
Chapter 13


{Age - 744}

[6 Months Later]

It has been 6 months since I started my training at Roshi's, and I have to say it was an amazing experience. I learned lots of things from him during this period. Roshi is kind of like a treasure chest, you can learn amazing things from him.

Now comes the part where I give you all a small recap, so, let me tell you about the things I learned during this time.

First of all, other than Roshi's Turtle style and Drunken fist style, I learned every Martial Art technique he knows. I don't know why he didn't teach Kame style to me, but when I asked him about it, he just simply smiled and said that he'll teach it to me after my training finishes. So yeah, I'm a Martial Arts Master now, I can easily kick any weakling's ass, so make sure you don't piss me off, or I'll come right out of your screen kick your ass.

Now, let's move to the part about my Ki training. First of all, learning how to manipulate Ki from Roshi was a one of a kind experience. The guy is a Genius when it comes to teaching. Let me show you how he taught me the way to manipulate Ki.


[3 Months Ago]

It is Sunday, the day when Roshi teaches me his techniques. Roshi and I were standing on the ground near the Kame house, and I told him about how bad I was when it comes to Ki manipulation.

"Hmm, so, even after practising for so long you are still not able to manipulate Ki properly," Roshi said and got into deep thought.

"Alright, I have an idea that can help you," Roshi announced.

"You can perform magic, right," Roshi asked, and I nodded.

"Great, then create a ball of water with a diameter of 20cm," Roshi said to me.

"How can that help me in controlling Ki, Master," I asked with uncertainty.

"Ahh, just do as I say, I'll explain everything to you," Roshi said to me.

I nodded and focused on creating a big ball of water using magic.

As I was creating the water ball, Roshi started speaking, "You see, Arlic, when I was studying about Ki I came to notice that when it is inside a body it acts like a liquid,"

"So, if a person can skillfully manipulate liquid then that person can also manipulate Ki inside their body," Roshi explained.

"Therefore, until you are not proficient enough to form complex shapes using water, we will continue this exercise," Roshi instructed me.



And the rest is history. This method of learning was so effective that in a few days I got skilled enough to create a live model of Phoenix flying around.

You guys must be thinking, Arlic, didn't you say that your Ki was chaotic and hard to control, so don't worry I'm coming to it. To oppose the chaotic nature of my Ki and have better control over it, I came up with the idea of using an external force to disrupt my control over the water. What was the external force you ask, it was Roshi using his magic to disrupt mine.

By the way, because Roshi didn't have a big magic reserve, this training was limited to around an hour every day. But this idea certainly increased the pace of me gaining better control over my Ki. So, future reincarnates, be sure to note this down, you might need this in future.

Alright, back to the topic we were discussing. Well, when it comes to Ki/Magic techniques Roshi only had a couple, like Thunder Shock Surprise, Kamehameha, and Hypnosis Technique. I knew he had another one in his arsenal, The Mafuba or Evil Containment Wave. But I couldn't ask him to teach it to me directly, and I knew he must have some reason to not teach it to me, as he never backed down from anything that I wanted to learn.

As I already knew Kamehameha, I only had to practice it to master it. Thunder Shock Surprise on the other hand was easy to learn as it's a magical attack, and I already knew magic. After mastering it, I had some ideas for it, as it can be combined with other moves to give them a paralysing effect. So I combined it with Ki orbs and Kamehameha, to form Electric Ki orbs and Electric Kamehameha.

About the last move Hypnosis techniques, although this move doesn't do any damage, I can use it in the times when my enemy is stronger than me.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I have started to work on some techniques of my own. Like I have created a technique where I create multiple balls of different elements and then launch them at the target from all different directions. Oh oh, there's another one where I cover myself with lighting. At the start when I made this technique I thought it would give a shock to anyone who touches me, but when I was trying it I found out that it also increased my speed by a huge margin. I simply don't know where I'm getting these ideas from but I have to say they just pop out of nowhere, I mean most of my memories were erased by Lord Will, so it's just a big mystery to me.

The next technique I created uses both Ki and Magic, but this technique is copied, I mean I copied it and then improved it in my way, and the technique is energy blade. I have seen many characters use energy blades to kill their opponent, so I made one of my own, and I added magic in mine, as for now I only know elemental magic, I have decided to add different elements to the blade according to the situation I'm in.

