
Chapter 29

'How many more Abyssal Beasts did we need to kill?' I complained in my mind.

We killed two more [Abyssal Dog]s during our exploration. I could safely say, we should be already experience enough to deal with these mutts unless there was something unreasonable.

Oh and an interesting thing also happened aside from that, we encountered a group of 5 goblins but with a different demon rulers.

I asked if they were my goblins' allies but they immediately unsheathed their weapon and started attacking each other while unleashing their grudge at each other like someone had killed their comrades .

Well question answered. Naturally, I helped my own fellow reasonable goblins' "comrades" with some hidden agenda.

I tried to make sure that I landed the final blow to complete the minimum survival condition to at least guarantee my survival.

I easily disposed the other group of goblins as they didn't have any long-ranged attacker and mind you my [Fire Ball] was really destructive for a [Hobgoblin] much less a [Goblin].

After killing all of the goblins, I realized that we also contributed in increasing the dead count. I checked the current status of the floor and sure enough.

[Tower of Babel Floor 3 Area 5]

Alive: 20 Dead: 80

"..." On normal circumstances I would not mind mass killing to promote the acceleration of clearing the floor but on this case I probably just dug my own grave on successfully clearing the main objectives.

I turned towards my goblins and said "Why do you kill the other goblins? Aren't you all the same kin?"

The goblins looked at each other for a while before one of them replied "We are the same goblins but we have different rulers."

They explained to me that from birth the goblins were already a part of a tribe und naturally the rulers were the higher ranked demons. Since the Rulers in Hell were all in antagonistic relationships with each other, there were no way a goblin from one Ruler would acknowledge or even consider other goblins from another Ruler as an allies.

I continued to ask more about what they had learned so far from birth and most of the information that I had gotten were already explained by Impuji other than goblins' behavior.

We killed one more [Abyssal Dog] before we finally arrived with a giant door in front of me. Seeing the familiar door, I knew there would be a huge battle after this so I told the goblins to rest up first before we continued.

[Tower of Babel Floor 3 Area 5]

Alive: 10 Dead: 90

Including me there were 5 beings in my group which left me with 5 more beings that were still alive and also unknown factors whether they would screw us or helped us. Hopefully the later.

Suddenly, the tower was shaking as we could feel something was about to fall off, we saw boulders and rubbles falling down and blocking the road that led us to the giant door.

After some time, the tower was silent again and to continue we could only enter the giant door. It seemed to me that the Tower was forcing us to quickly enter the giant door and looking at the boulder behind me, I could see what happened if we wasted more time here.


So we went near the door and pushed it. The giant door was creaking slowly until it was wide open. The goblins went in first followed by me.

We were met again with a familiar circular hall with torches but this time that emitted purple flame. Multiple sounds of creaking door were heard and we put our guard up.

On the right side appeared two humans and on the left side three imps came out of it but one of the imp was a bit different than a normal imp. It was slightly bigger and it's red skin was darker and it's horn was pointier and sharper.

I silently used [Insight] on all the combatants and I was surprised to see that it was an actual [Lesser Fire Imp] that Impuji had talked about.


Level 22 - No Name - No Title

Species: Lesser Fire Imp (Common)



Fire Ball

Lesser Toughness

The other imps were nothing noteworthy as they were weaker than the big imp in my cave. I turned my head towards the two humans and was wary with them as they were very strong.

Level 80 - Derek (Thief B) - No Title

Species: Human

Class: Rogue




Lesser Dagger Mastery

Level 10 - John - No Title

Species: Human

Class: Knight <!>



Lesser Swordmanship

Knight Charge <!>

Battle Aura <!>

Protect <!>


Description: An advanced class from a Warrior when reached level 100. Increased overall stats especially offensive and defensive stat.

[Knight Charge]

Description: An offensive skill that makes you charge at the enemy and closes distances with a blink of an eye. The longer your distance towards the enemy the stronger and more uncontrollable the skill is.

[Battle Aura]

Description: Increased offensive damage and skills to you and your allies.


Description: When protecting you or your ally, decrease damage taken by 50%.

This tower was broken. How the hell could I fight a baron ranked human with a bunch of four goblins and three potential enemies?!

Wait... Suddenly a huge pressure descended onto us and I almost kneeled down facing it. It was like when I faced the Count though it was weaker.

The goblins and imps didn't fare any better and some even fell down and showed fear.

The humans were still able to stand but their expression turned serious and readied themselves.


A huge shadow descended from above us on the center of the hall.


After the dust scattered, I managed to see what monster that we would face soon.

Bloodshot red eyes and giant sharp teeth emitting some kind of purple haze. It resembled an [Abyssal Dog] but it was bigger and the [Abyssal Aura] was thicker.

I hurriedly checked the [Status] of the monster.


Level 30

Species: Alpha Abyssal Dog <!>



Enhanced Abyssal Aura <!>

Leader's Aura <!>

Heavy Crunch


[Alpha Abyssal Dog]

Description: The leader of [Abyssal Dog]s' pack. Stronger than an [Abyssal Dog] in all aspects.

[Enhanced Abyssal Aura]

Description: The enhanced version of [Abyssal Aura]. Causes corrosive damage to an enemy when wounds are inflicted.

[Leader's Aura]

Description: Passive, Increase subordinates' all stats by 5%.

I gulped looking at the status and the skills of the [Alpha Abyssal Dog]. Suddenly, the dog howled loudly and two [Abyssal Dog]s appeared the same way as the [Alpha Abyssal Dog].

'Damn it, the situation has gone from bad to worse. Now we have two more enemies to deal with.'

Next chapter