handle was not something they could handle, even with the whole camp, minus Fardo, working together.

"Alright ever-"

"Wait, Boss!" Jack went after his leader with a smile. "What about you teaming up with the enforcer?"

Fardo's eyes widened. He threw his weapon to the side and rushed Seraphina. He knelt down and tried to tackle her, but what happened surprised him greatly.


Seraphina axe-kicked him in the back with a blank, cold, and unfocused face. She slammed him into the ground through muscle memory alone, causing the ground to slightly shake. The sheer force caused him to lose consciousness for a few seconds.

"What the hell? That was World Energy!!" Fardo stood up clutching his chest with a smile. "She's a damn Intermediate-rank!"

Jack smiled as well, they had an Intermediate-rank in their team! Then it hit them...their opponent would be something that caused an Intermediate-rank fighter to lose her memories. All their smiles turned into horrified expressions. They all started to move their hands, packing up even faster than before. They had to get out of here!!

"Huh?" Seraphina's eyes stopped looking cold as focus returned to them. "What's going on? Why's everyone so panicked?"

"Here's a sword, equip it well then help us carry stuff!" Fardo looked through one of the tents then threw one of the swords there to Seraphina.

"Why would I-" Seraphina's words were cut short when she gripped the sword's handle. Memories of a night stained red, her right hand nonexistent and her left holding a sword that dripped with blood as corpses littered the ground around her.


She vomited. The spilt second where she saw that scene caused her to lose all feeling in her body as she vomited in disgust. It was one of the memories imprinted onto her soul.

"You alright?" Fardo looked at her, then grit his teeth. He looked to Marrow, the doctor, then whispered. "Marrow, take care of her! She can use World Energy! She can hold off whatever it was that got her for a few moments while we escape!"

"Got it." Marrow whispered back before he ran to Seraphina. He quickly checked up on her. He started thinking as he bandaged her head from the previous bleeding along with a few other minor injuries. 'What the hell? Nothing's wrong with her! Why's she so scared?? Did she maybe sense something?!'

"Fardo! Pick up the pace!" Marrow turned to the leader.

"Everyone! Leave anything that's not worth more than 10 Silvers!" Fardo quickly ordered. 'We need to get the hell out of here!! Maybe she led it towards us...no. This isn't time for a blame game. We need her here. She might be the cause of our problem, but she's going to get us out of it. I'll make sure of it!!'

"Everything's ready, Boss!" a purple haired woman shouted through her helmet. It covered her face and the back of her head, yet it couldn't contain her long hair. It reached near her waist that held two swords. Her silver chestplate covered her large, bandaged, breasts along with a small part of her stomach. Her shirt was a deep red to not stain if blood got on it. She wore black leggings and metal shin guards.

"Good job, Violet!" Fardo looked to the woman with purple hair. "Everyone, move out!"

Seraphina looked around dazed as she wiped the vomit from her mouth before rinsing it with water given to her by Marrow. 'Weren't they all in different places in the camp just now? How are they all ready to leave immediately?'

"Alright! Let's move out!" Fardo said to his team. He then looked at Seraphina. "You and Jack will hold the front."

Jack was ecstatic! The leader entrusted him with the front! "I won't disappoint you, Boss!"

"Make sure we don't get lost, Jack. Guide us well. As for you," Fardo then turned to Seraphina. "when I call for you, I need you next to me. We can hold it off together, maybe even kill it."

Seraphina was overwhelmed. She never agreed to any of this! She was just looking for a way to find the core. However, she still followed Fardo's instructions. He looked like he knew what he was doing and it looked like they were in a dangerous place. Once they got out of here, she'd leave this controlling group and find someone who can help her get to the core.

"Alright...I guess." Seraphina sighed. 'This is going to be a long one, right Dad? Wait...Dad? Great. Now, I'm talking about a damn father I can't even remember.'

Seraphina wore a sad and worried expression on her face throughout the entire trip.

YOOOOO!! Kinda got exams so I'll just dip real quick. I'll drop a chapter tomorrow so look out for that. I'll be back in a month-ish. I'll come back with a...bang. Btw this was posted on 24/6/2022 in case it shows you the chapter release date.

AbyssalSwordcreators' thoughts
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