I have also started practising telekinesis, but as of right now, I'm not that good at it, so it'll take some time before I start using it in battle.

These were all the things that I learned during this period, now let us get back to the present.

Today Roshi did something different, he didn't take me out for training, instead, he helped me in cooking breakfast, and when I thought we would go to train after breakfast, he switched on the T.V. and sat down to watch a movie.

"Master, are we not going to train today?" I questioned.

"Huh, did I not tell you that your training here is finished," Roshi said while scratching his head, and I shook my head.

"Oh, but well now you know it," Roshi said with a chuckle.

"Ehh, but there are lots of things that I still want to learn from you," I replied in panic, "I don't think I'm that good yet,"

"Ho-ho-ho, that's not true at all, my dear student," Roshi said and ruffled my hairs, "You have gotten so good at Martial Arts, that this old man is starting to get jealous of you,"

"But… but..." I tried to reply as tears started to form in my eyes.

Roshi came near me and took me in a tight hug, "There, there, don't cry," he whispered as he rubbed my back.

"It's not like you can't come here again, as soon as your training finishes, just rush over here, then we'll have a celebration party," Roshi said to me.

Roshi then held my shoulders and brought me in front of him then said, "And hey, it's going to be you who'll cook, okay,"

"He-he, yeah, I'll cook, and I'll cook so much food that you won't be able to finish it," I replied as I wiped the tears off my eyes.

"Ho-ho-ho, my dear student, don't even try to challenge me, you don't know how much food I can consume if I get serious," Roshi said with a laugh.

Before I could reply to Roshi, Turtle came running and wrapped his flippers around me, then following him, Phoenix came and wrapped his wings around my head. I fell backwards due to the sudden hug from both of my friends.

"ARLIC/PIIII," Turtle and Phoenix cried together.

"This stupid Roshi didn't even tell me that you're going to leave today, or I would've planned a surprise for you," Turtle said while crying.

"Piii," Phoenix cried.

"Phoenix said that he would've hunted a big animal for your farewell party," Turtle translated Phoenix's words.

"Don't worry guys, I'll come back soon, then we'll have an even bigger feast at that time," I said with a muffled voice.

"ARLIC/PIII," Turtle and Phoenix cried again and tightened their hug.


[10 Minutes Later]

It took 10 minutes for Turtle and Phoenix to stop crying and release me. After they released me, all of us came back to the table to have a chat.

"Take this, Arlic, these belong to you," Roshi said as he gave me a bag and a suitcase.

"Um, Master what is inside them," I inquired in confusion.

"Oh, this bag contains your clothes, and this suitcase contains something that you earned yourself," Roshi said with a kind smile.

"Something I earned myself?" I repeated in confusion, then brought the suitcase near me and opened it.

"MONEY," I exclaimed in surprise as I saw that the suitcase Roshi gave me was filled with banknotes.

"Ho-ho-ho, yes my boy, money, the money you earned by working," Roshi said with a laugh.

"This suitcase contains the 300000 Ƶ (Zeni), that you earned during these 6 months," Roshi explained.

"300.... 300000 Ƶ," I stuttered in shock, "That's a lot of money,"

"He-he, yes my boy, and it's all yours," Roshi said with a chuckle.

"It's time, Arlic, you should leave," Roshi said with a sad tone.

"Um, Master, I forgot to mention but, you never taught me your Turtle style," I said with an awkward tone.

"Huh, I didn't," Roshi asked with surprise, and I shook my head.

"Ho-ho-ho, it seems I still have something to teach you, my little student," Roshi said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Come, let's go outside," Roshi said and got up.

Following behind Roshi, Turtle, Phoenix and I walked to the ground behind the Kame House.

"Stand in front of me, Arlic," Roshi said with a serious tone.

I walked and stood in front of him, and asked, "Master, are you going to teach me the Turtle style,"

Roshi shook his head and replied, "What I'm going to show you is something that I have been working on for the last 20 years,"

"What is it, Master," I asked with confusion.

"Be quiet and let me concentrate, Arlic," Roshi said in a serious tone.

I knew very well that if Roshi said something in a serious attitude, then follow the instructions or you'll regret your actions.

Obeying Roshi's words no one made any sound. As the surrounding area got quiet enough, Roshi closed his eyes and started taking deep breaths to concentrate on the technique he was about to perform.

After a minute or two, Roshi's breathing got normal and he slowly opened his eyes. After taking a look at Roshi, I realized that there was something different about him, but I wasn't able to point out what it was.

"Attack me, Arlic," Roshi said in a calm tone.

"Are you sure," I asked to confirm, and Roshi nodded.

Getting his approval, I got in the position and then threw a punch at Roshi's face, and I stopped my punch just a cm before his face. I was confused at him for not even moving an inch when I tried to punch him.

"Master, why didn't you try to dodge," I asked him as I retracted my arm.

"Because I knew you didn't punch seriously," Roshi replied in a calm tone, "Do it again, but this time do it seriously,"

I nodded and got serious, I jumped and sent a kick at his guts, and this time Roshi reacted, before my kick could even touch him, he bent forward and dodged my attack. I retracted my leg and then landed on it, then sent a roundhouse kick with the other leg at Roshi's head, and he raised his head upwards just before my kick could connect, he dodged my kick with just a cm.

I hopped backwards and took my battle stance. I was confused at what I was seeing, I knew that I am faster and stronger than Roshi. If I ever try to attack him, even if he could dodge it, my attack would at least graze him. But right now whatever I was doing was being dodged by him without any effort.

As I was bewildered by the moves I just watched, my mimicry ability was doing its work by copying whatever Roshi was performing, and suddenly a memory resurfaced in my mind.

'Wait a minute,' I thought to myself as I remembered what Roshi was performing.

'This… this is Roshi's version of Ultra Instinct, but… but how, I thought he started working on it after Z started,' I thought as I was amazed watching something I was super eager to learn.

Suppressing my excitement, I took a deep breath and again rushed at Roshi, 'If I want to copy this technique, I have to make him go all out,'

Reaching just a meter away from Roshi I launched a barrage of punches at him and Roshi started dodging and swatting them away without any difficulty. I started exerting myself even more when suddenly one of my punches grazed Roshi's cheek, realizing Roshi was at his limit I immediately stopped my punches and hopped backwards.

As soon as I moved away, Roshi immediately dropped on his knee and started breathing heavily.

"MASTER, are you okay," I yelled as I rushed to hold Roshi.

"I'm… okay…," Roshi said in a tired voice.

"Master, what was that technique, how were you moving that fast," I inquired as I helped him get up.

Roshi let out a deep breath, and said, "This my dear student is a technique where I move automatically by utilising the instincts I have sharpened during my life as a Martial Artist,"

I took him to Turtle and sat him on top of him.

"As this technique consumes a lot of stamina, it's hard to master, but once mastered, I'm sure one can become invincible," Roshi said as he adjusted himself on top of Turtle.

"This technique is amazing," I said in amazement.

"He-he, it took me 20 years to achieve this much, I'm sure with your talent you'll master it in no time," Roshi said with a chuckle, "After you gain enough experience in Martial Arts, you just need a calm heart and mind to use this technique,"

"What's the name of this technique master," I inquired.

"I have not named it yet, do you have something in your mind," Roshi asked me.

I got into deep thought, "Hmm, oh I know, how about Instinctual Movement,"

"Hmm, I think I can work with that," Roshi replied with a chuckle.

"Um Master, what about the Kame Style," I inquired with an awkward smile.

"Cough," Roshi cleared his throat and said, "Everything you did during these 6 months was comprised of Kame style,"

"Kame style is a Martial Art that is inspired from nature and is taught using nature," Roshi explained.

"Kame style follows the path of self-improvement, learn from each fight you face and grow strong with it," Roshi said with a smile.

"I see, so it's like this," I nodded as I understood his words.

"With this, I have taught you everything, Arlic," Roshi said and placed his hand on my shoulder, "Make sure to keep visiting your old Master,"

"Uhh, Master, what about the Power Pole," I asked.

"Power Pole," Roshi repeated in confusion.

"Ohh, yeah yeah, you came here to retrieve it from me, I somehow totally forgot about that," Roshi replied while awkwardly rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, can you give it to me now," I asked him.

"Ho-ho-ho, you see my dear student I don't have it with me right now," Roshi replied with an awkward laugh.

"Eeehhhhh," I let out a confused cry.


{Current Power Level - 360}


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